Birthday Planning

394 8 1

Present (2021)


Ginny's eyes flew open, to her surprise, she was awake before Harry who was snoring loudly beside her. She awoke at the sound of Harry's name.

"Hon, hon?"
"What is it Gin?" Harry said in a muffled voice, still asleep. "I'm trying to sleep!"

"It's your mirror," Ginny told her husband. "James is calling."

Harry quickly awoke with a start, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and reached his mirror from his drawer.

"What is it James?" he yawned and looked at the alarm clock. "It's 5:00 in the morning here!"

"Sorry Dad, but I just wanted to ask you, when are we coming home?" said a gaunt looking James.

Harry and Ginny exchanged surprised expressions, both looking taken a back by James's question. "I thought you wanted to stay in the past." said Harry.

"Yeah, but FYI, my birthday is in two weeks!"

The couple laughed. "Oh yes! How could I forget that my son's birthday is coming? You've been ranting about it since last year."

"Well it's has to be the best party the Wizarding World has ever seen! I want everything to be elegant and under control —"

"Slow down James," Ginny chuckled. "Everything is under control; Bill, George and Ron are working on the party. Let's see, the venue is booked—"

"Are the Weird Sisters coming to play?" James asked like an anxious five-year-old.

"Yes James," Harry assured his son. "They agreed and I quote 'Of course we will, it would be such an honor and pleasure to perform at the Boy who Lived's eldest son's coming of age celebration. We shall give our best shot.'"

"Ok, that's fantastic to hear." said James, flashing a mischevious glance on his face. "Dad, can I ask you a favor? Can you tell Uncle Charlie to import a few dragons for his nephew's birthday?"

"James, you gotta be kidding! You're not going to do such a thing!" Ginny screeched.

"C'mon Mum!" James whined. "Wouldn't it be awesome to have dragons at my party! Think about it, me riding a Swedish Snort Snout, or Chinese Firebolt, or maybe a Hungarian Horntail would be better as my grand entrance in the venue."

"No, James. No dragons at the party." said Harry sternly.


"No buts. Not happening."
"Fine, you guys win!" James sighed in defeat.

"The Daily Prophet wants to do an exclusive." said Ginny.

"Really?" James said zealously. "Then tell the Daily Prophet that I'm in it! I want the headline and content to be awesome, as long as Rita Skeeter doesn't ruin my big day with an article with loads of garbage."

"Don't worry, Hermione suspended Rita from writing articles for a month. And that woman couldn't do anything about it." Ginny grinned.
"And tell the others that Hermione and Draco had found a solution to fix the time turner, we'll be picking you up next week."

"Yeah, bye Dad!"

Harry switched his mirror off. "Can you believe it? A dragon on his birthday?"

"Knowing James," Ginny laughed, running her hand through her husband's messy black hair. "Do you remember when he was a child, we were telling him how you, Ron and Hermione escaped Gringotts riding a dragon?"

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