One Works Down By The Coast

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Becas POV
     This is it. The make it or break it moment. If Aubrey doesn't forgive me then Chloe definitely won't. I'm walking along the coast looking at all of the small shops and games. The others were waiting in the car for me to get Aubrey. I spotted a blonde yelling at one of the workers before handing a stuffed animal to a little girl. She definitely hasn't changed. Beca hesitantly walked over and tapped her on the shoulder.
     "Stacie I don't have time for a hook up." Aubrey said turning around only to blush. "You didn't hear anything."
     "You and Stacie would be cute." I said with a smirk. "I mean it's the only way to get you to loosen up."
     "What do you want Mitchell?" Aubrey asked in a curt as she kept on walking.
     "For you to come hang out with me and the gang. Oh and for you to get Chloe to come." I say simply hoping she'll agree.
     "No way." Aubrey said picking up her pace. "Why would I do that?"
     "Because I want to fix all of my wrongs." I say trying to keep up. "You and Chloe are the last two. And I have a better chance of you forgiving me than Chloe."
She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face me. "You ruined any chance of me ever liking you the second you walked away from Chloe and left. You hurt her deeply that day. I don't think you understand how bad it was. She ate hardly anything for months. She would smile only to cry for hours. She tried to look put together when she was in pieces. You broke her Beca. And that's not even the worst part. For months she said if you ever came back she would forgive you instantly. The worst part was that she still loved you with everything she had, while you just tossed her to the side like she was nothing. So there is no way I will forgive you."
Aubrey waited a few seconds probably to see if I would say anything. Once no words were spoken she shook her head and continued walking.
"I haven't eaten a proper meal in almost 5 years..." I say softly looking down.
     "What?" Aubrey asked turning to look at me.
     "I haven't had a proper meal in almost 5 years..." I repeat myself. "Every night I get a nightmare about me leaving. It always shows what could've been... then they remind me of all the messed up shit I did. And every time I wake up and cry. I haven't kissed a single girl that wasn't Chloe. I'm still completely shattered. The best thing in my life was Chloe. And... I got scared that she would leave me so I left before she had the chance to. It was stupid... I know that now. So I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm asking you to spend an hour, tops with the entire gang. And I want Chloe there so I can try to make it up to her."
     We stood in silence for what felt like a lifetime. I was looking down at the floor to scared to look up. A few moments later I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up and say sympathetic green eyes.
     "She left." Stacie said quietly. "I don't think she forgave you."
     "I didn't think she would. I was an ass." I said walking back to the car.
    "I had no idea you were that broken Becs." She said gently. "You should've talked to me about it."
    "Yeah well thats the first time I've said any of that out loud so." I shrug and start walking faster. "And I don't intend to repeat it to anyone."
     "Beca you need to talk about these things other wise they'll get worse." Stacie said easily keeping time with me.
     "I don't care Stacie!" I snap drawing attention to us. "I deserve to suffer. I hurt her and that breaks my heart. I hurt the sweetest person alive... and the only person who I truly loved"
Chloe's POV
     It was a pretty basic day. I decided to walk along the cove. I don't do it as often as I used to and it really is beautiful. I was walking along and suddenly I saw a small crowd of people. I wonder what that's about. I walk over and see a small brunette and a tall one. Beca and Stacie, of course.
     "I deserve to suffer. I hurt her and that breaks my heart. I hurt the sweetest person alive... and the only person who I truly loved" I hear Beca say before she runs off.
     "Stacie!" I call out quick grabbing her wrist so she can't follow Beca. "What the hell was that about?"
     "You, you fucking idiot. You're all she's been talking about since she came back. Now I need to go find her." Stacie says before running in the same direction as Beca had a few moments before.
     I stand there shocked. Beca feels bad about leaving. It wasn't just an act... oh god. I've made a terrible mistake. I take off in a sprint to the bosses office. What have I done?
Becas POV
     I start running as soon as I finish my sentence. I refuse to cry in front of someone. I soon get to a public bathroom and lock myself away. I lean against the door and slowly slide down until I hit the ground. Until I'm sobbing all alone on the floor of a bathroom.

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