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"Sirius!" Harry cried out, embracing Sirius tightly as he began to sob as he missed his godfather very much and thought that he had no family left after he was killed.

"It's alright, I'm here, I'm here." said Sirius, gently stroking Harry's messy black hair.

The other four adults began to symphatize with Harry and cry as well.

"Harry," said Remus; Harry and Sirius pulled apart as Harry embraced his former teacher and his father's best friend.

"My, my, you've grown!" said Remus joyfully.

"Thanks, Remus."

"Wotcher Harry! Hermione! Ron! Ginny!" Tonks said enthusiastically and gave them each a wink. The adults nodded their heads; Tonks caught the sight of Draco, who crossed his arms.

Her heart dropped. She never met him when the were little, as her mother was disowned from the family after she married her father, a muggle-born. But her mother always told her the terrible things the Malfoys had done and that they were supporters of Voldemort; nevertheless, she constantly reminded herself that he was not the cruel bully he was to the trio, but a kind, polite and charming person.

"You must be Draco. We never met officialy, and I didn't get invited to much family reunions. I'm Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda Black's daughter. But most of all, please call me Tonks."

"Oh yeah, Mother told me that Aunt Andromeda had a daughter; she and Auntie Bella never spoke of her again since she married a muggle-born, Ted Tonks."

Tonks and Draco exchanged smiles and shook hands; Draco was happy to finally meet her, Narcissa and Bellatrix often called her and Andromeda filth and a disgrace to the House of Black.



"Oh my god! I think they're here!"

"The kids are in the kitchen." said Remus.

The four bolted into the kitchen, much to the surprise and joy of the Order and the cousins.

"Dad! Mum!" said Rose and Hugo together.

"Rosie! Hugo!" Ron shouted happily, pushing aside Harry and Draco and raced to embrace Rose and Hugo and was followed by Hermione who just simply walked to them.

"Oh my! Are you two okay?" Ron asked.

"Yeah Dad." said Hugo.

"I can't imagine how worried I was!"

"Everything's okay Dad." Rose assured Ron.

Hermione gave them a tight hug as though she would never let them go as tears flowed down her face.

"Lily Flower!" Harry exclaimed as he gave her tons of kisses on the cheek.

"That's enough Harry, you're embarassing her." Ginny chuckled, giving Lily and James a hug.

"Mum!" said James. "I can't believe I met you and Dad but younger!"

"Have you been behaving yourself, kid?" Harry asked James seriously.

"Do I ever, Dad?" James joked.

"Dad, I'm sorry." said Albus quietly.

"Al, come here." said Harry, looking like he was going to scold Albus. The teenager walked slowly to approach his father, with his head down, face etched with shame and his stomach full of guilt.

"Dad, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean —"

Harry quickly pulled Albus into a tight hug and sobbed quietly. "Stealing and breaking the time turner isn't that important Al, you're all safe that's what matters."

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