Chapter 19

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"Gulf! Hurry up! We are going to be late!!" Mild's shrill voice echoed down the hallway towards the taller man's room. It was finally graduation and if they didn't walk out of the door in the next 5 minutes, they were going to be in trouble with the Head.

"I'm coming! Sorry, I have to actually try now that I'm modeling. P'Best said my appearance matters more than I think." Gulf walked out of his room, dressed in a black suit, shoes shining brilliantly. His hair was styled for once and Mild knew there would be so many stares today.

 His hair was styled for once and Mild knew there would be so many stares today

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"Well, let's get a move on then. What would the head say if we were late for our own graduation?"

The friends left their apartment and made their way down to the parking lot where Boat was waiting. After giving Mild a chaste kiss, they all got in and started the drive over to the university, blasting K-pop songs.

Once they arrived, everything was a blur. The three were herded by handlers into the line and Gulf honestly couldn't tell you what any of the speakers said. He was so caught up in the moment that he almost didn't notice when it was his turn to stand and get his diploma, a nudge in his ribs making him move.

What finally snapped him out of it was when he felt a pair of arms circle his waist and lift him from the ground of the courtyard he had wandered into after the class had been released to mingle with their families.

Arms he would know anywhere.

"Ah! P'Mew! Put me down." Gulf tried to sound firm but the smile on his face contradicted his words. Once he felt his feet firmly touch the ground once more, he turned to face his gorgeous boyfriend, grins plastered on both of their faces.

"Congratulations, love. You did it! Now you can finally relax a little." Mew's honey filled tone washed over Gulf, making him feel calm even as his heart raced with excitement. The elder reached a hand up to softly fix Gulf's hair, eyes shining with pride for his boyfriend. Gulf had been working so hard as the year ended in order to balance his modeling and still get good grades. Mew was so happy that he would be able to rest a bit more now and get rid of the dark circles under his eyes.

What P'Mew didn't know is that Gulf had been working so hard at school for a reason.

"I don't know how much rest I'll be getting, Khun Phi. I hear Chula's Masters program is pretty intense." Gulf nervously gazed into his boyfriend's eyes as his words finally registered. He hadn't told Mew he was applying at his school in fear of not getting in or being told he didn't want him there, though he knew that was a ridiculous thought.

"You're coming to Chula?" Mew exclaimed, lifting Gulf into the air again when he received a nod in confirmation.

Well, this worked out better than I thought.

"So, I guess me asking you to move in isn't going to be rejected?" Gulf gasped at the question before his eyes filled with tears and he hugged his Phi tightly. The two remained in an embrace until their friends and families interrupted them. Gulf was overwhelmed to see Mew's parents and their friends from the hazing competition there as well. The day was filled with taking pictures before they all headed out to a nice restaurant that Mew had booked a private room at.

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