The Bravest Man I Ever Knew

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"Professor Mcgonagall! Professor Mcgonagall!"

Minerva Mcgonagall lifted her head from the parchments that she was reading and caught the sight of her Deputy Headmaster, Neville Longbottom coming inside her office.

"Professor, they're here." Neville panted.

"Who?" she asked briskly.

"Hermione and Malfoy, miss."

Mcgonagall's eyes widened; Neville speculated that she must've been delighted to see her former students back, but this was not the case.

She, along with Neville hurried downstairs and encountered both Hermione and Draco in the chamber of reception.

"Good afternoon Professor Mcgonagall." said Hermione and Draco in unison, shaking their former teacher's hand.

"Good afternoon." she replied.

"Hermione, Draco." said Neville politely to the two and nodded his head.

"Have you received my letter Professor?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yes," Mcgonagall sniffed. "You know I wasn't joyful to read Rita Skeeter's article. You ought to put a tracker charm on the boys."

Hermione nodded sheepishly at this.

"But can you help us Professor?" Draco asked.

"Well," Mgconagall said seriously. "I wouldn't have invited you and Ms. Gran— er Mrs. Weasley here all the way here in the castle just to say now have I Mr. Malfoy?" Draco's face turned pink.

The headmistress turned on her back and began to walk hastily up a large stairway, her emerald green robes rippling behind her.

"Aren't you two coming?" Neville asked, stopping behind Professor Mcgonagall.

"Oh yes!"


Draco and Hermione hurried after Neville up the familar footpath towards the Headmaster's office; Mcgonagall had already entered a few moments before them.

"Hippogriff." said Neville; the two griffin statues guarding the entrance sprung aside, revealing the beautiful, large spiral staircase.

"After you two." Neville uttered.

Immediately, the pair stepped onto the spiral staircase as it began to pivot upwards. Butterflies flew around Hermione's stomach; she hated going to the Headmaster's offince since she was still at her school years at Hogwarts, this was never pleasant news for her.

It finally came into an an unceremonius halt as Neville escorted Hermione and Draco to Mcgonagall's office; the headmistress was sitting behind the old, mahogany desk.

Above the desk hung a canvas which was blank and a jar of Lilies which was on a table in the painting's background.

"Sit." she told them on the chairs in front of her desk. Once as Hermione and Draco sat , Mcgonagall began to interrogate them.

"Where are the children? Have you made any progress? Are you able to make contact with —"
"Please Professor slow down. One a time." said Hermione, trying to restrain herself from laughing.

"She right." Neville chuckled.

"I'll do it," Draco interrupted. "They were sent back in 1995. They're currently now in Grimmauld Place."

Mcgonagall gasped and clasped her hands on her mouth. "Oh my," she croaked under her breath. "This isn't good."

"We've been able to make contact with the kids Professor," Hermione assured Mcgonagall. "They're alright, our past selves have been taken good care of them."

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