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"The future?" a young Hermione Granger asked.

"Yes, from 2021." said Albus.

"That's bloody impossible!" said Ron, who was sitting beside his sister Ginny.

"Ron! Watch your language young man!" Mrs. Weasley snapped at Ron.

"So, what year is it?" asked James.

"1995." said Kingsley Shacklebolt, the future Minister for Magic before Hermione.

"I suggest it's best for you to introduce yourselves." said Dumbledore calmly with his trademark smile as the Order nodded their heads together.

"Eldest to youngest!" said Sirius, drinking a glass of butterbeer.

Teddy sighed.

"Alright, I'll start. My name is," muttered Teddy, glancing towards Remus and Tonks. "Well, my name is, Edward Remus Lupin, but call me Teddy—"

Remus's face turned white as Teddy said this. The first thing that came to his head that if he was like him.

"H-how?" he stuttered.

"I'm your son." said Teddy, smiling.

"Are you a —"

"Nope. Not a werewolf," Teddy blurted out, making Remus sigh in relief. Teddy stared at Tonks.

"And yes, you're my mom."

Tonks clapped her hands against her mouth, as she embraced Teddy tightly.

"23 years old, and I was in Hufflepuff and became Head Boy during my seventh year, and Keeper for our team, and an auror," said Teddy, as Tonks and Remus exchanged looks of happiness. "And watch this!" Teddy started changing the color of his hair, changed his mouth into a platypus bill and transformed his nose into Severus Snape's hooked nose, making everyone laugh.

"Damn, congrats Moony!" Sirius congratulated Remus by patting him on the back and turned to Tonks. "He really is a mama's boy." Tonks and Teddy blushed, making their hair turn brick red.

"Moony?! Did he just say Moony?!" Fred and George exclaimed. "You two are the Marauders aren't you?!"

"Well yes, and I'm Padfoot. Harry's dad was Prongs and er —" said Sirius, not willing to bring up Peter in front of them.

"Well, Peter Pettigrew was Wormtail and he betrayed my parents and the rest is history." Harry continued.

"We need your autographs later!" said the twins in unison.

"Alright, I'm next!" Victoire interrupted her two uncles. "My name is Victoire Weasley. 21 years old and I was in Ravenclaw."

"A Weasley?! But you're blonde!" Ron blurted out. Victoire grinned.

"Well, my mama is a quarter-veela." said Victoire.

"Let me take a shot at this. Fleur Delacour is your mum, am I right?" asked George, Victoire nodded. The Weasley sons smiled at this. Mrs. Weasley, Hermione and Ginny weren't too pleased, as they greatly disliked Fleur.

"And well, my dad is, Bill Weasley!" chuckled Victoire, as Bill smiled at this.

"Who's Fleur?" Sirius asked.

"Fleur was the French girl I was talking to you about from the Triwizard Tournament last year, Sirius." Harry told Sirius.

"Bill, is there anything you'd want to say to me that I don't know?" Mrs. Weasley asked Bill, whose face went red as his hair.

"You see Mum, Fleur's working at Gringotts." said Fred.

"And Bill's giving her private lessons to eemprove 'er Eeenglish." George finished Fred's sentence; their mother nodded at this, as Bill turned red even further.

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