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A few weeks later, August 22, 2021...

Crisp air blew across the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole as birds were flying here and there before finally retreating to their saft nests on the trees.

Draco, Astoria and Scorpius Malfoy apparated all the way from Malfoy Manor to the Burrow, they were wearing formal attire as other witches and wizards apparated out of thin air as well.

"Scorpius!" yelled familiar voices. He looked up, and there on the Burrow's doorway stood James, Albus and Rose waving at him. "Thank goodness you made it!"

Scorpius dashed his feet again the loose stones that lay on the ground and gave Rose a quick kiss on the lips as she did the same to him.

Draco let out an awkward cough; Scorpius and Rose pulled away immediately as Astoria did not hesitate to let out a chuckle. The day after they got home, Freddie had informed all of them that Scorpius and Rose were dating; of course, Ron and Draco were shocked by this, but managed to accept it eventually.

"Mr. Malfoy!" said Teddy, straightening his tie. "Glad you came!"
"Why would I even forget that it's my cousin's wedding day?" Draco smirked.

"Come in, come in!"

A few hours later, the garden was now packed with guests, even the Hogwarts staff including Professor Mcgonagall, Neville, Hagrid, Flitwick, and Slughorn, who was both Teddy and Victoire's teacher during their school years and had just retired five years prior.

Like Bill and Fleur's wedding, a marquee tent stood in the midst of the garden, and inside of it displayed wooden chairs set on either side of a long magenta carpet and was decorated with lilies and forget me not plants, as well as the altar which was located at the far end.

Teddy stood at front on the altar, anxiously waiting as his hair turned into various colors with Louis standing by his side as his best man and the wizard who will be presiding the ceremony.

"Nervous Ted?" Louis asked.

Teddy nodded his head; Louis patted his godbrother's shoulder. "Don't be, this is the beginning of your new life together with Victoire."

"I know, but if only Mum and Dad were here to see me get married." said Teddy sadly.

"They're here," Louis assured him. "I'm sure that they're sitting here somewhere watching over you even if you can't see them."

He was moved by Louis's words before his hair finally returned to his normal shade of blue. Soon, Albus, James, Scorpius, Hugo, and Freddie walked down the aisle with suave smiles upon their faces as they were the groomsmen; James was the most suave of them, winking at girls who were fawning over him.

Rose, Lily, Rox, Dominique, Lucy and Molly and some of their family friends and cousins soon followed as bridesmaids and flower girls.

A few moments later, music began to play, and the doors opened to reveal Victoire. Her blond hair was styled into a half updo ringlets hairstyle, and was also wearing Aunt Muriel's tiara which Fleur wore years ago at her own wedding, and her dress was a long, white Reagan wedding dress, she looked so breathtaking that even Teddy almost did not recognize.

Victoire walked down the aisle courtly, being escorted by Bill and Fleur. Tears of happiness began to drizzle from his brown eyes as she walked closer and closer to him.

"I love you Mama." Victoire whispered to her mother's ear as Fleur kissed her tenderly with tears also dripping from her breathtaking eyes, Bill gave his daughter a hug and handed her to Teddy.
"Take good care of her Ted." said Bill.

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