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Present (2021)

Harry stepped out of the lift in the Ministry of Magic with a fretted face, walked down the crowded corrider speedily.

"Good morning Mr. Potter."

"Good morning sir!"

"Good to see you, Harry."

"Morning, Mr. Potter."

Numerous ministry employees hollered friendly greetings to him as he quicly walked, nodding in response.

And at last, Harry found himself standing outside a door with a clean handwriting magnified on a binding, brass plate:

Hermione Granger - Weasley
Minister for Magic

Harry smiled at these words for a few seconds, and frowned, suddenly remembering the reason why he was there. He briskly tapped on the door.

"Come in!" said Hermione's mellow, and calm voice.

Harry opened the door; Ron and Draco were already seated in front of a wooden desk, which was crowded with papers and documents. Hermione's office was like any office you'd find in both the wizarding and muggle world.

"Oh Harry!" said Hermione in relief, "I thought you'd never arrive, come now, sit."

Harry sat beside Draco and Astoria.

"Where's Ginny?" Ron asked.

"Oh, she was too worried about the kids last night and felt unwell. I told her to stay home until she feels better." said Harry.

"Anyways, let's get started," said Hermione hastily. "So, I've just talked with some employess from the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, they say they'll be able to help us bring the kids back, but —"

Hermione scratched her bushy brown hair.

"What is it, Mione?" Harry asked.

"I need to find a spare time turner. I just remembered, they'll be destroying all of them in a few weeks." Hermione continued.

Everybody's eyes widened, and their faces looked pale and white from shock.

"But, we'll be able to bring them back? Right, Minister?" Astoria asked, her hand squeezing Draco's hand, which was shaking.

"Of course. All I need to do is, find a time turner before they're destroyed and, er, bring them back home."

"That's it? Piece of cake." Draco said.

"But it'll take days, we need to be quick and it could be dangerous. Very dangerous." replied Hermione.

"Harry, we need to tell Bill and the others." said Ron.

"No worries," said Harry. "I already told them to come to our place last night." Ron and Hermione sighed in relief.

A few hours passed, and the meeting was finished. Hermione briskly stood from her table and hurried outside followed by Harry, Ron, Draco and Astoria.

"Morning, Minister!"

"Nice to see you, ma'am!"

"Good morning, Mr. Potter! Good morning Mr. Weasley!"

Several ministry workers greeted Hermione, Ron and Harry with the trio just curtly nodding at them.

"Mione! Wait for us!" said Ron loudly as they were following Hermione.

"Hermione! Wait!"

Hermione shrugged at them.

"Yell louder Weasley!"


Hermione finally turned around to them.

"No, Ronald. I have to do this myself. You have to go to Harry's place now." Hermione told Ron.

"Well, er, I think we should head home," said Draco, glancing at Astoria. "Potter, Weasleys, thank you."

The trio nodded; Draco and Astroia left by floo.

"Seems he was not in the mood yesterday." Ron grumbled. Harry nodded and chuckled.

Hermione glared at Ron and Harry; she pinched them both on the cheeks very hard. The two men caressed their cheeks.

"Some things .... never change." Ron chuckled.

"Don't be mean, besides Malfoy still has a good heart. Never mind, leave now, both of you." Hermione said sternly and left.

"She needs to sort out her priorities." Ron told Harry, who smirked and laughed and left by floo.


The two arrived at Harry's living room, the floor was scattered with ash as they immediately got out and fell to their knees.

"Sorry we're late!" Ron coughed.

Ginny jumped from the couch, sitting with Bill and Fleur; George and Angelina were also present. "Thanks for coming guys!" said Harry, wiping the dirt from his glasses with a handkerchief.

"Why'd you call us all here, Harry?" Bill asked eagerly, wrapping his arms around Fleur. Harry explained the whole story to his in-laws, as you'd expect, their faces were as white as a ghost. Harry managed to finish it.

Fleur and Angelina began to sob.

"Are you sure you aren't joking around Harry." George joked, Angelina hit him on the back of his head.

"Of course he isn't George!" said Angelina hoarsely.

"But," Fleur spoke. "Are ze children —"

"They're alright. Back in 1995. They're safe with us; our younger selves, in Grimmauld Place." said Ginny.

"Oh, Bill! I 'ope they're alright! We still 'ave a wedding to plan."

"It's alright." Bill reassured her, stroking her long and silvery - blonde hair.

Ron said. "But it'll take weeks. If Hermione could bring a —"


Hermione emerged from the fireplace, another cloud of smoke and ash scattered around.

"I've got it! I've got it! I've got it!" said Hermione in a triumphant tone, holding a time turner in her hand.

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