Chapter 9

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My head hurts. It feeIs like I've been sleeping the whole day.

I slowly opened my eyes. While doing so, I can also hear a few small voices talking around me.

"Oh my gosh. Mina's awake." The lady with long hair and puppy eyes shouted when she saw me.

A lot of girls encircled me. "Somebody, call the doctor." The lady with blonde hair and big eyes said.

A lady with short hair and beautiful eyes went to me and held my hands. My heart suddenly beats so fast. "Mina, how are you feeling? Are you alright?" She asked me with teary-eyes.

"Mina?" I asked.

She smiled while wiping her tears. "Yes. Mina. I won't call you Unnie anymore."

I slowly pushed her hands away. "Do you know me?"

I looked around. "Where am I? And Who are you people?" I asked, confused on what was happening.

Then the door opened, the doctor went in followed by my parents and brother. They were all panting. My Oka-ssan automatically hugged me while crying. I do not know why but I also cried. It felt like I haven't seen her for long.

I looked at my Oka-ssan. "Oka-ssan, who are they? Do you know them?" My mother's eyes opened widely in surprise. She looked at the doctor.

The doctor then examined me. She asked me questions like, what's my name, where I live, what's the date today and so on.

"What is happening?" I asked my family.

The doctor then looked at me. "You've been in a coma for 6 months Ms. Myoui. And based from your symptoms. You are now suffering a temporary traumatic amnesia."

My head suddenly hurts so bad. I was in coma for 6 months? How is that possible? I just got home from school. I just took a nap and now their telling me I have an amnesia?

Maybe due to so much information stacked upon me, I just lost consciousness.

"I really love you Mina."

My heart beats so fast upon hearing her say that. But who is she? And why can't I see her face? Is she someone important to me?

Then the place suddenly changed. I am now in a familiar closed room.

"Forget that it happened. It was a mistake."

My heart ached upon hearing her say that. It was her. I recognize that voice.

"Mina. Mina."

She's calling me. "Mina." I can feel her tapping my face. "Mina. Wake up!" I can hear her clearly.

Then I suddenly opened my eyes. I was dreaming? I touched my face. It's wet.

Then somebody wiped my tears for me. It's the short-haired lady. She was smiling but her eyes isn't.

"It was your voice." I said.

She looked puzzled. "Who are you?" I asked.

She was a bit stunned by my question. A small amount of pain flashed in her eyes for a second. But then she smiled. "I am Chaeyoung, Mina. Son Chaeyoung. But you call me Chae."

"Chaeyoung?" I repeated her name. Then my heart beats so fast again. I touched my chest. She looked worried when I did that.

"What's wrong Mina? Do you feel hurt right there?" She asked pointing to my chest.

"Yes." I mindlessly answered. Then I looked at her. "Let me repeat my question Chae. Who are you?" I paused. "To me?"

She then hugged me. I can hear her sobbed silently. Maybe she doesn't want me to see her crying that's why she hugged me suddenly. But I broke her hug. I want her to look at me.

She stared at me for awhile while her tears are freely falling. Then she smiled sadly.

"I am the person who loves you dearly Mina. And I am also the one responsible for this. I let you put yourself in danger while I did nothing but to hide. I hid while you fought for me. For my safety. I didn't do anything to protect you. I should've been the one shot. Not you. It should be me."

I can feel her remorse when she said that. I don't know why but my heart ached upon seeing her cry like that. I hugged her tight.

Then we heard a knock. The door opened and a tall lady walked in together with, I figured to be a middle-aged american man.

"Good to see you back Ms. Myoui." The American guy said.

I just nodded. I don't know them but I guess they're good people. The tall lady looked at Chae then to me.

"I'm really glad you already woke up. Unnie."

My head hurts when I heard her called me Unnie. Memories from an old factory, the gunshots, her face, a man's face gushed into my head like a flood.

It really hurts. I cried and held my head. This lady. Sh-she's an enemy. After realizing that, I passed out.

I woke up in an empty room. No one's around. I remembered what happened earlier. That lady. Sh-she's the one who welcomed me on that factory. She's an enemy, right?

I decided to go out. They already removed my IV fluid yesterday that's why I can move around freely now. I also need to use my legs slowly. Since I was bed-ridden for 6 months, I need to do physical therapy on my own.

I used the lift and went to the viewing deck of this hospital.

When I reached the top, I was welcomed by the mild fresh air. I guess its already past 5pm since the sunlight is not that strong anymore.

I sat on one of the benches.

I remembered Chae. I really think she's someone so important to me. My heart tells me so. Everytime I look at her, my heart races. She told me she loves me. A-are we in a relationship before this happened? But we are both woman.

But so what, right? I, I really think-

"Mina!" I was startled by that sudden voice. I turned around and saw Chae panting. She ran towards me. Pulled me to her and hugged me.

I was so shocked I couldn't move.

"I thought. I thought you left me." She said between her sobs.

I pushed her away but she hugged me tighter. "Just another minute Mina. Please. I was scared. I can't lose you. I can't. Don't me scare me like this again." She said.

I hugged her and patted her back. She was crying. And there goes my heart again. It's beating crazily.

She broke the hug and looked at me. She kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. I feel safe with her.

She then grabbed my hands to guide me back but I stopped her. I just feel like I have to do this. I grabbed her collars and pulled her to me.

Yes. I kissed Chae under the red sunset and a passing plane.

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