Hold Me Close

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Chloe's POV
     Me and Beca have been official for a week and everything has been perfect. It sometimes makes me wonder if it's to perfect. Almost like the calm before the storm. Nothing bad has happened... like at all. We're actually spending the night together for the first time since she left. I've spent all day deep cleaning the house I've been so nervous. I really need to calm myself down. I soon hear a knock on the door and a subtly–yet not so subtly–speed walk to the door.
     I open it with a bright smile. "Hey Becs!"
     "Hi Chlo." Beca says kissing my cheek and walking in my house. "I'm assuming you've planned several terrible movies to watch."
     "They aren't terrible, they're masterpieces." I say lightly shoving her shoulder.
     "You've tried to convince me for years Beale and it's never worked." Beca smirked giving me a quick kiss.
     "One day Mitchell... one day." I smile softly before dragging her to my room.
     "Oh wow I'm already in the bedroom. Look at me go." Beca says proudly flopping on my bed.
     I took my eyes and grab my laptop. "Don't get to cocky there. If we watch movies here then it gives me and excuse to cuddle you."
     "We can cuddle on the couch too, ya know." Beca giggles pulling me next to her.
     "Yes but you would've complained because of your so called badass reputation." I say with air quotes. "Plus it's comfier for when you fall asleep."
     "Please, you know my persona instantly disappears whenever you're around." She said easily wrap both of her arms around my waist and resting her face in the crook of my neck.
     "I know. I've always loved soft Beca the best." I smile wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her head.
     Beca puts her legs over mine so she's practically sitting on my lap as I find the movie I want to watch first. This has always been our go to cuddling position since high school. I've always loved it just like her. Which speaking of which we haven't exactly said the l word this time around. I know how I feel but I'm not sure about Beca. It's always hard to read her with things like this. I press play on the movie and pull Beca closer to me inhaling the sent of apples and coffee. God I loved this woman. About a forth of the way through the movie Beca was passed out as usual. I look down at her and smile before her phone starts ringing.
     I gently kiss her cheek and speak in a soft tone, "Becs, baby your phone is ringing."
     Beca grumbles before sitting up and grabbing her phone and answering it. "Beca Mitchell speaking how may I help you?" She says her voice still groggy from sleep. "Yeah... well not exactly... that's a possibility... I'd rather not... no I understand that I ne-... yes... That's too soon... fine, just let me finish a few things then I'll be there... bye." She concludes before hanging up and putting the phone back on the nightstand.
      "Who was that?" I ask nervously biting my lip.
     "It was nothing important." Beca dismisses getting comfortable again.
    "You sure? It seemed pretty serious. Was it work?" I continue to pry.
     "Look, Chloe I don't wanna talk about it okay." Beca snapped causing me to flinch. Beca took note of this and spoke again, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you."
      "No... it's fine. I shouldn't have kept on asking once you said it wasn't important." I say in a small voice. "Let's just keep the watching the movie."
     Beca gave me a small kiss looking at me softly. She opened her mouth before closing it again. She shook her head and turned back to the screen. I wonder what she was going to say.
Becas POV
    I was woken up by Chloe's soft voice saying I was getting a call. I grumpily say up and answered. "Beca Mitch speaking how may I help you?"
     "Hey Beca I'm assuming you just woke up. Correct?" The voice belonging to my manager Theo came from the phone.
     "Yeah." I say with a sleepy chuckle.
     "I'm just gonna get straight to it. We need you back in the studio. Are you done with everything back at your hometown?" Theo questions as a hear the ruffling of papers.
     "Well not exactly." I say hoping to be able to explain only for Theo to speak.
    "Wee can you be done? We really need you." He continues to ask.
     "It's a possibility." I sigh unhappy with the topic.
     "Well let's make that happen." Theo said happily.
     "I'd rather not." I say getting more and more annoyed.
     "Beca we need you in the studio. We need to get your next album ready for launch." He said unamused with my constant protests.
     "No I understand that I ne-" Theo cit me off before I could explain the business that I had left here.
     "Then you'll be able to come back... and soon." Theo said firmly.
     "Yes." I sigh.
     "Great. Can you be here in two days?" He asked probably look at his calendar.
     "That's too soon." I say immediately.
     "The farthest away I can do it four days. That enough time?" The asks quickly losing his patience.
     "Fine, just let me finish a few things then I'll be there." I say in probably the safest tone.
     "See ya then bye." Theo said back to his chipper voice.
     "Bye." I grumble before hanging up.
      "Who was that?" Chloe asks slightly biting her lip out of nervous mess.
     "It was nothing important." I dismisses getting comfortable again. How the hell am I supposed to tell her?
    "You sure? It seemed pretty serious. Was it work?" Chloe continues to pry innocently.
     "Look, Chloe I don't wanna talk about it okay." I snapped causing her to flinch. I don't snap at Chloe... ever, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you."
      "No... it's fine. I shouldn't have kept on asking once you said it wasn't important." Chloe says in a small voice. "Let's just keep the watching the movie."
     I give her a small kiss looking at her softly. I open my mouth before closing it again. I shake my head and look back at the screen. I can't tell Chloe I love her... not yet. Especially after the news I just got. After a few movies we both wind down for bed. Chloe lightly cuddles me as normal... it's not enough though.
     "Hey Chlo..." I say in a weak voice earning a hum in response. "Can you just... cuddle me to death or something?"
     Chloe instantly brings me closer and wraps her legs around me. I nuzzle into her neck and grin her shirt and tightly shut my eyes. Chloe didn't ask questions... she never dies if I ask to be cuddled. She just does it and asked why later when I feel better. I soon feel her breathing even out but her grip never loosens holding me close. I'm safe here. I always have been. Once I knew Chloe was dead asleep it was finally safe to whisper.
     "I love you... so much."

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