Best Goodbyes

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Becas POV
"Do I get to know the plan yet?" I grumble sitting at a table in the bar. My guitar resting next to me.
"All you have to do is sing. I'll take care of the rest." Stacie said with a small smirk plastered on her face as she takes a sip of whiskey.
"Fine. I hope you don't hate the song I chose since you never actually told me what to sing." I mumble drumming my fingers on the table looking around anxiously.
"Why are you so nervous? This must be nothing compared to world tours." Stacie said baffled.
"Well I grew up here. Some of these people watched me learn to play guitar, or how to sing. It's definitely more nerve racking than singing in front of a Bitch of strangers." I say earning a nod of understanding from Stacie.
She glanced over my shoulder and her face slightly light up. "Alright its time to get ready to sing."
Chloe's POV
"I still feel like a Tuesday is a weird day to go to the bar." I mumble to Aubrey scanning the bar for an empty table.
"Well I had a long day at work and needed a stress relief." She mumbled back. "Look there's Stacie. I'm sure we can sit with her."
Aubrey graves my hand and dragged me over to her not so secret girlfriend. They haven't told anyone but everyone knows. We sit down and order drinks that were quickly brought to us.
"Have we missed any good singers?" Aubrey asks Stacie after Mr Donavan finished a terrible rendition of perfect by Ed Sheeran.
"Not really. The only good singers this town has produced are sitting at this table. Oh and of course..." Stacie looked at me and trailed off. "Never mind."
Stacie was obviously going to say Beca. Why wouldn't she? That small brunette is fantastic. It's one of the reasons I love her. Love? Certainly I meant loved... right. I was brought out of my thoughts by the very same brunette I had been thinking about.
"Uh hey everybody. I know it's been a bit since I've sang here, so I thought I would do just that before I leave town... for good." Beca said rather awkwardly. God she's adorable. Wait what?
Before I have time to dwell on that thought any longer, an unfamiliar tune fills my ears. This must be a new original song she hasn't released yet. As much as I hate to admit it I've definitely listened–and maybe cried to–all of her songs. I mean can you blame me? They're all master pieces. Then her lovely alto voice I was once obsessed with filled the room.
"I know, I know it's time to go
I'm sure where you're all I've known
Hold me close but not too tight
I'll look back but I'll be alright
I know it hurts, I knew it would
Stay forever if I could.
Got to take the road alone,
Dont worry I'll still smile on my own.
So raise your glass
Everytime that we heard no, Everytime that we proved yes
I'll raise my glass, to every low and every high
Every moment that we felt alive
I'll raise my glass, go ahead and raise your glass
Give me your best goodbye.
Said we'd never make it quite this far
Look around at where we are.
We struck gold it wasnt luck
It was blood sweat and tears in us.
All these years...
Stay the same an open book.
Tomorrow tells me this must end
So drink with me my oldest friend.
And, raise your glass
Everytime that we heard no, Everytime that we proved yes
I'll raise my glass, to every low and every high
Every moment that we felt alive
I'll raise my glass, go ahead and raise your glass
Give me your best goodbye. (oooh)
Dont ask me pick a day
Dont ask me to choose a view
Cause right now they blur in the memory of you.
Dont ask if I'll be there, dont ask me if I care,
You know I will, you know I always do.
Raise your glass
Everytime that we heard no, Everytime that we proved yes
I'll raise my glass, to every low and every high
Every moment that we felt alive
I'll raise my glass, go ahead and raise your glass
Give me your best goodbye.
Yeah give me your best goodbye
Oh, give me your best goodbye
Oh oh ohhh.
Give me your best goodbye."
The music ended with her voice. She had tears in her eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if they were present in mine. This... this was her final goodbye. I'm never gonna see her again. More tears fill my eyes as I watch her leave the small stage and make a beeline for the door. I can't let her go... at least not this time. I raise from my seat and quickly make my way to the exit. Please don't drive away yet... please. I see Beca get in her car and I lightly jog over. I tap on the window timidly. Beca wipes away her tears and rolls down the window. Before she has the chance to say anything I crash our lips together. It wasn't fireworks like I thought it would be. It was like time stopped... and it felt right. Time always stopped when I kissed her. I just keep falling deeper every time. How could she think I wouldn't be in love with her? I never stopped loving her. I pull away once I need air. She just stares at me.
"W-what was that?" She asks slightly breathless.
"A kiss you idiot." I say with a smile.
"Why?" She asked slightly tilting her head.
"Its what people do when they have romantic feelings towards each other." I giggle when I see her confused face.
"But earlier you said-" Beca tried to get out.
"I know what I said." I say quickly cutting her off. "I will explain everything tomorrow morning at the diner. You better be there."
"You got it." Beca finally smiled more at ease with the situation.
"Bye Becs." I smile and kiss her cheek. "See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow." I hear her eco as I walk back inside.
I sit down with a proud smile causing Aubrey to raise an eyebrow. "What's got you so chipper?"
"Just... something really great happened."

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