Chapter 6

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"Why are you late for the activity, krab?!"

The yell echoed through the field as the intimidating figure of the head hazer marched around the crowd of students to reach the late comer. Mew Suppasit was remembering his old ways as he stared down the third-year student. He hadn't wanted to accept the position of Head Hazer for the competition team but no one else was available and he had the best achievements under his belt. Now that there were going to be more departments attending the hazing competition, his school wanted to ensure they kept their winning streak.

"I'm sorry, I was just-"

"You know what time we start, right? So why are you late?"

"I'm sorry, Phi. It won't happen again." The younger man bowed his head, not daring to look into the burning eyes of the hazer. They weren't kidding when they said Mew Suppasit was the most intense hazer Chula ever had.

The hazer nodded and gestured for the third-year to find his place amongst the team. Striding back to the front, everyone was quiet, wondering what would happen. They knew it couldn't be that easy, Mew Suppasit was known for being harsh and strict. It's what made him the best.

"Everyone! Since your friend seems to think the start time is not important, we will just have to change it! From now on, we will meet at 6 am instead of 6 pm. Maybe that will teach you all that being on time is in your best interests." The angry glares and whispers ran through the ranks, all centered towards the late comer. Mew saw it and smirked, an evil smirk that had the students hushing each other quickly.

"Now, now, don't blame your friend. I was going to change the time either way. The real punishment is for you to all complete 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups and a 2-mile run within the next hour. Those who succeed may leave to rest for the early start tomorrow. Those who don't," A decidedly unkind smile spread across the handsome face, "will have a special surprise waiting."

****Meanwhile at KMUT ****

"Why are you late for the activity, krab?!"

After yelling the required words, Gulf couldn't stop the smile from sneaking onto his face. How stereotypical, he thought. If I become the Head Hazer, I think I'll run things a bit differently.

Gulf was currently in the last phase of testing for who would become the Head Hazer for KMUT's Technology competition team. It was just him against one other student and he was confident that he was going to get the job. The only thing standing in his way was this cliché script they had given him to read.

When he had been hazed over the last month, he hadn't really noticed but now that he had to say it himself, he thought the typical lines used to intimidate students were lacking a bit of substance.

He ran through the rest of the script and felt pleased with his performance when he received nods from the people assessing him. He walked off of the field to sit in the shade while they deliberated. After today, he would know his position. If he wasn't chosen, he wouldn't be on the hazing team at all. If chosen, the real work began.

"Gulf, New, come back over." The assistant called the two potential Head Hazers back out to the table the committee was seated at. Standing at attention, they waited for the verdict.

"We've decided to go with Kanawut as the Head Hazer for the competition team. Thank you for your hard work, both of you. New, I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer."

New nodded and cheerily walked off the field. While a little disappointed he hadn't been chosen, he now had the rest of his summer free. A group of 20 volunteers had signed up to be the fake students for the hazing team to practice on but the rest of the students not on the hazing team were no longer required to attend any activities.

Gulf happily placed his hands together in a wai of respect and thanks to the committee for choosing him.

"Kanawut, good job. Now, for the next week, we will hold the try-outs for the hazing team. You will sit with us and help decide on the 9 others that will accompany you to the competition and help haze the freshman. You need to be professional about this and pick those who will do well, not your friends. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Gulf was not going to disappoint the committee by only choosing his friends. He wanted to win this competition for the head of the school.

After leaving the field, Gulf texted his friends that he had gotten the position and the mocking responses he got back made him laugh.

Once he had reached his apartment, Gulf sent a selfie to his Khun Phi with the message, "I got good news today, Phi! I hope your day is going well too!"

After the message was sent, Gulf hopped into the shower. He couldn't stop thinking about all of the things he wanted to accomplish with the hazing team so after he finished getting clean, he sat down at his desk and started writing out a plan.

We are so going to win this, Gulf thought as he looked over his elaborate hazing strategy.

****Back at Chula****


The students all heaved a sigh of relief and staggered off to get changed and go home. Mew finally felt his shoulders release the tension they had been holding all afternoon. Glancing at his wrist, he saw that it was nearing 10 pm.

Shit, I didn't think they'd take this long.

The punishment for those who couldn't complete their exercises on time was to sit ramrod straight for an hour. Anytime someone slipped or relaxed, everyone started over. With only about 1/3 of the students managing to finish the required exercises in the allotted time, there were a lot of people facing punishment and many of them acted out. They had to restart the time so often that Mew had to make them sit uncomfortably for an extra 30 minutes just to get them to behave. Overall, 3 hours of tension wasn't going to be forgotten anytime soon.

I guess I'll just shower and then sleep. We have to meet at 6 am tomorrow, after all.
A heavy sigh left Mew's lips as he walked to his car. Once there, he checked his phone as he never kept it on him when hazing to reduce distractions.

He saw that he had a text from Gulf that had come in hours ago. Seeing his boy's cute face on his screen relaxed him more than a shower ever could and had a smile on his face all the way home. After showering and slipping into bed, he took a selfie and sent it to Gulf with the words, "Your Phi had a long day but seeing your face made it all worth it. Sweet dreams, Yai Nong."

As he drifted off to sleep, Mew thought over what happened at the hazing, a pleased grin crept onto his handsome face

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As he drifted off to sleep, Mew thought over what happened at the hazing, a pleased grin crept onto his handsome face.

We are so going to win this, was Mew's last thought as he slipped into the welcome darkness.

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