The great escape

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~ Akira ~

To think the boss would send me into belly of the beast, as they say. Here I am in Leviathan's lair and without protection. Should Leviathan even get a scent that I still lurk here within his office I'll be done for. I'm struggling to comprehend what Dark actually intends for me to do.

In Hell I was Dark's trusted servant, given to him by Lucifer himself. Everything I had done was for the young lord. Infiltrating the police department, using my wishes to gain a higher rank, clouding the minds of the humans so they would be none the wiser. But thanks to the young master's latest scheme, I have no wishes left and I'm standing knee deep in Leviathan's belly. Thankfully not literally. Yet.

I still can't understand why he spared Ginji; perhaps there's something special about him. Who am I to go against my lord's wishes? I've served him since he was four, and will continue to serve him to the very end if need be, but this delicate web he's weaving will soon snap. Ginji is a wild horse that can't be broken. We should have ended him long ago.

Frantically looking around this accursed office that smells of death, I continue to rummage through draws whilst the huge gaudy steel chair keeps gaining my attention. There's something dark and off putting about it. Perhaps Leviathan has hidden something within.

I really do hate not having any wishes. I could have simply wished for the tether to be found and it would have appeared. Sadly, due to Leviathan's strength, it's impossible for my wishes to work against someone of his stature. Getting his tether off him is impossible, but Dark had a sneaking suspicion the gullible fool would leave it within his lair. Isn't much of a lair, even though at a closer inspection it's obvious most of the objects here were made from human or demon bone.

I search every inch of the steel chair until I found the tether triangular pyramid with a beating heart in the middle, surrounded by veins carrying black blood, hidden deep within a secret drawer. It's exactly like my own, except Leviathan's has been halved. What titanic strength he must have to split a tether in two. It's said to be unbreakable. The boss not going to be happy. Half a tether is not enough to send Leviathan back to the underworld.

Then again, I can't be certain it even belongs to Leviathan. There's another beside it, this one whole. If I puncture the whole heart and the half beating heart what will happen? Will Leviathan still be in our realm, or will he vanish, dragged back to Hell? All I know is that if I dare to pierce the hearts here and now I will seal my own fate. Leviathan will know I'm here.

I take the two Hell-steel pyramids and close the drawer as the beech coloured wooden door to the office swings open. My own heart pounds louder than the ones I hold in my hand. I peer around the back of the throne like chair to see it isn't Leviathan walking through the door.

After safely tucking the tethers inside my trench coat pockets, I slowly and silently pull out my gun and aim it at the Yakuza member I know who he is from police case files. People call him sticky fingers Yuri, a well-known thief who also takes pleasure in cutting off people's fingers. He's smaller than I suspected him to be, but his notoriety is well earned. Like most of the Yakuza, he's dressed smartly, black suit and white shirt, his dark hair slicked back.

Yuri moves to the desk and begins rummaging through the drawers. I consider my gun. Too much noise. I slip it back into my holster and watch for a short while, wondering if Leviathan sent him to see if his tether was still here. Then again would a mortal even know what one looks like?

Using my Gift, I summon my blade and lung through the air. Yuri never even hears me as I plunge the blade into the back of his neck. The gem encrusted steel rips through his throat, sprayings blood across the landscape artwork hanging on the wall in front of him.

Yuri chokes before silently dropping to his knees. I slide my blade out from his throat as he falls against the desk. He looks tasty, but now is not the time for a meal. I got what I came for and now I need to make a hasty escape. Thankfully I have a police escort outside waiting for me.

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