Chapter 20 - Bliss

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Gulf was strolling on campus, searching for his next class when he heard a commotion off to his left. He turned his head and felt panic take over as he saw a crowd of girls running full speed towards him. The chunky cheeked boy raised his arms to cover his face and braced himself for an impact that never came. Peeking out, he saw the crowd of girls had come to a stop a few feet away from him and formed a semi-circle around him.

"Can I help you?" He asked, relaxing once he realized that they weren't going to hurt him.

"You're Gulf, right?" At his nod, the girl continued. "Are you really engaged to P'Mew? Did you guys already get married? What did those posts mean over the summer?" Gulf chuckled as he finally saw that all of them were wearing Waanjai shirts, meaning they were fans of him and P'Mew.

"I think the posts said it all." With that simple statement, a smile, and a little wave, Gulf headed around the crowd of screaming girls to his classroom. It was only his first week at Chula but he could tell he was going to like it here. People were obviously curious about his relationship with P'Mew but no one had been mean or overly invasive. He appreciated that everyone treated him normally in classes and kept their distance on campus.

Once classes finished for the day, he headed out to his car that he had bought after saving up some of his modeling money. P'Mew had convinced him to get one after they saw that their schedules weren't going to match up enough to go to campus together often. P'Mew's PhD was very intense, and Gulf didn't want to inconvenience him.

He went back to their apartment and was happily greeted by his favorite little boy, Chopper. "How's daddy's baby today, hm? Were you good?" Mew had insisted that Gulf was Chopper's other father now that they had tied the knot. He still couldn't believe his plan had worked out so well.


"I've got an idea," he whispered, giggling evilly in Mew's ear.

"What is it, Bii?" Mew wrapped his large hands around Gulf's tiny waist and maneuvered him onto his lap as the younger told him what he thought they should do about the article.

"So, you want to move the wedding up to the next week or two if possible and then just post cryptic messages on Instagram saying we already got married? Do you think our parents could prepare all of that in time? It's a lot to ask of them, love."

Gulf sighed and nodded sadly, pouting as he nuzzled his face into P'Mew's neck. "I know it's probably not possible since it would basically be an elopement, but I just figured it would take all of the pressure off of us. No one would continuously ask us when we were getting married and there would be no issues with people trying to sneak in. I just thought the idea had merit. It's okay though! I'll think of something else out."

Mew thought about it carefully before he dug his phone out of his pocket and called his mom.

"Hi, mama! You saw the article, right? Okay, so Gulf had this idea..."

Mew explained the entire idea to his mom and listened to her plan it all out and try to figure out how to get everything done in time. His mom told him she'd call Gulf's mom and get back to him with an answer soon. Mew hung up and turned to find Gulf had fallen asleep on his shoulder, his lips parted slightly to let out soft puffs of air on his neck.

Letting out a quiet laugh, Mew carried the taller to the couch and covered him with a blanket. Chopper then hopped up and curled himself up behind Gulf's knees, tucking his head into the softness. Mew couldn't help but to snap a picture before he headed upstairs to shower and wait for his mom to return his call.


Mew hurriedly answered the phone while toweling off the water from his body, careful not to slip on the bathroom floor.

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