One's Just Barely Getting By

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Becas POV
     I'm exhausted. I've been running around town trying to track down Cynthia Rose. I haven't found her anywhere. It's late and all I want is a beer. So I'm sitting in an old bar where I used to sing. Luckily they actually serve me here. It seems a lot more crowed than it used to. I think they added some gambling. Just as I looked over at one of the poker tables I saw a very lesbian woman. Bingo. I waited until the end of the round to go over and talk to her.
"Did you win?" I asked trying to start a conversation with her.
"Oh it's you." She said looking me up and down. "You look more lesbian. And no I didn't."
"Really? I do try." I say acting surprised. "How much did you loose?"
"A couple hundred." She said downing a shot. "I really need to get over this problem."
"Why don't you just go to rehab or something?" I suggest sipping my beer.
"I don't have enough for it." Cynthia shrugged. "It's fine though."
I pressed my lips together before pulling out some cash. "This is for rehab. I expect you to pay me back so don't use it to gamble."
"You don't have to do this." She said trying to hand it back. "I'll be fine."
"Yeah well you're my family." I said standing up. "I don't leave my family hanging. Or at least I haven't since I left. It was nice seeing again."
"Thanks lil'B." Cynthia said with a small smile. "This means a lot."
"No problem CR." I say walking out of the bar.
I took a picture of the front of the bar. And posted it with the caption: Dude, I used to sing here! Memory lane is way fun. I got in my car only to get out remembering that I've been drinking. I grabbed my guitar from the backseat and took off walking. I opted for walking to the back fields. I sat in the grass and started plucking random strings out of boredom.i decided to lay on my back and look at the stars. I closed my eyes for only a second and ended up dozing off.
"Do we wake her up?" I heard Stacie ask quietly.
"But she looks so peaceful." Amy said slightly louder.
"But this will be fun." Jesse said louder than the last two but still quite.
"Let's just let her sleep." CR digested. "I mean she's been running around these last few days trying to fix everything."
"But this would give her a nice break from that." Emily said before poking my face. "Hey Beca, wake up."
I woke up to see them all standing around me. I slowly sat up and stretches.
"What are you doing here?" I asked looking around. "What am I doing here?"
"Looks like you were playing your guitar and feel asleep." Emily said picking grass out of my hair.
     "But we're going to relive our childhood." Stacie said helping me up.
     "We have everything we need." Jesse said holding up a grocery bag.
     "But we're also missing two people." I say grabbing my guitar. "To do it correctly we need Chloe and Aubrey."
     "Then make up with Aubrey." Amy said simply. "If you can gain her trust back she'll drag Chloe along."
     "Looks like we're heading down to the coast." Stacie smiles. "Best day off from kids ever."

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