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~ Kath ~

"So then, Dark, how do I look?" I step out of the hotel shower dripping wet through, my long red and blonde hair falling down across my breasts as I enter the chilly hotel living room.

Dark is seated by the window where he likes to observe Japan. The window beside him is broken; no wonder it's chilly, it's raising goose bumps on my naked flesh. A little glance is all I receive from Dark before he puts his head back into his book.

"So why is the window busted? I thought I heard some kind of commotion." I head back into the bathroom to look for a towel and clothes.

"Takeo took that thing, Ginji, to the mansion."

"What, and it was quicker to leave through the window?" I yell whilst pulling up my underwear.

"No, that thing dared to place his hands upon me. Filthy little wretch needs to know his place."

"Oh, how not very nice of him, to place hands upon the heir to Hell. Then again, it is not like he knows that."

"Well, no doubt Takeo will take him down to the training room; I would have preferred him dead."

I walk back out of the bathroom sporting my frilly pink underwear and this time I grab Dark's attention. "It seems you like pink? It is good we let him live for now, you could still need a catalyst if your first fails you. Do not forget that if this ritual fails we are all as good as dead. Leviathan is on our very heels and his power is scary. He could sink Japan in an instant if he wished."

Dark drops his book and comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me. His embrace as always is cold, but that's how I like it.

The night air is making the entire room chilly and standing here in nothing but my underwear isn't exactly helping.

"Sorry my sweet Katharine, I was engrossed too deeply within my book to notice your efforts. Leviathan shall do nothing to sink Japan. I sent word of who I was, if he dares to lay a finger upon me my father will decapitate him and see his head mounted on a spike."

"But your father is also who we are trying to kill."

Dark looked down at me, his eyes meeting with mine. They were like a great abyss ready to suck me in, ready to devour me whole.

"You worry too much. Yes, this will no doubt grab my father's attention, but he will sit back and do nothing. He will see this as me pining for his attention. He should have offered me my own legion by now; he is the one at fault for not seeing to my needs. He is too wrapped up in banging all those little whores. Speaking of little whores..." Dark pushes me away so I fall backwards onto the sofa.

Giggling, I bring him in closer, wrapping my legs around his waist as he bends down to suck on my neck. A rush of heat and pleasure warms my body. "Yes sire, take me, I am yours to do with as you please!" Dark continues to caress me as he runs his tongue up and down my neck and then nibbles on my ear.

Ripping his top off to reveal a scarred, muscular, yet sleek figure, I begin to kiss around his stomach whilst Dark slides a hand under my pink bra. I'm getting incredibly damp down below, but before I have a chance to rip Dark's pants off, an explosion downstairs rocks the entire building, rupturing many of our floor's glass windows.

"What the hell was that?" I scream as I shoot up from the sofa. Putting his clothes back on, Dark rushes for the door, but stops mid track as it is flung open and in walks one of our lackeys. Barely five feet tall, the goblin stands there in his ripped suit, jewel encrusted fingers dripping blood on the carpet as he holds out a note. Dark rips it away from him.

The goblin watches Dark with his greedy green stare, patiently waiting for him to finish reading the letter. No doubt he is hoping for some kind of reward.

"What does the letter say my lord?" I ask as Dark scrunches up the paper and rams it down the Goblin's throat.

"Leviathan wants to meet. He knows my end goal and he would see it stopped now by taking a diplomatic approach. Leviathan doesn't do diplomatic, he does war, chaos, and vast amounts of destruction. He is growing impatient and now that he has found us and knows my true intent he intends to stand guard on Midland square.

"I knew we should have taken the building many years back, but if we did the move would have been too bold and all of Hell would have seen my plan." Dark heaves a sigh as he removes his sword and cleaves off the little man's head.

I love it when Dark gets all, well dark. It makes my heart flutter. It made sense for him to kill the man, though, as he had just stumbled upon me half naked and Dark roughly dressed and it would not take an Einstein to figure out what was going on. We can't risk Takeo or Kumi finding out about us. After all, they too are vital ingredients for Dark's ritual recipe. The heart of a Bloodsnoser, a voodoo priestess, and a ghoul are three key ingredients to open the skies and lead Earth to Hell, or Hell to Earth.

"What will you do now?" I ask as a grim faced Dark turns around.

"I shall meet with him. Within the next five days we shall make a move on Midland square, Leviathan is an impatient goliath. I will speak with Takeo and tell him to prepare, I need him and Kumi to actually make it too Midland Square alive, the ingredients have to be fresh.

'I have played this far too long to give up now. It's the only enjoyment I have gotten from this rancid world. Have Kumi head over to the mansion, we may need Ginji's blood to deal with Leviathan. He shouldn't touch me, but in the letter he did state he was willing to rip my head off should I attempt anything."

I gulp in fear for Dark. I've heard stories of Leviathan, that he once killed an entire city with his strength alone; none of us are a match for that kind of brutal power.

Back in the bathroom I grab my phone to giveKumi a call whilst I can hear Dark on the phone to Takeo, spinning yet morelies to keep the idiot wolf dangling. They are all like insects before Dark,and he is the spider. Even I'm caught up within that web, but Dark has a planfor me. He needs my heart too, but he has sensed something incredibly sinisterwithin Ginji that can help my fate.

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