Chapter 17

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Warning: This chapter has explicit content.

The next day everyone was up early and Gulf's excitement seemed to radiate to the others on the way to the stadium. The hazers all looked on in amusement as Mew tried to rein in his Nong as if he truly was a child. Gulf was almost literally bouncing off the walls of the van, unable to keep still at the thought that he was finally going to see a Chelsea game in person with all of his friends. It was a dream come true!

"Gulf, please! Calm down!" Mew had resorted to begging as the 185 cm boy had tried to stand up while the van was still in motion, causing him to headbutt Mew's chin on the way down after he fell.

Once the van actually came to a stop, Mew physically restrained Gulf in order to let everyone else get out in one piece. Gulf whined and thrashed like an angry toddler so, when no one was looking, Mew gently bit his shoulder which made Gulf still instantly.

"What was that for?" He asked in confusion.

"To stop your little tantrum. Behave or I will take you back to the hotel right now and you won't see the game at all." Gulf pouted at his Khun Phi's words but he tried to calm his excitement down nonetheless. He would be revisiting that biting situation again later, though, don't you worry.

The game was amazing and Chelsea won, much to everyone's thrill. Gulf was in heaven after the match was over, almost floating on the way to the van. Mew and Mild decided that lunch was in order so they headed off to find something simple to eat. The group ended up at a fast food joint because no one could agree on a cuisine they all wanted. After their stomachs were full, they spit up into groups to go sightseeing for the rest of the day, everyone wanting to see different things which fell right into Mew's plans to get Gulf alone.

"I want to go see Big Ben!" Gulf yelled out when Mild asked where everyone wanted to go. To his dismay, no one else wanted to go, instead choosing to see museums or Buckingham Palace. His heart fell at that, knowing he wouldn't be able to see it today if he was the only one who wished to go.

"I'll go with Gulfie to see the clock and we can all meet up at the hotel for dinner around 8 pm, okay?" Gulf spun around to see the person who said that, a grin on his face once he saw it was his P'Mew. Latching onto his arm immediately, the younger almost dislocated Mew's shoulder with the strength he used to drag them over to a cab.

The ride over consisted of them googling the tower's history and learning that it wouldn't chime at all whilst they were there today. In order to not get Gulf's hopes crushed, Mew decided that he would use his headphones to play the chimes in the younger's ears once the clock stuck 5 pm, which would be a few minutes after they arrived.

Mew paid the taxi driver and followed Gulf over to where you could best see Big Ben, both men in awe of the magnificent structure in front of them. Sneakily getting his headphones out and pulling up the YouTube video, Mew gently put the pods into Gulf's ears and pressed play. Gulf turned to look at Mew and felt tears well up in his eyes as he heard Big Ben's chimes ring.

They stood there for what seemed like forever as the chimes quieted in the headphones and the water ran by below them, a gentle sound in such a big city. Gulf removed the headphones and handed them back to Mew, still tearing up at how sweet the elder was to him. Once Mew put his phone away, he had an armful of squishy Gulf as the younger glued himself to the other, holding on for dear life.

Mew laughed at how cute the taller boy was and hugged him back just as tightly. He braced himself for what he was about to say, glad he didn't have to look into those giant puppy eyes as he did this.

"So, I know it's been my turn to wait for you and I shouldn't even be doing this right now because it should be you telling me but... I love you, Gulf. I love you so much that I would do absolutely anything for you and with you. This past month and half has been so hard knowing that we aren't actually together and, while I know I made you wait so much longer, I'm hoping you'll forgive this old guy for his impatience. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my boyfriend, Yai Nong? We don't have to do anything differently; we can still take it slowly but I would be the happiest man on Earth if you said yes."

Mew was breathing heavily by the time he finished his speech, rushing to get the words out and holding onto Gulf tighter than ever in order to not have to look into his eyes and see rejection again. He was so weak for his Nong and he hoped more than anything that he'd say yes.

Gulf's head was swimming, thinking about what to do. He'd been planning on telling Mew later this week that he wanted it to be official again but this threw him for a loop. His tears finally spilled over and his body shook with heart-wrenching sobs. He felt as if he'd gotten so close to losing Mew and the pain he felt was enough to make his breath catch in his throat. Conscious of the fact that they were in public in a foreign country, Gulf buried his head in Mew's shoulder and calmed himself quickly.

Turning slightly to the side, Gulf breathed one word into P'Mew's ear that changed everything.


Mew sucked in a deep breath and then picked Gulf up off the floor in his joy. He said yes! After so long being apart and having to wait, they were once again together.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur for both men as they could only focus on their entangled fingers as they walked the streets of London. They made it back to their hotel extremely early and went up to the room, Gulf blushing on the way as he realized nothing was holding them back anymore. He looked at Mew's broad shoulders as the elder led the way down the hallway, biting his lip as he felt the hurried feeling in the air around them.

The second he stepped into the room his back was slammed up against the closing door and his mouth was taken in a fiery kiss. A groan left his lips as a hand grabbed his left ass cheek firmly, massaging the flesh hungrily.

Mew left his mouth to give him a chance to breath but it got caught in his throat as the elder sucked a hickey into his neck ferociously. The passion was coming off the elder in waves that made Gulf's head spin. He couldn't form coherent thoughts other than 'yes' and 'more'.

Somehow, Mew managed to bring them over to the bed while stripping them of their shirts along the way. Gulf felt himself flop onto the bed in an unsexy way and was about to move when Mew attacked his torso with more kisses and hickeys, eating him like a starving man. He couldn't control the sounds coming out of his mouth as Khun Phi found every sensitive spot and explored each of them thoroughly.

Reaching the top of his Nong's pants, Mew looked up for permission to go further. Seeing how gone Gulf was, he crawled up the slim body to stare directly into his eyes.

"Gulf, are you okay with going farther? We don't have to go all the way and I don't want to do anything you're not ready for." He could see Gulf swimming back to the surface through his pleasure and repeated his questions again to make sure the younger actually understood what he had said. He wasn't going to hurt his boyfriend in the first few hours because he didn't get his consent.

Gulf considered the words that finally penetrated his subconscious after he cleared his head. He thought about whether he wanted to go all the way and decided that he was ready. This was his Khun Phi. He knew he wouldn't hurt him and that it would feel incredible. Locking eyes with the elder, he let a sinful smirk linger on his lips before he licked them slowly and said,

"Show me what you've got, Khun Phi."

He watched as Mew's eyes lit up with a devilish glee and he felt himself harden even more in his jeans when the elder let out a dark chuckle.

"Be careful what you ask for, Gulf."

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