Chapter 10

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The photo shoot had finally ended and Gulf was so ready to go home and sleep but the organizer was still droning on and on.

"Thank you all for coming out for this photo shoot! The pictures will be released in a few months, right before your school competitions. You're all free to go. Thank you, na!"

Gulf breathed out a relieved sigh and pushed himself off the wall of the ballroom. He left the room and saw P'Best waiting for him. Walking up to his shorter manager, he was surprised when he was handed a business card.

"Here you are, Nong Gulf. If you ever consider a modeling career, let me know, I think you'd do really well at it. Let's get you home now though, it's been a long day."

P'Best drove Gulf back to his condo and the hazer flopped into bed gratefully, slipping into sleep the minute his head hit the pillow.

The next morning Gulf woke up to pounding on his door, causing him to groan loudly as he rolled over.

"Gulf, get your ass up! You have a lot of explaining to do mister." Mild was intent on getting answers and Gulf knew he wouldn't stop if he didn't explain.

"Just come in, you fucking nuisance!" Gulf yelled out; his voice scratchy from sleep.
Mild happily opened the door and bounced his way over to the bed. Gulf raised his arms into the air like a baby and Mild quickly climbed under the covers to snuggle with his best friend. It had been a long time since they had had snuggle time together and both had missed it.

After a few minutes of blissful comfort, Gulf finally spoke up.

"I spent the night at P'Mew's the other night. I got sent home from work because I was so out of it. We hadn't seen each other in weeks so I asked if I could go through his book collection. I didn't plan to stay over but it was too late to return."

Mild nodded along with his friend, tracing circles on his bare arm. "Be real with me, Gulf. Are you guys together now? I know you kissed a while back but nothing has come of it since."

"We talked last night and we are officially together now," Gulf said, unable to stop the smile from appearing on his sleepy face.

Mild squealed and hugged his friend close. "Yes! Good job Gulf, he's a catch. Now we both have boyfriends, who would've thought?!"

Gulf just laid there while Mild forcibly flopped him around in his arms, the smile never abating as he shared in his happiness with his friend.

They spent the rest of the day lounging in bed, enjoying the much-needed time off. Tomorrow they would find out the results of the hazing team tryouts and then they'd have a few days to plan out the activities for the freshman before school started.

Gulf was worried that he wouldn't be able to see his boyfriend (even thinking of that word made him giddy) very often. He hoped they'd make it work.


The next day started out much the same as Mild pounded on Gulf's door before remembering he could just go in. He pounced onto the still sleeping body of his best friend and started shouting.

"The list is out! The list is out! THE LIST IS OUT! Gulf wake up, wake up, wake up," The chanting was accompanied by incessant shaking that had Gulf begging for Mild to stop.

"Did you make it?" Gulf asked, rolling onto his back and hoping the dizziness his friend had brought on would go away soon.

"I don't know, I'm too scared to check. You check for me, okay?" Mild handed Gulf his phone and the younger nodded, sitting up against the wall and rubbing his eyes.

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