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Grimmauld Place's kitchen that was usually filled with glooms and whispers wasn't the same now. With their 12 new visitors, the house seemed to be the most jolly place in the Wizarding World.

James, Albus didn't bother to sit beside Sirius and Harry. Freddie was sitting with the twins, Hugo sat with Hermione, Ginny, Ron.
Dominque and Louis were sitting with Bill, who was still fond of them.

Victoire and Teddy sat with Remus and Tonks, much to Bill's dismay.

Mrs. Weasley came as she slowly filled the table with all different kinds of food, with some help with Lily, Rox, Scorpius and Rose. The future generation didn't bother to know how long they've been at Grimmauld Place, until their stomachs began to growl.

"Dig in, everyone!" Mrs. Weasley said cheerfully.

Everyone then sat down and stared at the mouth watering food for minutes and immediately started to fill up their plates.
Especially Ron and Hugo, who started to chow down the chicken and lamb chops on their plate. Both Hermione and Rose rolled their eyes and looked away in disgust; Harry was left chuckling at his two best friends. It was a little stranger for him to think that they'll be married in the future and have Rose and Hugo.

Well, destiny has its own decisions.

The Potter - Weasley kids ate heartily as the Order looked at them with smiles on their faces.

"Thanks, grandma! After all this is my favorite!" said Hugo in a muffled voice. Mrs. Weasley sat on her chair, happy and shocked. Her heart exploded with glee in being called 'grandma'. Small tears of happiness started to flow out of her eyes; she shook her head and started to eat and chat with the others.

"Oh!" Lily bursted out. "I almost forgot!"

"What is it?" asked Ginny.

"Uncle Percy gets married to Aunt Audrey and they have two kids: Molly, who's 18, and Lucy who's 14.

The Weasleys lifted their heads at the sound of Percy's name, especially Mrs. Weasley.

"He came back?" she asked hoarsely.

"Yes, in 1998." Teddy replied.

Mrs. Weasley then let out another river of tears and pulled out a handkerchief, with Arthur comforting her; Fred and George exchanged dark looks.

"Don't worry, he's changed." Albus piped up.

Halfway through dinner....

"James Sirius Potter!"

"Oh no, it's mum!" he shrieked.

The twins couldn't help but smirk at this.

James immediately took hold of his enchanted mirror.

"Uh, 1995. Grimmauld Place." James stuttered, everyone was looking at disbelief.

"You are in big trouble young man!" Ginny roared.

"Gin, I can't believe you're so — strict." Fred teased; the past Ginny scowled at him.

"It wasn't me Mum! It was Albus!" said James. Albus then hid behind Harry.

"Albus!" a familiar voice shouted. It was the future Harry, looking stressed and mad.

"Hi D-dad." said Albus, reaching for the mirror.

"How did you wind up there?!" asked Harry furioulsy.

"T- time turner."

"But how?! We already destroyed it!!" said Hermione, who was standing behind Harry. The past Hermione's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh! I look so old!" Hermione whined.

"I know right?" said the future Hermione, winking at her.

"Don't worry Aunt Hermione, all of us here! Even Rose and Hugo!" said Albus.

"What?! Hugo, please be careful there! I don't want you to get hurt!" wailed Hermione.

"Calm down, 'Mione!" said Ron sheepishly.
Hermione wouldn't calm down.

"Petrificus Totalus!" cried Ron, pointing his wand at his wife. Hermione's arm popped to her sides, her legs sprang together. Her whole body was rigid and toppled. "Don't worry, just take of yourselves."

"Is Scorpius there?" said Draco's voice behind Ron.

"Uh, Scorp, you better talk to him." Albus told Scorpius, taking the mirror in his hand.

"Hey, father." Scorpius muttered under his breath, trying to put on a smile. Draco did not smile.

"Do you know how big trouble you're in?" Draco said seriously. Scorpius frowned.

"A lot?"

"Don't worry, you're not heading to Azkaban for this." Draco said, a smile as now visible on his face.

"IS MY BABY ALRIGHT?! SCORPIUS ARE YOU THERE?!?" cried a hysterical voice behind Draco.

Everyone didn't bother to hide their laughter at this, Scorpius' face was turning red. "Oh boy," he said, then turned to his mother Astoria. "Yes, mother. I'm alright!"

"Good! Now while we're trying to find a way to bring you all back here, just behave yourselves. We don't want any more Delphis around here." said Astoria calmly, passing the phone to Harry.

"Now children, be careful! There are tons of Death Eaters and Dementors during 1995. Vic, Teddy, look after the others." Harry warned.

"We will Harry!" said Teddy.

Sirius suddenly cut in.

"Oh wait! I'd like to speak to Harry, the future Harry!" said Sirius. "Hey Prongslet!"

"Hi Sirius!" Harry greeted him, tears started to fill his eyes. "I can't believe you're here. I wish I would get the upper hand on Bellatrix first."

"It's alright, I know. Oh, and thanks for naming this Prongslet III after me!" Sirius piped up, extending an arm around James. I thought that Sirius James had a better ring on it but I like James Sirius even more. Prongs and Lilykins would've been so proud of you."

"Oh, it was nothing." Harry chuckled.

"Wow! It's me, but older!" said the young Harry, with his future self laughing at himself.

"Harry," spoke Remus. "Thanks for taking care of Teddy when we left."

Harry nodded, tears started to trickle down his face; if only Remus and Tonks survived to give Teddy the life he deserved to have. He didn't deserve to become an orphan so young like he did when he was small. Nevertheless, he was grateful to have their son as a part of their family.

James then placed his mirror back in his pocket after the conversation ended.

"Wow! Ickle Ronnikins really matured when he married Granger!" the twins teased.

"Oh shut up." groaned Ron, who just finished stuffing his mouth with the last treacle tart on the table; Hermione blushed.

"It's getting late!" said Mrs. Weasley. "You kids need to get some sleep."

"Where will we sleep?" asked Victoire.

"Don't worry, we've got plenty of rooms here, dear." assured Mrs. Weasley.

Harry, Ron, Albus, James and Scorpius shared a room.

Hermione, Ginny, Lily, Rose, Roxanne, Dominique, and Victoire shared one.

Freddie, Louis, Hugo, Teddy, Fred and George shared one.

The cousins fell fast asleep in Grimmauld Place, in 1995. What adventure awaits them tomorrow?

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