Had Two Kids But Lives Alone

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Becas POV
I forget how nice this park is. It's small but fun. But after about an hour we would always get bored, so me and my gang would run off through a broken fence and play in the fields. We may or may not have been ground a couple of times. I looked over by the still broken fence to see a y'all brunette standing beside it. Bingo. I casually got up from the bench I was sitting on before walking closer to the fence. I saw a kid try to get past her through the fence only to be stopped. She's smart that's for sure.
"Come on, let them play in the fields." I say gaining her attention. "It was so much fun playing in the old buildings and running around."
"Oh my god." Stacie said shaking her head. "Please leave, I don't want you to be a bad influence on my children."
"What do you mean?" I scoffed. "I would make your kids awesome."
"Or help them find ways to drink alcohol and or roll there own joints." Stacie said seriously. "Oh and to leave there family behind."
"There's the bitterness." I say slightly wincing. "I'm sorry about that, by the way."
"Yeah Sorry is t going to cut it." Stacie said with a tight smile. "Good try though."
Before I could say anything else a small brunette cane running up to Stacie. She couldn't be more that eight. She must be Bella. She's definitely grown.
"Mommy, this girl pushed me!" She said pointing to one of the kids on the swings.
"Oh sweetheart." Stacie said bending down to her level. "I'm sure it was an accident."
"Don't do that." I said quietly. "She did it on purpose."
"How can you know that?" Stacie asked looking up to me. "You don't even know the kid."
"No but I'm pretty sure I know the family." I say looking at the girls appearance. "She has dirty blonde hair, green eyes, super nice clothes, pushed one of your kids, and is acting like she's the queen of the park. She's probably a Zimmerman, and Ava was always a jerk to us in high school. There for I'm almost positive that kid did it on purpose."
"You remembered the small details of some spoiled brat?" Stacie asked shocked. "Even after you left?"
"Well yeah." I shrugged. "She made you cry when you got pregnant with Bella and called you a slut. I'm honestly surprised I didn't punch her."
"I wasn't crying." Stacie countered. "My eyes just got slightly teary."
"No you definitely cried." I said sitting down in the grass. "You tried really hard not to but when you went to the bathroom you did cry."
"How do you know that!" Stacie said raising her voice slightly. "I mean, I definitely didn't."
"You don't have to be so tuff you know. What she said crossed a line." I said looking up at the clouds. "I followed out I the bathroom to make sure you were okay. When I heard you crying I decided to leave you alone because you don't like crying in front of people."
"You notice a lot of things, don't you?" Stacie asked sitting next to me.
"Yeah." I said gently nodding. "Sometimes I wish I didn't though."
"Why?" Stacie gently asked. I bet it's her motherly voice.
"I saw Chloe the other day." I say quietly. "The look in her eyes killed me, Stace. It was so hurt and lost. How could I do that to her?"
"I'm glad you're guilty." Stacie said after a moment of silence. "And I'm glad you still have feelings for her. She's gone on several dates with different guys after you left. She was always hoping from guy to guy. They never stuck. She said none of them had that spark. She still jumps around. She's not the same Becs. You really hurt her."
"I know." I said sadly. "But I am determined to make it right with not only her but the entire town."
"Good luck with that Mitchell." Stacie said with a small laugh. "But I don't know what progress you've made so far but at least you have one friend from this town again."
"The gang is slowly getting back together. I have you, Emily, Amy, and Jesse. Pretty soon we might have to hang out at castle." I say standing up and walking over to the broken fence. "I'll see you later legs."
"Not if I see you first." Stacie countered. "Now please don't break your arm agin."
"That was one time." I said smirking before going through the fence.
I walked around the fields for awhile before I came up to a house me and Chloe would always look at. It was right across from the castle and if you sat on the roof you could we over it. Chloe always said she wanted to live in it with her husband, which soon turned to spouse, then eventually me. I promised her I would fix it up. Make it beautiful. She talked about how we would raise our kids here. I slowly opened the door to see a bunch of old furniture and beat up walls. It hasn't really changed much. I made my way to the stairs and carefully climbed them leading up to the window leading the roof. I carefully pulled myself up onto the roof and say facing the castle. The sun was just starting to go down. I smiled sadly to myself. Chloe should be next to me. Just as the thought entered my head I heard a very familiar voice.
"Of course you have ti be here." Chloe said sitting on the opposite side of the roof. "I came here to get away from you yet, here you are."
"I can leave if you want." I say going to stand up.
"No it's fine." Chloe assures me. "You were here first, if anything I should leave."
"No you can stay too." I said softly smiling. "We can just pretend the other isn't here."
"Okay." Chloe said softly resting her head on my knees. "I can do that."
"Okay." I echoed before looking out at the sunset.
There was a nice silence. It wasn't awkward like you would think it would be. It was nice. If this is all I get then I can be happy. It's better than nothing. It's one last sunset. I took a picture of Chloe and the sunset behind her. She'll never see it. I quickly posted it. Hands down prettiest view.
Chloe's POV
The sunset was nice. I really missed spending time with her. She can't know that though. I went on Instagram and pulled up her feed. I do this a lot. I refuse to follow her or like any of her posts but I'll look at them. I look at her most recent post. It's me. She took this earlier today. And the caption doesn't help. My thumb hovered over the photo before clicking twice. I but my lip as a wrote out a comment. Mine was better❤️. As quickly as I typed it out I deleted it. I can't give in that easily. What she did was unforgivable.

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