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~ Ginji ~

What has that winged man of death done to me? There's another voice in my mind, screaming and writhing in agony, causing the sides of my head to throb.

I can feel my body breaking down rapidly and rebuilding itself as parts of my skin and bones vanish. Black smoke billows up, filling the room with a dense cloud and a smell of burnt flesh.

My body begins to slowly regenerate, and the pain is intense. How I can even still be conscious throughout this process is a sheer mystery.

My new roommate, however, finds the pain exhilarating and refreshing. It's like a wonder drug to him. He screams and begs for more. Is another person actually inside my body? Or am I losing my mind?

Although it seems like an eternity, only a minute or so passes before I'm able to stand. Outwardly, I look exactly the same, but I feel different. The air around me is heavy, like a watery substance. The only noticeable change in my body is the wound from the blade. It has completely healed, leaving nothing but a scar down nearly half my body and face.

I take my first steady steps towards the kitchen and find myself facing the stairs so abruptly I almost hit the wall beside them. Wow! What happened, it felt like I jumped through time for a fraction of a second.

Two men are speaking upstairs. I can hear them so clearly it's like they're in front of me. My hearing has improved beyond human comprehension, that I am certain of.

"Where is this kid, Cain? The boss wants the entire family erased and every spec of their bloodline gone."

"Just check the rooms, dumbass! Boss also wants the drugs and the corpses. How do you even sleep at night? Killing is one thing, but rape too and you're actually going to kill this... Ah, you hear that? Baby is in the last door on the right of this corridor. Can hear him crying for his mother."

"Yeah, well, titty time is over. Time to meet my blade".

I need my sword, but I don't know as it would be much of a match against semi-automatic guns.

"Kill them! Kill them now! I cannot maintain your pitiful body for long. You have only a handful of moments before your body shuts down." What the heck was that? Sounded like the violent monster in my head was speaking directly to me.

"Who, who are you?" I ask out loud, grabbing the attention of the thugs who killed my mum and my sister.

"Call me Vetis. I'm a demon from Hell and as long as you feed me flesh and blood I won't tear you apart from the inside. Let's get one thing straight, you dumb brat! You will kill every day from now on, and if you do my power and wisdom is yours. You think you will die against these humans without your blade so allow me to do the honours of eating them for you. I'm body jacking you." And suddenly I find myself a passenger in my own body.

Today can't be real, it just can't be. This is so messed up. All I can do is watch what is unfolding, like a walking nightmare. Try as I may to move my body, it doesn't respond.

As Vetis directs my body up the stairs I feel my face twitch. The demon is making me smile. Then again, I am happy at this point. He's about to slaughter the men who killed my mother and sister, who wouldn't be happy with such a thing?

Vetis climbs the wooden stairs ever so casually; hands twitching in anticipation. Ryuu and Cain are waiting a short distance down the corridor, guns raised as they stand side by side. This has to be the end for me. What is this thing inside my body thinking?

"What the... Cain isn't that the kid I just sliced in half? He should be... Dead!" Ryuu grew pale.

"Who gives a shit? Just blast him full of holes, then deal with the other kid. We still have to deal with the dad." Before either of them can pull the trigger, Vetis speaks.

"Which one of you tastes better? I'm in doubt either of you rats will taste good since you're so pathetically weak. But a meal is a meal and this body is just tingling with anticipation thinking about devouring the two of you. Look my mouth is starting to froth!" It's true, my body is shivering with excitement and my mouth is drooling, but am I really feeling these things, or is it the demon?

Ryuu and Cain unload everything at me, but Vetis just sways my body about like grass in the wind. Not a single bullet hits me. Vetis is fast, his reflexes beyond the realm of belief. As the Uzi clips hit the wooden floor with a hefty thud, Vetis makes his move.

"Time walk," says Vetis in a low whisper as he clicks my fingers. Everything around me freezes. Both Ryuu and Cain are like statues as Vetis walks towards them. The smile on my face grows wider. It can't be more than two seconds before time unfreezes, although it's enough time for Vetis to get right in Cain's face.

"Left or right? Which eye do you think is the juiciest?" Asks Vetis as he hovers my fingers like a talon over Cain's face.

Ryuu and Cain must understand they are out of their depth, but still, Ryuu attacks with the same blade he used to slice me open. Vetis doesn't even try to dodge the attack as he leaves my back exposed.

Ryuu hacks away viciously at my back like it was a piece of meat. I can feel intense pain and agony, yet there are moments of bliss as well. Vetis, enjoys being hacked apart, so much so he is laughing. Four, five, six large, deep gashes now run down my back, dripping blood onto the floor.

"Okay, I'm weak enough now. We should be on the same level," says Vetis sadistically as he quickly turns to Ryuu, blocking his next swing with two fingers.

"Never mind, I'm still stronger than you pieces of shit!" Vetis mocks before driving my hand into Ryuu's chest. It goes through his flesh effortlessly and as it retracts, Vetis, removes Ryuu's, heart.

"Oh, would you look at that! He did actually have one. What a surprise!" Vetis tosses the heart into the air before catching it in my mouth and swallowing it whole. Want to know the biggest surprise of all? It tastes amazing! Like the best food in the world. Cain, who was rooted to the spot, falls over and scrambles backwards.

"You...You...You just ripped out his heart and ate it! You just butchered Ryuu!" Cain was now a drip white colour and urine leaked out from his jeans, creating a stinking pool of yellow liquid on the hallway floor.

"Meh, he was weak, tasted like shit. Get over it bitch, because you're next on the menu!" Is Vetis lying, because in all truthfulness Ryuu tasted amazing.

What am I even saying? I just ate somebody's, heart! Is this going to be a regular occurrence? Do I seriously have to kill every day and eat people? I don't want to kill people or eat them!

"Would you shut up, you little shitty brat! I can hear your thoughts too, you know. Let me have this meal, then maybe we can work on an agreement now that I'm feeling slightly more generous. You liked that heart didn't you?"

"Why did I like it? What have you and that winged man done to me?"

Vetis pushes through Cain's defences and tears a huge chunk out of his neck, swallowing it. It doesn't end there though. As blood spurts out like a fountain I find myself being forced to drink it. Again it tastes exquisite, yet I am still famished.

"Looks like master Azazel didn't just save your life by implanting me; you're a Vampire demon now too. Just like me, you will need to eat people to survive since the air in the human world doesn't nourish us. Guess this makes our agreement easier." Vetis stops talking so he can continue to hack apart and gorge on Cain's corpse.

Funny how long two minutes can last. Because within those very two minutes Vetis had killed the two thugs, half eaten Cain, and then vanished, giving me back control of my body in intense pain collapsed in the blood soaked hallway. The last thing I hear before my eyes roll shut is police sirens. My mum and sister were dead, yet avenged in some messed up way. I had eaten half a person and how was I meant to explain that to the police? Just hope my dad is okay. Thankfully my baby brother is fine. I can hear him crying as I pass out.

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