Chapter 16

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A month later saw the top five hazing teams in Thailand boarding a flight to the United Kingdom. As the winner, Gulf was the one to choose where the teams would be going on their trip so he had obviously chosen to fly to London to see his favorite football team play. The other boys were excited to go to one of the most famous cities in the world though not everyone wanted to see the football match.

"Do we have to go to the game with you?" Boat whined, not a fan of football in the least.

"Yes! It's the only mandatory thing we have to do for the week we will be here! It's the whole point of the trip so suck it up!" Gulf snapped back at his friend good naturedly, his excitement stopping his annoyance in its tracks. He was hopping around the seating area talking to everyone who was going with them. Along with Gulf, Mild and Boat, the four other hazing teams were all coming. Gulf was so happy to see Krist again as they had been texting each other often over the past month since the competition.

His Khun Phi was watching him float around with amusement, much more relaxed as he knew the flight was going to be extremely long. He sat languidly wearing black sweats and a comfy long sleeve, holding a novel in one large hand.

About half an hour later, the announcement was made that they could start boarding soon. They boarded the plane and found their seats easily enough, everyone nervous for the 13-hour flight ahead of them.

Gulf was bouncing in his seat with excitement because it was finally happening! He looked over when he felt a hand on his thigh and beamed at Mew.

"Are you ready P'Mew??"

"We still have a long flight to get through so try to calm down, Nong." Mew was amused by the younger's premature enthusiasm.

Gulf just snorted and looked out the window again, resuming his bouncing.

It only took an hour after takeoff for Gulf's energy to dwindle down to nothing and the whining to start. Luckily, Mew was prepared with snacks and movies to lull the other into a deep sleep for the remainder of the flight.

Mew was the only one of their group awake for landing and he was amazed by the view as the plane descended through the clouds.


"On behalf of Thai Airways, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this flight and welcome you to London."

Gulf finally stirred from sleep and ecstatically shouted, "We're here!" causing the other passengers to laugh at his exuberance.

The massive group slowly exited the plane, trying to shake off their sleepiness as it was early afternoon in London. They walked together to claim their bags and board the shuttle bus that had been organized for them by the hazing committee. It only took about 45 minutes for them to reach their hotel and everyone was amazed by how nice it was.

"Okay, everyone! You have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever you want. We will meet back here at 7 pm to go to dinner and then I'd recommend an early night to fight the jet lag. Tomorrow we go to the Chelsea game at 10 am so everyone be ready by 8, okay?" P'Mew gave everyone their room keys and then they went up a few at a time to their rooms, leaving just Gulf's team and Mew for last.

"Thanks for making sure we shared a room, Mew. It'll be nice to have this time together." Mild said, clapping Mew on the shoulder. The eldest laughed and said, "Boat slipped me $100 to make it happen weeks ago but it was already in the plan so."

Boat exclaimed in mock anger and started chasing Mew around the lobby asking for his money back. The two best friends watched their partners act like children and chuckled quietly before heading to the elevators.

"Hurry up, guys! I want to take a nap before dinner!" Mew and Boat looked up at Gulf's call and then turned to each other seriously. They stared for a few seconds before nodding, shaking hands, and following the other two upstairs. Gulf shook his head at their antics and pressed the button for their floor.

After reaching their room, Gulf promptly flopped on the bed in exhaustion and whined when Mew lifted him off immediately.

"Nooooo you mean Phi! I'm tired, let me sleep!" Mew laughed and ushered Gulf into the bathroom, sitting him down on the bench inside before returning to the main room and gathering their supplies. He went back to see the youngest slumped over on the bench, trying to sleep again. Another small tantrum occurred as Mew stood him up, undressed him, and deposited him under the cold spray of the shower.

They showered together and grumpy Gulf turned into cuddly Gulf as they made their way to the luxuriously comfortable bed they had in their room. Mew snuggled him in tightly and kissed his head as they slipped off into dreamland for a few hours before dinner.

Everyone met up at 7 pm and followed Mew to a private room off of the hotel's restaurant for a delicious dinner together. All of the teams were mingling and getting along, the pressure of competition long gone and friendships taking their place. One table held the heads and Mild and Boat, causing Ohm to look like a 7th wheel from the outside but everyone included him in the conversation so he didn't feel lonely.

They ate so much that everyone was in a food coma afterwards, not wanting to walk to the elevators to get back to their rooms any time soon. The first to rouse himself was Mild who ushered everyone out as he saw the staff coming in to clear up their mess. They all said thank you and headed upstairs to slip into an exhausted sleep, tummies full and hearts light.

Tomorrow they'd have a fun filled day watching a football game and then exploring London some more. Gulf couldn't wait and neither could Mew because he planned on asking the younger one to officially be his boyfriend again when they went sightseeing together. He just hoped he would say yes.

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