The mouth of hell

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~ Ginji ~

Dark is clearly beyond reasoning. Hell, he's beyond anything. I stand gobsmacked at his response as Japan continues to crumble all around me. The blood within the glass container dances playfully, making ghastly faces and jumping high into the air before splashing back down.

Drawing my sword, I drop Akira's head and sprint toward Dark. I'm going to rip this sick fuck apart limb by limb if I must. Dark turns his back, mocking me and making light of my strength.

Determined to teach him a lesson, I race over the blood drawn pentagram, but the moment my bare foot touches the glistening blood I receive a blow to my gut that sends me flying backwards toward the edge of the roof. I drive the blade of my sword into the concrete to stop my momentum.

Dark hasn't moved a single muscle, so it most certainly wasn't him who struck me back. Knees trembling wildly as I try to catch my breath, I look around for an unseen enemy, yet me and Dark seem to be the only two living people up here.

Clutching at the padded sword handle, I ready myself for a flying attack. The deadly blue gleaming attack tears apart the pentagram of blood before re-directing into the smoke filled atmosphere. Now I understand. The blood is acting as a barrier. It smells as tainted as the children, as if it is riddled with pestilence.

As quick as it's destroyed, the pentagram remakes itself from the children's blood.

"It is no use, Ginji," Says Vetis. "We have to wait until the ritual is over and then the barrier surrounding Dark will collapse. Even Levi couldn't penetrate a barrier made by innocent virgin blood. It is disgusting to watch. But don't worry, Leviathan will not let him succeed in his plan should we fail." Doubt mixes with clouded judgment inside his words.

"So are you telling me to wait and see? Leviathan could shatter Japan at any given moment. I have to save my country; this bastard has taken enough from me already." My pleas fall upon deaf ears. Vetis is in deep thought. As this constructed war had raged on, I was learning more and more about how deep Vetis was. He really wasn't just a foul mouthed, bad kitten.

Even though Japan's skies are cloudless thanks to the mutated, monstrous dragon weaving in and out of the air, smoke rises from the many fires throughout the land, creating a thick veil. Ash falls down like snow, smothering the surfaces of the buildings in decay and death.

My hands itch to fight and my blood has gone beyond boiling. It goes against my instinct to simply stand here and wait. I cannot take my eyes off Dark, who continues to run his fingers through the glass as he climbs to the top of the container. The blood caresses him like a mother attempting to hold her baby, playfully running up his shielded arm.

"Do you sense it, Ginji? Can you feel their energy?" Dark smirks before laughing wildly.

The blood begins to swill and thrash around violently. I was wrong about it seeming to care for Dark. I can sense vile hatred, anger, and lust to destroy Dark deep within its murky red surface.

"Even though you are alive against my best wishes," says Dark, "at least I have the chance to see you reunited with your family." He laughs again. "Every last drop of their blood is held within this container. Well from your mother's side at least, I just killed your father's side for a laugh." The blood spun like a whirl pool.

Words alone cannot express my anger towards this mental bastard. I watch in dismay as white ghost like faces appear within the spinning blood.

"Mum!" Her defiled face whirls around and then out of sight. She's dead and still being tormented and tortured. How cruel and cynical is Dark? He enjoys and embraces the screeching horror like watching a favourite show. To him the seventy or so souls mixed in with the blood and body parts are exciting.

How many tears must fall from my eyes today? I picture my mother as she was in life. I can still smell the lilac perfume she always wore, and picture the smile on her slightly wrinkled face. Her apron covered in all manner of food substances... Wait, what the heck is that? A small child is in the middle of the swirling madness.

Three at the most, he looks dead, probably drowned in the blood of my family. The skin around his pale blue face and lips is cracked like clay. I stare into his eyes and my heart stops. One is completely black, but the other has become a familiar shade of emerald green. No, it can't be. My mind denies what I think I'm seeing, but my heart knows the truth.

Never have I fallen to my knees so swiftly. Rivers of tears roll down my cheeks as I bellow my sorrow into the sky. My baby brother...

"Ginji, do you like my pet?" Dark looks down on me with a wicked smile. "I had hoped to make you the catalyst for my ritual, but then I remembered you had a younger, more innocent sibling."

"You told me he was dead!" Rage pours out of me like the many tear drops.

"Oh, so I did. Well as you can see, he is quite dead now. You arrived too late. I assure you I tortured him well through his tiny life. I fed him scraps of people and demons, nursed him after each torture session. He was quite the broken little boy that you should have been."

"You will pay for every single one of your sins!" I continue to sob, Why did everything have to turn out this way?

"Please, do not make me laugh. You haven't the strength or resolve to make me pay for these apparent crimes. You, who have no idea how the universe works, have not the right to cast judgment upon someone of my stature. Get ready, Filth, the show is about to begin." Dark turns away, looking off and up into the sky as the tortured blood vortex skyrockets into the air and pierces the heavens like a dagger.

My innocent brother collapses into a dead heap inside the empty container. His lifeless gaze meets with my own. I feel just like Kumi, a mass of emotions, too many to handle, too much to control.

"Ginji, prepare yourself boy It's coming. Why hasn't Levi struck yet?" Vetis is seriously concerned for me, I can sense it; he's trying to keep my head in the game. It sounds as if he is crying too.

The blood streaks across the night sky, looking almost like veins in the human body as it twists and contorts into a vast network of strings. Leviathan let loose an almighty roar in the direction of Midland Square.

The blood high above pulsates. Terrifying and chilling high pitched screams ring through my ears, sending an awful shiver down my spine. I freeze in place as the sky begins to crack. The sound is like glass was shattering.

Through the thousands upon thousands of cracks shine bright, fiery lights. The field separating our two realms is shattering. Only one question comes to my mind as bright blue liquid begins to stream out of the cracks. What, exactly, waits on the other side?

Heat radiates from the cracks with such intensity I can feel it from where I stand. Drops of the blue liquid fall to the earth, dissolving anything in their path.

The ritual has succeeded; the pentagram and the barrier have vanished. Finally my chance to kill this bastard has come and I'm alone. Battered all over and without legs, Takeo has appeared from over the edge of the tower. He must have scaled it with his hands. Operation take Dark's head is about to begin, I need to stop these tears.

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