One Friend Left to Sell Clothes

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Becas POV
     I've been in my old town for about two days. I hug out with Emily for one of them. I actually haven't bumped into any of my other friends. I didn't plan ahead very well. Turns out I only grabbed two shirts and a bunch of pants. So now I'm in a clothing store and all they have are light pastel colors. I forgot how bright this place is. I used to wear these clothes all the time before I started wearing leather. A voice suddenly sounded behind me causing me to jump.
     "Do you need help finding anything?" An Australian accent sounded. I know that voice.
     "Uh do you have any darker clothes?" I asked trying to change my voice as I stayed turned around.
     "Yes we do. Please follow me." Amy gestured for me to follow.
     I walked with her as I kept my head down. I'm surprised she haven't noticed me yet.
     "So are you new to town or just passing through?" Amy asked trying to make small talk.
     "Uh... I'm actually visiting family." I say awkwardly.
     "Really who are you visiting?" Amy asked suddenly more interested. "Everyone knows everyone here. Are you visiting the Turners?"
     "I know that." I say less awkwardly. "I'm actually visiting William Mitchell."
     "Oh are you a niece or something?" Amy asked not being aware he had any siblings... which he doesn't.
     "I'm actually his daughter." I say hesitantly.
     Amy stopped in her tracks and slowly turned so she was facing me. Her face fell a little once she confirmed who it was.
     "No one wants you here." Amy said before she continued walking. "Just go back to LA."
     "Actually two people do." I say still following her. "And one of them is Emily."
     "Two people out of the entire town." Amy snapped. "Are you planning on making up with the entire town while you're here?"
     "Yes." I say awkwardly. "I don't really have a plan for most of them but I have been carrying around a bag of Japanese candy hoping I'd bump into you."
     "What kind of Japanese candy?" Amy asked as she examined the bag skeptically.
     "The milky ones." I say handing ya to her. "You said if you even went to Japan you would want to try some so..."
     "When did you go to Japan?" Amy continued to asked questions.
     "About a month ago." I shrugged. "They're yours if you want them."
     "Yes I want them." She said opening the bag and pulling out a candy. "You have to do more than that to get forgiveness."
     "I know." I say looking through the clothes. "But at least it's a start."
     "Have you bumped into Chloe yet?" Amy asked happily eating her treat.
     "Uh no." I say grabbing a shirt. "I honestly hope I don't for awhile. I don't know what I'm going to say to her."
     "You should figure that out soon." Amy said hesitantly.
     "Why's that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "I want it to be good, not just a basic apology."
     "Because she just walked into the store," Amy said pointing to a beautiful redhead across the store. "And she's coming over here."
      "Shit!" I said hiding under the table. "Please don't tell her I'm here."
Chloe's POV
     "Hey Ames." I say greeting the Australian while I was looking through the clothes. "Has any weird costumers come in today?"
     "Only one." Amy said quickly glancing down.
     "Really? Were they passing through?" I asked continuing the conversation.
     "No they are actually visiting family." Amy said. She's acting really weird.
     "Was it about grandkid if the Turners?" They often get visitors.
     "Nope. It's actually Will." Amy said nodding. I walked around the table and she stiffened.
     "Really? Does he have siblings or something?" I asked reaching for a shirt only to drop my phone on the floor.
     "Uh yeah, something like that." Amy said becoming anxious.
     "I didn't know that." I say bending down to pick up my device when I froze.
     My eyes grew wide at the person sitting under the table. This cannot be happening. She smiled awkwardly and just waved.
     "Uh, hi Chloe." The She devil said coming out from under the table. "I just dropped something."
     I starred at her for a moment before slapping her and walking away. What else was I supposed to do? She broke my heart. I got in my car as hot angry tears slide down my face. She thinks she can just show up and everything will be okay? I got a notification that I was tagged in a post. I quickly went to see who it was only to see her name. I did let out an airy laugh at the captain before commenting what I should've said before I slapped her.
Becas POV
     "I deserved that." I say rubbing the cheek Chloe just slapped.
     "Best. Day. Ever." Amy said laughing her head off as people gave me glares.
     "I beg to differ." I say grabbing some black shirts. "This is so embarrassing."
     "I forgive you based on the fact I can see more moments like that." Amy said still trying to calm her laughter.
     "Why am I friends with you?" I asked rubbing my cheek still. "You're a terrible person."
     "Come on Shawshank, you love me." She said throwing her arm around my shoulder. "Let's ring you up."
     Once Amy finished I left the store and sat in my car. I checked the mirror and say a nice outline of Chloe's hand on my face. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture. I tagged Chloe and gave it a pretty funny caption: After all these years she still can't keep her hands off me. I instantly got several likes. But I got a very special comment from a Chloe Beale. Fuck you🖕🏻. She still hasn't changed. I also noticed Amy started following me once more. And she left a comment saying how funny it was. She really is an annoying friend but definitely one of my closest. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home to ice my cheek. Man that girl is strong.

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