A story riddled with holes

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~ Ginji ~

Vetis is going ballistic and can't blame him. I'm inside the wolf's stomach, knee deep in god only knows what as liquid swishes around me, almost as if I'm inside a huge washing machine. Bits of body parts float by, but essentially I'm stuck in a slimy stomach cell. Now I know why vamps hate wolves.

"Let me go or I will eat my way out of here!" At first the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but I'm willing to bet the wolf tastes great.

Brief moments later I hear a reply telling me to sit tight. Can't quite understand why a huge splat hasn't happened yet, as we are free falling towards the pavement. The wolf boy jolts around, leaving me soaked in stomach juices and his various meals. Inside of his stomach smells rancid. What's surprising is how well I can see in total darkness, another neat vampire trait. Only at the moment it just means I can see severed limbs swishing towards me mixed in with other bits of soft decaying flesh.

"Okay, we are here. I'm going to barf you out now, Ginji. Just hold on a moment," exclaims Takeo as he begins to retch.

"What? I don't want to be barfed up!" I scream whilst Vetis is highly contemplating on body jacking me and eating his way out.

"If you don't want to be vomited then the only other option is for me to crap you out." Takeo giggles like a little school girl, which sound quite weird in a deep wolf's rumble.

"Spew you bastard! Cough me up now! " All of a sudden I find myself tossed around violently before being rocket propelled out of Takeo's mouth.

I roll across the concrete, covered in all manner of substances and gooey chunks of flesh. The strong rush of fresh air makes myself and the fairly large puddle I'm stuck in smell something foul, almost producing vomit in the back of my throat.

Scrambling to my feet, I leap out of the putrid mess, shedding my clothes as I go.

I look around the enormous, flat rooftop we've landed on, searching for that damn wolf, but all I find is a butt naked Takeo with his hand covering his nose.

"Oh, you think I stink? You owe me some damn clothes! And whilst we are at it, you ate me!" If only I had my blades, this wolf would be barbeque fodder.

"You can have some clothes once we get inside, just be grateful I saved your life. You can't transform yet, so a drop like that would have killed you. Since I brought you back Dark has been in a foul mood. Anyhow, we should head inside, my balls are getting chilly and you really do need a shower. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that serial killer tramp. He stunk so badly and was on some weird drugs. This is my place so just relax okay." Takeo walks right on by and through a solid metal hatch on the roof, leaving it open for me. I didn't notice at first, but it has a retinal scanner built into it.

Takeo may think saving my life justifies him eating me, but it don't. I owe him a meet and greet with my blades.

I take a moment to look at the scenery surrounding me. Somehow, we're now in vast mansion grounds filled with surrounding dark forests where the trees knit together to create a thick, dense wall of canopy and branches. We've travelled some distance in very little time as the towering hotel is many miles away, yet still visible.

"Stop zoning out and go take a damn shower!" Vetis screams at me. I didn't even know he could smell without body jacking me. "You're killing me, you stinky idiot!" He wants to kill Takeo more than I do right now.

I dropped down through the hatch into a luxurious, wood floored corridor with gold patterned wallpaper. The walls are covered with gold framed canvas paintings. Most of them picture naked girls or sailing ships, but on a rare few are people who look so similar to Takeo they must be relatives.

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