Akira's orders

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~ Akira ~

Whatever the young lord has planned he needs to do it fast, the streets are flooded with our enemies and no doubt Leviathan will rear his ugly head soon enough. I'm quite surprised he held back his hand for so long, especially after I stole those tethers.

Dark has left me in charge of the nightmare demons and, coupled with the police force I brought with me, we are gunning and cutting down Leviathan's forces bit by bit.

So much blood has been spilt and there are so many huge monsters on the battlefield it reminds me a little of Hell. As more of the sword wielding Yakuza run at me, the line of police officers I have stationed behind me, in full riot gear and protective shields, shoot their rounds over and over until the line of Yakuza fall, bullet ridden and dead, their faces down on the blood splattered tarmac.

Pulling a smoke from my pocket, I head to the next area. Area B is secure and ready for the young lord to pass through. My job and instructions are to carve a clear path to Midland Square. I've achieved that already and this battle has barely been raging for an hour. It's surprising how many have fallen and how red the streets have become in so short a time. The smell washes over me like a fragrant scent.

I send the riot police towards area C and the nightmare demons to area A, which has been cleared already, but now military vehicles have arrived and begun blasting everything apart with their mounted guns. Hard to believe Leviathan managed to get tanks within these walls. Dark needs to succeed or both of us will face eternity in Solace. Well, I will for sure, Dark's connections within Hell may provide him with succour.

As I make my way down the now deserted street, I feel the vibrations of my phone ringing against my chest. Only two people have my cell number, Dark and Kath. Sliding my hand inside my shirt pocket, I draw the phone to see on the caller ID that it's Dark. I swipe to unlock the phone and then press it to my ear.

"You left a present in the form of a rampaging flesh troll for me in area A. He's dead now, but thank you none the less for the warm up. How goes the operation? Is there any sign of Leviathan?"

I look around in all directions and then up into the sky. "No sire, and I just ordered the nightmare demons to re-clear area A in case anything was missed. There should be tanks in that vicinity too, so be careful young lord. Actually, I do see something heading in this direction, it doesn't appear to be Leviathan though." Looking closer into the night sky, I see a young lad shooting through the air, squirming and screaming, flailing his arms like a bird desperately trying to stay aloft.

I can hardly believe it. It's him, Mr Cannibal. Dark told me he had dealt with him, and yet here he is, flying towards Midland Square.

"Akira, speak up or have your tongue removed, what do you see? Time is short, so answer me you fool."

"I see Ginji, my lord. He is on his way to Midland Square. I do not know how or why, but he is flying through the air screaming in terror."

Dark grows quite for a moment, but I can hear his deep, angry breathing. "Kill him. Use all the power and men you have and kill him! Do not allow him to step foot inside Midland Square. I do not know how he has survived Leviathan, but I am starting to feel uneasy about this predicament. See it does not bother me again, Akira.

"By the way do you happen to have that wish ready?" Dark means the wish I stored, ready at a moment's notice to wish Kath's heart into his hands.

"Yes lord, you need only say the word." I flick my smoke out onto the ground and trample it into the shallow blood stream filling the street.

Why Dark didn't allow me to kill this Ginji in the first place grates on me, but it was his decision and I had no right to protest. Today will be your last day, Mr Cannibal, I think, and by the look of your trajectory you will be landing in area E. Think I have the Black Hearts stationed around there, they should be able to hold him at bay until I arrive to finish the job. 

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