One's Brother Overdosed

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Becas POV
I drove down the familiar streets of my home town. I was driving down the the cemetery. It's a rather odd place to most people but in this town it makes sense. Well if your looking for an Emily Junk that is. I pulled into the parking lot and got out. I walked along the gravesites until I came up to one that had a girl standing in front of it. Emily Junk. I stood next to her making no noise. I read the headstone. Levy Junk, Beloved Son, 1995-2010. He was 15.
"Hey." I say softly trying not to scare Emily even though she flinched none the less.
"What are you doing here?" She said trying to sound angry but it was more hurt and betrayed.
"I came back to fix things." I say quietly still looking at the headstone. "But I'm not really sure how well it's going to work."
"She probably won't forgive you." Emily said quietly. "She didn't come outside for about a month after you left. You didn't even say goodbye to her."
"How do you know that's who I came to fix things with?" I questioned. "I came back to fix things with everyone."
"That may be so, but you're mostly here for her." Emily shrugged.
There was a small window of silence as I though about what she said. She was definitely right. It was mostly for her. Emily May be younger that everyone else was in our group but she was smart.
"Do you remember how he died?" Emily asked after awhile.
"Yeah..." I say sadly. "He was a good kid. No one saw the signs. It's not your fault."
"But if I answered the phone." Emily said helplessly. "Or even called him back."
Past (Emily's POV)
"Alright." Beca said clapping her hands together with a smile. "Seven minutes of heaven. Who will go first?"
We were holding a small party with just our gang. I recently told Beca I have a crush on Benji then she just said we were having a party. I think she's trying to set us up. Beca spun the bottle and it landed on me.
"Alright first we have Emily and..." She spin again and just my luck, it landed on Benji. "Benji! Take them to the closet."
Chloe and Stacie lead us over to the closest, pushed us in and closed the door. Benji put his hands in his pockets awkwardly.
"So..." He said trailing off. "We're supposed to like... make out now."
"Yeah." I say awkwardly taking a step towards him.
Before I could say anything else he leaned forward and connected our lips. Oh my stars I'm kissing my crush! My phone started to go off in my pocket so Benji pulled away.
"Shouldn't you get that?" He asked slightly out of breath.
"No it's fine. I can call them back." I say before connecting our lips again
Once the seven minutes were up we were let out of the closet. I quickly pulled out my phone to see who called. I say that it was Levy. He often called just because he wanted to know if we had marshmallows or something so I didn't call him back. Soon the party was over and I was walking home. I opened the front door and yelled out I was home. I knew mom and dad won't answer because they're on a business trip, but I was expecting Levy to. I walked up the stairs to his room and opened the door.
"Oh my god!" I yelled running to his side.
He was laying on the floor not moving. I saw at least five empty pill bottles laying around him. I quickly pulled out my phone to call an ambulance. When they got there they said I was to late. He was gone.
Now (Becas POV)
"It's not your fault." I say hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder. "It could've happened to anyone."
"I still don't know how to handle his death." Emily said tearing up. "He was laying there lifeless... I still see it every night."
"It was alike that for the longest time with my mom." I sympathize. "I remember holding her hand tightly only to feel her grip loosen. The feeling of her letting go haunted me until recently."
"How recently?" Emily asked resting her head on my shoulder.
"Five years ago." I answered. "But I'm still being haunted... just by something else."
"It's the fact you left the town, right?" Emily asked as I just nodded. Suddenly Emily brought me into a tight hug. "I knew you would feel guilty. No one else believed me."
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" I asked one we pulled away from the hug.
"No." Emily said causing my face to fall. "You're mostly forgiven. The only way I can fully forgive you is if Chloe does. She's practically the heart of this town."
"I know." I said sadly. "The moment I left her was the moment I became an enemy to this town."
"I suggest you get a move on." Emily said very matter of factly. "You still have an entire group of friends and a high school sweetheart to apologize to."
"When you say it like that it sounds so easy." I fake complained. "It was really nice talking with you Em."
"You too, asshole." She said smirking.
"You swear now!" I yelled honesty shocked. "What happened to the saying like 'oh my starts'?"
"I've matured, you just have to accept it." Emily shrugged. "Now leave my brothers grave and go to your moms. She hasn't seen you in awhile."
I smiled sadly at Emily before walking away. I was going to go straight to my car when I saw the only marble headstone in my peripheral vision. I hesitated before walking over to it. Jade Mitchell, Beloved Wife and Mother, 1979-2006. The day my mom died was the worst day of my life. I suddenly remembered one of Ellen's questions. She wanted some pictures from my past. I don't know why but I felt compelled to snap a photo of my moms grave and post it. The caption was: This woman was one of the most amazing people you could've met. Love ya mom.
One of the first likes was one Emily Junk. I then saw that she followed me. I looked up from my phone to see her smiling at me. Maybe this won't be so bad.

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