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~ Ginji ~

My swords clang as they drop Blood gushes from an old wound. The wound I received two years ago, the only scar my body has ever retained.

Akira stands before me, having appeared out of thin air to cleave me wide open.

After that attack my mind is wavering, the gap in power between me and Akira is too immense for me to deal with. I need to be more like Vetis. He loves the pain of getting hurt and injured. With him in control, pain and blood just make me stronger to an extent. Try as I may to resist, I was gradually getting there as Vetis's prodigy.

"You're still a disappointment, Ginji! This fight isn't over, for fucks sake!" Once more, I become a passenger within my own body.

~ Vetis ~

Picking up Gin's shitty katanas, I lunge forward before the blue bastard can shove that blue stick through me. Sure, I love pain and the thought crosses my mind to let it skewer me, but I am not losing my life to some golden lamp prick.

"Nice try, blue bitch. Go rub one out and conjure some puppy's asshole!"

Akira notices immediately that my voice and attitude have changed. He's a very smart man. Or genie. "Who are you? Is this some kind of split personality trauma?"

"Don't diagnose me, bastard!" Oh, this guy is going to wish he wasn't born when I'm done with him.

Putting as much force behind the two swords as I can, I slice through the air, sending two large air sickle attacks towards Akira. Clearly it's his first time seeing a flying sword attack. He tries to block them, but it wasn't going to help, ha! They punch right past his blade and slice him and the ground around him.

Blood shoots out high into the air as Akira stumbles back. Any swordsman worth his salt would have known that to block an attack like that you need to produce the same sort of attack. Swordsmen on Earth are pitiful with swords; in fact they suck with all weapons. If me and Gin survive this, I'm going to have to drill some more experience and sword expertise into him. Would be better if he had a sparring partner though, as he learns faster through fighting.

Akira drops to his knees, but the fight isn't over yet. I hadn't cut too deep. He still has some aces hidden up his backside, I can sense it. My issue is I'm bleeding out quicker than I'm healing. My wounds are closing, the bullets slowly popping out to rattle to the ground, but my vision is fading and going hazy. I need to end this fast. He needs to die.

"You are forcing my hand, Mr. Cannibal two. To think you could endure the damage you took. I know you realise this fight is different from the last time we met. This time, I am allowed to use all of my power to kill you, so please allow me to show you your demise."

"Oh please, motherfucker, now you're calling me Mr. Cannibal two? I'm Vetis you bastard! Just bring... Oh... You have got to be... Fucking kidding me!" Akira does have an ace up his ass. A big, fat, shitting ace.

I can tell what's coming as the ground around Akira dents and ruptures. The air crackles and buzzes whilst blue smoke bellows into the sky from his body.

Fuck, I didn't even know anyone in the human realm could transform, and once he does I'm as good as dead! Worst part of it is I can't do anything to stop it. Well that isn't the worst I guess. The worst is that I can't even move because Ginji's badly damaged body is in repair mode.

Moments flash by as Akira's clothes rip to shreds and he begins the agonising transformation. His legs disappear and are replaced by a cloud like blue mist substance. As for the rest of his body, it sheds like snake skin, meaty chunks dropping to the ground. Akira grows until he's a huge, muscular, half humanoid, half cloud type monster. Inside the cloud are large bones covering misplaced organs. His face is incredibly intimidating, covered in many metal piercings and tribal tattoos stretching over his now bald head. Huge fangs hang from his mouth.

This is a genie's first demon form. All demons have three forms, though some have six or more. Each form grants unique abilities called Gifts, such as more destructive power and faster regeneration.

Ginji is practically wetting himself at the sight of this blue bastard; I can feel it deep within his mind. All I can do is smile. This would be great fun if Ginji also had the power to transform. Then again, I doubt he could control the powerful lust for blood and battle, there's a reason my demon race is rare. We never flee, never show fear, and never back down. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule; one exception being that you never piss off Azazel. For instance, cursing in front of him is a big no, no.

"So then, Mr. Cannibal two, allow me to grant you one wish." Akira's voice has become strong, sounding dangerous.

"One wish, eh? Go fuck yourself, you blue skittle, bald headed, cloud!" I spit on the ground, it's about all I can do.

Akira laughs for a moment before his cloud like arm stretches into the air, making a gigantic jewel encrusted sabre appear. One hit off that would cleave a man in two. The sabre is bigger than Ginji. This is looking bleak.

~ Narrator ~

Akira, Vetis, and Ginji were unaware they were being watched by a most peculiar group gathered under the overpass.

"I wonder which one tastes better?" Kath giggled in an old English style accent as she twirled a strand of her mixed red and blonde hair around one finger.

"You're so unrefined, Katharine. Wipe your mouth; you have acid drooling down your face." said Dark.

Kath glared at the young man, who was perched on a wall reading a book. His fine suit was a sharp contrast to the crest engraved metal armour covering his left shoulder and the tatty old sword strapped to his back. It was incredibly worn and looked like a two handed barbarian weapon made from bone.

"Why did she even come? We're only here to send a message to the masters," stated Kumi

"Screw you, Kumi! You foul skank!" yelled Katharine.

Kumi laughed before speaking again."Well, at least you're better than the lazy dog over there. Takeo, you lazy git are you even... Of course not, he's listening to his damn music." Kumi lunged at Takeo, almost losing her crudely designed top hat in the process. The dismembered teddy bears covering it seemed to almost dance.

Kath grabbed hold of her, pulling her back before she could make any truly violent moves towards the younger boy.

Takeo tapped the wall, his head bopping to the music coming from his bright red headphones. His spiky blonde hair stuck out at odd angles from underneath them.

"You know that none of you had to be here, right? You should be preparing for the war that is about to come." Dark flipped a page in his book and brushed his long, dark hair to one side.

"Don't be like that. We came to cheer you on." Kumi smiled cheerily at their leader. She leaned back against the wall, crossing her black, knee high boots at the ankle. The hem of her blue dress swished with the moment.

"So who is that kid fighting Akira? Seems way out of his depth. You think he's going to die?" Kath questioned whilst slobbering all over her hand. Drool ran down the bodice of her white corset and where it hit the ground it began to pool.

"That would be Ginji, I presume. One of the sole survivors of the Krunki dojo massacre. He's almost as high profile as our dog. Ah... That wasn't a hint or jab at you, Takeo." Dark stopped speaking as he waited for some kind of reply.

"Meh! I don't care, too much hassle to argue with you. I came because someone said I needed fresh air and to stop playing video games. So he is Ginji, then? Ugh, what a pain in the backside. Do you mind Dark?" Takeo stood up, slowly stripping off his neon green hoody and black shorts.

"He will be your responsibility, Takeo. We are going deep into combat, we cannot afford to pamper idiotic, reckless, and profound weaklings." Dark flipped another page whilst Takeo began stretching, butt naked.

"If I didn't do this my conscience would be stained. I really can't be assed, but he shares the same ideals and sort of the same history as me from what you have told us, plus Akira isn't strong and he used all his wishes. So it shouldn't take much effort, thank god." Takeo leapt away from wall, his skin peeling away from him as he began to transform.

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