Chapter 1

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"Gulf! Wait!" Mild was running as fast as he could to reach the taller boy who was walking to the gym. A random meeting that had been called for the Technology students a week after school had finished for the summer, putting fear into their hearts that they wouldn't be getting a break at all.

"What's up, Mild? Do you know what this meeting is about?" Gulf was entering into his final year at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi majoring in Industrial Education and Technology. Mild was his best friend since the beginning of college when they met at orientation.

"I have no idea but I've heard a rumor that they may be forcing us to retake that class from last semester when the teacher had a meltdown and none of us showed up for the rest of the time. How is it our fault they never replaced him?" The shorter of the two was bouncing as he walked, unable to contain his energy.

Gulf groaned and kicked a rock across the parking lot. Mild and he had just gotten jobs at the new sports shop in Siam Mall and retaking a class would mean they would both have to quit. They were saving up money for a trip after they graduated and now was the only time they'd be able to work so many hours. The employee discount and attention from customers didn't hurt either.

The friends walked into the building and found seats towards the back. There was a row of chairs at the front filled with their teachers and head of the school but there were no papers or other materials laid out like Gulf had expected.

"I don't think this is about that class Mild. We all passed the exam at the end remember? This is something else."

After the clock struck 10, the doors slammed closed and the head of the school stood up.

"Good morning! Today we have called all of you here in order to announce a change in school policy. The hazing that happens in Engineering facilities across the country has shown to be beneficial for student performance and prioritization as well as helpful in building life long friendships within the class and with direct line seniors.

As a result of this study, all colleges in Bangkok have been ordered to implement a hazing system for all other departments and participate in intercollegiate competitions. We here at KMUT have decided that your class will be responsible for the hazing activities of our incoming freshman and, at the end of the year, your hazing team will participate in the competition. Schools who place in the top 5 at the competition will receive government funding and the hazing classes will receive a free trip to another country together.

We expect you all to cooperate and that begins now. In order to become a hazer, you must first know what hazing is like. Everyday for the rest of the summer you will have 3 hours of mandatory activities in the evening during which you will take the role our new freshman will take in the new semester. Throughout this process, a head hazer will be chosen and that person will then collaborate with the faculty on who should be allowed to become part of the hazing team. If you are interested in being on the team you will have to apply but the head hazer will be hand chosen by the students and faculty.

Any questions?"

Everyone was silent for a moment and then a solitary hand went in the air. Mild looked at his friend in disbelief and tried to get him to put his hand down before the head saw.

"What is it, Kanawut?" The head looked upon his favorite student with a determined look, knowing the wrong question at this time could cause pandemonium. This program was already a shock and he did not want to start it on the wrong foot.

"Sir, will we be competing against Engineering schools? They have more experience in this so wouldn't that be hard to win?"

"Yes, the intercollegiate competition is between all schools and all departments. However, now that more departments will be participating, you will first compete with the other departments at KMUT. The top department from each school will be sent to the competition. Don't be deterred by this. Just because they've been doing it longer doesn't mean you will not beat them. I fully expect this department to show a strong performance by the end of the summer and bring us a top 5 position in the competition a year from now."

Gulf nodded along with what the head was saying, taking in the information in his well-known calculating way. This sounds like a crazy plan but I can see the benefits. All of my friends in engineering are really close to their line seniors and they manage their time so well. If the head is being forced to do this, that means we need to be on board now to make it work.

"Who is going to be hazing us, sir?"

The question quieted whatever whispers were going through the crowd and everyone turned to look at the head.

"The senior engineering students will be hazing you as the third years from their faculty are already trained for the next year. Every day from 6 pm to 9 pm, you will be required to report to the field in uniform. The seniors will explain more tomorrow when you arrive. Do not be late. Do not try to skip it. Anyone who misses even one day of this training will be put on academic probation. If you miss three days, your right to graduate will be postponed. This is a mandatory requirement for the university, not a game. Be the intelligent young adults we know you to be and do your best. That is all, you may go."

The head and the faculty all filed out of the building, leaving hundreds of students to start talking about this rather drastic turn of events.

Gulf and Mild stood up and walked out to escape the sea of bodies and noise that generally seemed to be looking forward to tomorrow.

"What the hell, Gulf?? Why did you bring attention to yourself?" Mild was confused because his friend may like to flirt but being the center of attention was not something he liked being. He had a quiet personality with those he didn't know well and never put himself out there if he didn't have to.

"We need to show that we can handle this, Mild. The head wasn't asking us our opinion, he was telling us that this is going to happen either way. And I was curious about the situation because I want to know what we are up against. Now let's go to work and let them know we may have events randomly this summer. The hazing hours are after the shop closes but I have a feeling we won't be getting out on time every day."

*At the shop*

"Hiring you two has given us so much success so of course this is not going to jeopardize anything. Also, Gulf, have you seen how many people participated in your little contest? Over 100! I can't believe promising a date with you would get people to spend so much money," the owner of the sports shop was almost vibrating in excitement. P'Earth was a tall, muscular guy but his passion for sports and money was enough to make him look like a kid sometimes.

Gulf shook his head and smiled at Earth. "I didn't know so many people would come either, Phi, but I saw it later on IG so I guess the word traveled fast. When do you think we should announce it and pick a name?"

"Let's do it now!" Mild exclaimed loudly. "I can't wait to see the look on your face when it's a guy. That crowd of girls may have been cute but you weren't the one working the register all day, I was. There were so many guys that came in and entered, Gulf."

Gulf just smiled at P'Earth as they watched the play by play Mild gave them, complete with sound effects and hand motions.

"Who cares if it's a guy, Mild? It's one date and it brought in a lot of money on opening day for the store. Besides, you know I don't care about gender." While he had never dated before, Gulf was well aware that he had no qualms about being with a guy or girl. He was someone who felt that personality was more important. He just wanted someone who could take care of him well.

P'Earth walked behind the counter and pulled out a glass bowl filled with little strips of paper. He brought the bowl over to Gulf and pulled out his phone to record the moment to post on IG.

"Go ahead and pick a winner Gulf. The papers just have the person's name on them so if you read it off, we will call them later. I'll post the video on the shops IG as well."

Gulf took a deep breath and reached his hand into the bowl. He coyly looked at the camera and smirked before he pulled out a single slip of paper. Opening it up he glanced down at the name and smiled.

"P'Mew, I look forward to our date, krub."

Gulf winked at the camera and then looked back at the neat writing on the paper. I wonder what he will be like.

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