Two hours

2 1 0

~ Ginji ~

As Vetis continues having a deep and meaningful conversation with his bigger than life half-brother, I can't stop thinking about Takeo and Kumi. Do I really have to kill them? The chances they knew of Dark's plan is high. Why else would they follow someone like him, even if he had saved them? Surely they could not have both been that blind. I sincerely hope they were though. They are the only friends I have in the world besides Vetis, and he's more a collection of angry brain cells than anything else.

Leviathan had told us Akira was not in his ranks, but under Dark's command, so that means Dark was the one behind my family's murders. But why? Was it all for the angel blood? Too many questions need answering and Vetis refuses to acknowledge me whilst he talks with Leviathan. And Leviathan himself hasn't answered some important questions Vetis has aired.

One truth is clear though, the whole Masters/slaves thing is bullshit. I knew it stank the moment I heard it, I've been questioning Takeo about it more closely over the last several days, and it seemed he too was beginning to doubt, but was that just a ruse to throw me off?

One matter Vetis does manage to get right even though it hurts his pride, is to admit Dark is stronger than us and his dragon blood is also immune to my toxic levels of angel blood because essentially he's not a demon, he's a high lord.

Vetis explains all this to Leviathan, but he just mocks us, much to Vetis' distaste, and instead of even offering the slightest amount of help he places a timer of two hours until he wipes Japan off the world map.

Two hours until he does what, I wonder? Sure, he seems strong and all, but there's no way a single man can shatter and destroy an entire country within two hours. Does he happen to have a nuke or something?

Vetis sighs as Leviathan refuses to budge on the matter. Two hours to fight through a small army of demons and men, not to mention other challenges lurking within. Dark in human form is stronger than me in cat form. With Vetis' advice I think I can maybe force Dark into a transformation as I only used half my strength with each fight we had.

My body begins to tingle as I think about fighting Dark to the death. But the thought of facing Takeo the same way makes my stomach churn and curdle like sour milk. Everything at the moment is too damn confusing and above all else, frustrating.

Vetis and Leviathan are about finished with their talk when I realise something of great importance. Two hours were given to reign in Dark or kill him, but it will take longer than that to reach Midland Square from our current location. Vetis actually takes note of my ramblings and decides to speak for me.

"Hey Levi, this moron I share a body with informs me it will take more than two hours to get to Midland Square from here."

Leviathan lets an out an almighty huff, making his black, four legged stalkers scurry around. "Wow, you two are such whiney little bitches! Fine, I will help you just this once, but I am deducting half an hour off the time. Kill or maim the bastard, stop the ritual at all costs." This Leviathan is as bat shit crazy as Kumi and as lazy as Takeo.

With aid offered, both myself and Vetis feel slightly relieved up to the point where Leviathan puts his huge hand around my skull. It's like a small ball within his huge, bear like palm. Vetis trembles in fear once more as he realises what aid we were about to receive. He pleads with Leviathan to let go and tries to break his grip, but it's impossible. Leviathan's gaze darts in all directions of the room until he focuses on one spot.

"Please bro, I don't need you help!" screams a terrified Vetis.

"Here you go, you little bastard!" says Leviathan as he launches me straight up like a missile.

We smash clean through the steel ceiling as easy as puncturing through tinfoil, and then through the rubble and not once does our speed reduce. Blooded and bruised, we fight to stay conscious. It's a miracle the impact didn't kill us, but we continue to soar even higher, passing the wispy night time clouds barely visible from below. How much strength does this Leviathan have?

Our upward momentum stops, and now we fall from a much greater height than the hotel Dark chucked me out of. Below us is the crumbled mess of the mansion, its grounds littered in dead bodies. Leviathan had clearly battled his way inside, not that it probably took much with his strength.

The mansion rumbles and erupts as Leviathan launches himself into the sky with his hands clasped together like the world's biggest tennis racket.

"Nonsense little brother, it's the very least... I can do!" Leviathan smashes into us with such force I feel every bone in my body ring like a church bell. How am I not dead?

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