The ritual begins

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~ Dark ~

This mongrel mutt refuses to die. Countless times my hand pierces through his rough coat and punctures deep inside whilst I pull out various organs. He has none left, they lie scattered all over Midland Square's roof like the fallen leaves of a cherry blossom tree. And still he does not bleed. Something is wrong and time is running out.

"Why will you not die you filthy beast!" Again I rip apart Takeo's stomach as he jumps over me. Right now he reminds me of one of Kumi's stitched dolls with nothing inside.

"You would like it if I just died wouldn't you, traitorous bastard! What were we to you, Dark? We were family! I refuse to die until I take you down. I should have listened to Ginji" Takeo curses as he makes another run for me.

This time my gaze meets with his, for in this moment I need to look him in his gutter trash eyes. "What were you to me? Nothing more than play toys to be used and discarded as I please. I am done with you now, so be gone from my sight, mongrel!"

Takeo tries his hardest to land a blow on me, but he is slow and sloppy. This fight is nothing more than a waste of my time.

Finally, I manage to get the power I need behind one of my kicks. As my boot connects with the overly large wolf, I feel the impact shatter bones. Not that it matters to this damn wolf, nothing stops him from progressing towards me with evil intent.

Ribs break under the weight of my kick and Takeo goes flying backwards. If he won't die then there is one sure way I can remove him from my sight for a while and that's to send him to the depths down below.

Speed on my side, I hurtle after the flea bag, landing on top of him. I rip off his legs one by one. He doesn't scream or even flinch. Toys aren't as much fun when they don't feel pain.

One final kick sends Takeo over the edge of the roof on a crash course towards the mayhem below.

"And don't even think of coming back up, you damn mutt." His legs shouldn't be able to regenerate now and without them he can't get back up here. The mutt was right though, he should have listened to Ginji from the start. A smile creeps across my face; now that dog is put down it's finally time to start with the real killing.

A strong breeze passes through the gardens, rustling the pink leaves and making the whole area smell vile. I hate the smell of cherry blossom trees; makes me want to puke. It reminds me of the tacky perfume Kath wore. Oh how I hope she is enjoying the Killing fields. Took a lot of string pulling to ensure she ended up there.

Hand outstretched, I begin to summon many portals around me, including one on top of where my father's statue had stood. A specially designed crystal container large enough to fit many gallons of blood inside drops from it with a gentle clink.

"Come to me, my slaves." I beckon as the other portals surrounding me come alive. This part of the plan didn't take me too long to accomplish as children are everywhere in the human realm. I just had to make sure they were under seven to ensure they were innocent. This ritual calls for virgin blood.

Nine terrified children, step out of the portals wearing nothing but flowing white silk gowns. Some are even sobbing. This is what I love, this is what I relish, and the excitement builds up inside me. I feel alive!

I direct them to nine different points surrounding the crystal vase and order them to remain still. I killed their parents in front of their eyes to ensure they don't dare go against my word; young minds are such feeble things after all.

Summoning one more portal, I reach inside and grab one last boy from within the darkness. He is my catalyst, a pure blooded angel no older than three year of age. I spent two years feeding him human flesh, corrupting him as required for the ritual. The very thought of Ginji meeting this pile of bones, withered skin, and black eyes thrills me, but sadly I will not have the pleasure of seeing his reaction, for surely Akira has killed him by now. A pity really, since he never got to say goodbye to his baby brother.

The small boy hasn't cried for a long while. He is broken beyond repair, unable to even walk or talk. I've had him isolated in utter darkness for so long, he shrinks away from the light of the moon as the brightness blinds his onyx eyes.

I toss him into the crystal container. His head strikes the side, but it doesn't matter to me now if he dies, he just needs to be fresh, a few hours' dead means nothing. One last portal now needs to be summoned.

With the last dark portal opening above the crystal vase, its contents began to spill freely. Gallons upon gallons of angel blood that I've collected from Ginji and his brother's relatives. I've also mixed in the blood gained from my own sparring sessions with Ginji, and the blood I extracted from his miserable spec of a human brother.

I can hear the young lad gargling and choking as the blood of his relatives smothers him. How marvelous! Now the last thing I need to do is kill the other children by ripping out their hearts. Their blood will draw the ritual circle needed to pry open the tear in the sky and summon the Hellish vortex.

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