To Grimmauld Place

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Present (2021)

"Malfoy, I never knew James would behave like that in front of you." said Harry, who was in awe.

"I tend to scare kids a lot." teased Draco.

He, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Ron roared with laughter at this.

"Well, it kind of reminds me of Professor Snape; always scaring the life out of other students, and always favoring Slytherins." said Ginny.

"Yeah, I remember," Draco admitted. "I was one of his favorite students, but to be honest, some deep part of me knew that he was wrong. I kind of miss him."

The adults bowed their heads in silence, reminiscing that although Snape was cold and bitter, he was really loyal to Dumbledore and had a really troubled life.

"Oi!" Ron said, interrupting them. "We still have some children to fetch! We can reminisce Professor Snape when we all get back home!"

"Oh right!" said Hermione. "Thanks Ronald."

"Sorry Hermione." Ginny muttered.

"Er, Mione?" Harry asked carefully, as he knew that Hermione disliked being interrupted.

"What?!" Hermione snarled, looking like a beast while thumbing up a weekly planner.

"Sorry Hermione, er, I was just thinking, wouldn't it be best for us to go to Grimmauld Place right now?" Harry said, choosing his words more carefully. "Draco's already told James to expect us there in any minute."

"Harry! We don't have a plan!" said Hermione, looking offended.

"Please Mione," implored Ron. "Planning doesn't always go well; everyone knows that. I think Harry's right, perhaps we should go now, then after we're succesful in bringing the kids back, we could focus on fixing the time turner completely."

"I can't really belive I'm saying this but I agree with Harry and your husband." said Draco.
"And it's just for five minutes anyways." suggested Ginny.

"See Hermione? At least Draco and I finally have something to agree on!" Harry said grinning, patting Draco's shoulder.

"Thanks, Potter." said Draco.

Draco and Harry exchanged looks and both howled with laughter.

"And besides," Ginny added. "You're the Minister of Magic, and if anything happens to you —"

"Fine! We're all going. No more arguing!" said Hermione seriously; Everyone chuckled.

"Nailed it." said Draco slyly.

She siezed the time turner and placed it around her neck. She gestured Harry, Ginny, Ron and Draco to get closer. "Let's see if we can all fit." They all leaned closer and wrapped the fine, golden chain around each of their necks.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Ron groaned, and clutching his stomach.

"Come on Ron!" Ginny complained.

"Alright fine!"

Hermione rolled her eyes at this.

"You all ready?" asked Hermione.

The other four nodded their heads in unison.

Hermione carefully turned it; the hourglass had began to spin around. And the four friends were all pulled into a vortex, various colors flashed  and rooms were spinning about them.


They had arrived.

Past (1995)

"Grimmauld Place." Harry whispered, examining every corner around the dark and gloomy house which once belonged to the Noble House of Black, but will be held in his possession years later.

"What?" Draco asked, confused.

"This was Sirius's house. More like the Black Family's." Hermione informed him.

"Wasn't your mother a Black?" Ron told Draco.

"Oh yes."

"I forgot about it being so dark and dirty like this." said Harry.

They suddenly spotted Kreacher, who just looked at them with disgust and proceeded to clean upstairs.

"What's with him?" said Draco.

"He never really was that pleasant. He's like the lot of the Black family, obssesed with blood-purity and getting rid of muggle-borns in the Wizarding World." Harry explained.

"But he's changed. Unfortunately, he died a week after Albus and Scorpius started their first year at Hogwarts." said Ginny.

Walburga Black's portrait began to scream as she saw the four adults in the hallway.

"I forgot about this bloody git." Ron cursed.

"Wouldn't Sirius mind to put a Silencing charm on the portrait?" said Ginny.

Draco and Hermione exchanged glances as they both clasped their hands on their ears, trying to block out the high-pitched screeches of the foul portrait. Harry and Ron struggled to shut it with the moth-infested curtains.

Luckily, Sirius, Remus and Tonks rushed to the hallway. Everyone in the kitchen were pushing and shoving, trying to get out of the doorway and see on what was going on.

"I swear I didn't wake it up!" Tonks yelled, trying to cover up the portrait.

"We know Tonks, we know!" said Remus.


"Shut up!" Sirius shouted viciously. And with some help from Remus, they managed to cover the portrait with curtains, muffling his mother's screeches.

"That should do it. Thanks Moony," Sirius grunted. "What are you looking at?"

Remus pointed out the five adults who had just appeared in Grimmauld Place's hallway out of nowhere.

"Bloody hell, it's them!" Ron whispered to Harry, whose eyes were beginning to well with tears.

"But they're alive!" Hermione told him.

"Of course, it's 1995!" said Draco.

"Harry!" Sirius exclaimed, grinning. "You're just like your father. You two always knew how to make an entrance."

Harry then let out muffled sobs.

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