Hermione's Conference

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Present (2020)

Hermione walked through the packed corridors of the Ministry as she was being confronted by the blinding, flashes of cameras.

"Minister! Minister!"

"Is it true that you sent your children to the past for a rescue mission?"

"Did you do this in order to save Harry Potter's infamous godfather Sirius Black and all casualties during the war?"

"Are the children alright?"

"Will they be coming home by now?"

"Are you even aware that sending them to the past is a dangerous mission?"

These were the words that echoed through Hermione's ears as she barely even wresponded to their questions.

"Minister! Minister!" a voice called.

Hermione lifted her head in response, and there she saw her Senior Undersecretary Katie Bell running towards her. Her appearance was now different than what she looked like during her years at Hogwarts. Crease lines were now visible on her forehead and some portions of her hair was now flecked with a bit of gray.

"Thank goodness you came!" Katie exclaimed. "The news is spreading like wildfire around the Wizarding World."

"Let's go Katie." Hermione told Katie.

The two women went to the middle of the Atrium where they were again met with flashes of camera and were bombarded with tons of questions.

"Everybody keep quiet! The Minister shall answer your questions once the conference begins!" Katie hollered, as she was finally able to silence the reporters.

After a few moments, the conference had started.

Hermione was standing behind a wooden podium in the midst of the atrium flanked with two Aurors on each of her side and Katie.

"Alright," Hermione sighed. "To start this conference today, I'd like to say good morning to each and everyone one of you present here. Now, as you all know in Rita Skeeter's article —"

Hermione's eye suddenly caught the sight of Rita Skeeter, who was standing away from prying eyes around the corner, with her quill and parchment in her hand; as she winked slyly at Hermione, but she merely ignored the journalist.

She continued. "Sorry, as I was saying that in Skeeter's article it claimed that I, along with my brother-in-law Harry James Potter, had our children go back in time to rescue our friends and loved ones that we lost
during the Second Wizarding War."

"But is it true Minister? Did you really sent the children on a rescue mission in the past?" a reporter asked Hermione eagerly.

"Well, no," Hermione replied, her tone was now serious; everyone who attended the conference let out sighs of defeat. "I did not authorize them to go back to the past for some wretched rescue mission to save the people we loved and lost."

Another reporter raised his hand, and Hermione gladly took the opportunity to listen to his question.

"How were they able to transport to the past? I mean, aren't all the time turners destroyed?"

Hermione then explained how Albus was able to sneak a time turner from her desk, but was again being bombarded with questions.
"Oi! Slow down, one at a time everyone!" said Katie.

"I just want to apologize about it, I know I have been irresponsible and I deeply regret for not putting any protective charms or whatsoever in my office."

"So," said Katie. "Are there any more questions you'd all like to ask to our Minister?"

And once again, Hermione was bombarded with dozens of questions by the reporters, swarming around her, hoping to recieve a reply.

"What year are the children in?"

"Why did you still have the time turner anyway?"

"You're doing this to ruin history, aren't you?"

"Is Albus doing this in order to release You-Know-Who's daughter from prison?"

"Minister, are you in a relationship with Draco Malfoy?"

"He's been staying with you in your office lately."

"Are you just going to dump your husband just for Malfoy?"

Hermione's head was beginning to boil, third-degree, as if she were beginning to explode but took a deep breath.


"Answer our questions please."

"Alright," said Hermione. "As I said, I would never send my children willingly to the past, this could cause a huge damage for the future; and the children are aware of that."

"But —"

She cut across the reporter. "This was just an accident and, one of you asked what year are they in. Sadly, I cannot tell you when exactly they are for safety reasons, but I tell you we had already made contact with the kids and they're being taken good care of. And I can assure you all that Albus didn't do this to release Delphi from Azkaban, and is currently still serving her life-sentence there."

Hermione then readjusted the parchement in front of her, as she uncomfortably shifted.

"And for the time turner that was used was being held for examination, and was to be returned to the Ministry to be destroyed the next day. That's why it was in my desk." Hermione continued, she felt ambad about lying to the nation. But she knew that it was for Harry and Ginny's sake, she didn't want to see them get in trouble, and it wasn't really a lie.

"And for the last question," Hermione then let out a chuckle. "Draco and I are not in a relationship; we were just working on fixing the time turner in order to bring the kids back here. We're just friends, and I'm happily married to my husband and to be a mother to two kids."

She gave her closing speech and stepped down from the podium. Journalists and reporters once again, tried to get her attention, but she ignored them with two Aurors protecting her from the media.

"Alright! That's all for today, the Minister hopes you all have a pleasant morning today." said Katie.

Hermione was relieved; now that the whole Wizarding World would believe that she did not send the kids to the past to damage the future. Albus wouldn't possibly try to save Sirius, Remus, Tonk and Fred. He knows its dangerous, or would he?

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