thirty eight

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nash asks what's for dinner in like every single chapter lmao

• shawn •

It was three in the morning, on a school night, when I got an incoming call from Andrea. I groggily answered the phone and tried to open my eyes.

"Andrea?" I ask tiredly, my voice raspy.

She sniffles on the other end. "Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?"

"First of all, why are you quoting One Direction lyrics at 3 in the morning? Second, are you crying?"

"Yes, I'm crying." she replies shakily and I sit up in my bed quickly.

"What's wrong babe?"

"He's gone..." she whispers.

"Who's gone? Did someone die?"

"Yeah." she squeaks, crying silently on the other end. I ran a hand through my messy hair, not knowing what to say.

"Who's gone?" I ask again.

"Pancakes." I think I hear her say.

I'm confused. "Um... babe, are you okay?"

"My cat!" she cries and it all makes sense now. I didn't know the name of her old, fat grey cat. After all this time I am just now learning his name was Pancakes. "He is dead."

"He was old, Andrea. You knew it was gonna happen soon." I tell her, trying to sound comforting but I've never had to comfort someone over the loss of a cat.

"I know," she sniffles again, "but I've had him since the day I got adopted..."

I frown. "I'm sorry. Maybe you'll get a new kitten sometime soon."

"I'm pathetic." she says.

"No you're not."

"I'm sorry for waking you up."

"I'm glad that you did." I tell her quietly, aware that my parents are across the hall. "Now stop crying babe and go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks. Goodnight Shawn."

After she hangs up the phone, I lay back down in my bed and think for a while. I feel bad for Andrea. Her parents are going to be in a different state for a while and she has nobody there for her right now at home to comfort her over the loss of her childhood cat.

I know sometimes we didn't get along, but I'd always be there for her. I'm falling all over again, even when I told myself I wouldn't.


RIP PANCAKES </3 u will be missed by us all.

FACT: i used to have a kitten named pancakes :/)

serendipity x shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now