Hand Rolled Cigarettes

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Becas POV
     "I hate you!" I storm into Stacie's house.
     "Did I miss something?" Stacie asked clearly confused.
     "I messed up everything because you told me to kiss her! She's never going to talk to me again!" I said only getting more angry.
     "Okay first, calm down and explain exactly what happened." Stacie said surprisingly calm.
     "Well I kissed her, she kissed back, she pulled away, didn't say anything,then ran inside her house." I say helplessly.
     "She's scared." She states simply.
     "Scared? More like revolted." I sigh.
     "She kissed back. She definitely still has feelings for you." Stacie said making a sandwich for Bellas lunch. "I say you two talk it out and see what happens."
"Maybe you're right." I say slightly nodding. "I mean what's the worst that can happen?"
"You kissed me! Out of no where!" Chloe said clearly fuming. "Why would you think that would be okay?!"
"Stacie said it would be a good idea?" I say sheepishly. I've always been scared of her when she's mad.
"You listened to Stacie?! Stacie of all people?!" I nod slowly. "She is the worst at giving love advice!"
"Look, I'm sorry Okay?!" I say finally loosing it. "I'll leave if you want me to! I don't know why I stuck around anyway!"
"Good! If you left no one would miss you!" Chloe said anger still clear in her eyes. "At least I wouldn't..."
"Fine... I'll leave. I'm sure you can get Chicago to help you finish the house." I say slightly disheartened. "I'll be gone by tomorrow."
"Good." Chloe said quietly.
And that was it. That was the last thing I would probably ever hear Chloe say to me. It kinda hurt honestly. I left Chloe's house and drove straight home, gathered all of my things but before I could leave I was stopped.
"You're leaving without saying goodbye again... aren't you?" Stacie asked standing in the door way.
"Well... yeah. Chloe doesn't want me here and I don't what to make her more upset than she is." I say glumly trying to push past her.
"No. Don't you dare." Stacie said in what I like to call her mom voice. "Just... never mind."
"No. What? What can I do to get her to forgive me?" I ask almost desperately.
"I have a plan. Just... just find out if you can sing at the bar later tonight." Stacie said turning to leave.
"What? How is that supposed to help?" I ask baffled.
"Just trust me." Stacie rolled her eyes before leaving.
Okay now the question is, what am I going to sing? I flop on the couch and sigh. I reach into my bag and pull out all the supplies I need to make a small homemade cigarette. Me and the gang were going to make some the other day but never did. I quickly rolled it up and lit it. I took a drank and instantly started coughing.
     "Why did I like these?" I say between coughs as I put it out. "Definitely never gonna do that again."
A/N- okay I know this is a shorter chapter than normal but I just needed to get it out of the way. New chapter will be coming hopefully sooner rather than later.

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