Tenerife Sea

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Becas POV
     So... it's been four days since I got the call. I still haven't told Chloe... I just can't. But I also leave today. I don't knows what to do. I can't just blow off Theo but I also can't just leave Chloe. I groan and drop my head on Chloe's dining room table.
     "You okay?" Chloe asks placing a plate of eggs in front of me. "You seem upset."
     "Yeah... just thinking." Damn it Mitchell! You could've told her!
     "Thinking bout what?" She continues to ask sitting down next to me.
     "It... it's nothing... really." I say not really sounding convincing.
     I can see Chloe press her lips together before looking at her plate. We eat in silence. I nervously bite my lip before speaking up.
     "So um..." I pause not knowing how to phrase this.
     "So um what?" Chloe giggles.
     "Theo... texted me saying he wants me to send in a new song. I was wondering if I should send in Best Goodbyes?" Okay so maybe I can't do it.
     "Yeah you should totally do it. I think he would like it." Chloe smiles before going back to her food.
     I finish my food and stand up. "I think I'm gonna go visit... Stacie! Yeah Stacie!"
     "Okay...?" Chloe says with furrowed eyebrows. "I'll see you tonight."
     "Yeah... bye." I give her a quick peck before grabbing the bag I packed last night.
     I run out to my car and get in. I place the key in the ignition before I freeze. Am I really about to do this again? Just up and leave? I look back at Chloe's house. I can always come back. I'm not leaving for good this time. I roll down the windows, start the car and drive. There's a sinking feeling in my stomach. I just want it to go away. Then I was stopped at the town line by... Aubrey?
     "Chloe was right..." She said sounding disappointed. Then again when isn't she?
     "What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows as I step half way out of my car
     "Chloe saw you freeze in the driveway... and your duffel bag." Aubrey said with a stern face. "She immediately called me and asked me if I would wait here just in case."
     Soon I hear heavy breathing behind me. "So you are leaving?"
     "Chloe please let me explain, I-" she didn't give me the chance.
     "No Beca." Chloe said cutting me off with tears in her eyes. "You're leaving me again... without saying goodbye."
     "I'm sorry Chlo but I have to." I say gesturing behind me.
     "No Beca you don't!" Chloe said now fully crying.
     "Yes I do! Theo needs me back at the studio!" I say desperately trying to save whatever's left.
     "Why can't you just send in a song like you talked about this morning! Beca you promised you wouldn't leave again!" Chloe was now more angry than heartbroken.
     "I don't I have a choice... I tried getting out of it but I couldn't." I say sadly. "That's what the call was."
     "Beca... that was four days ago. You could've told me four days ago and everything would be fine!" Chloe said with the betrayal evident in her voice.
     "I'm sorry..." I sigh and get back in the car.
     "Beca if you leave this time you're not gonna get a third chance!" Chloe yells to me.
     I look down and sigh. I press the Gas pedal and speed off. I didn't look back once... I couldn't. It would break me. I can never get her back. I chose my job over her... again.
Chloe's POV
     "Beca if you leave this time you're not gonna get a third chance!" I yell hoping she'll hear me and stay.
      She speed away... she's gone. I lost her again. It hurts. I break down much like the first time only worse. The only one there to comfort me was Aubrey, just like all the nights I felt terrible about Beca leaving. She brought me into a hug and just let me cry. I was hoping I wouldn't get hurt. I was hoping she would stick around. I trusted her... but never again.
     "Shhhhh... it's okay Chlo... it's okay." Aubrey whispers stroking my hair. How is everything okay?
     "Whoa... what happened?" Stacie asked taking in the scene.
     "Beca left me..." I sob into Aubrey.
     "You're joking..." Stacie deadpanned unamused. "I'll be right back."
     She storms away as I let out another broken sob. It hurts so much it's hard to breath. I feel like I can never move on with my life. I feel like I'm drowning in heartbreak.
Becas POV
     I'm back here in L.A. I'm in my studio waiting for Theo. I feel like I'm dying inside.
     "There's my superstar!" Theo says happily sitting down. "Let's get you in that booth shall we?"
     "Yeah um... can we try a new song out?" I ask walking into the room full of sound boards.
     "Yeah go for it. Start singing." Theo smiles.
I nod and grab a guitar. This is my last lifeline. I wrote this song years ago... I want it to be our first dance. That obviously didn't happen.
Chloe's POV
     It's been a single day and I still haven't stopped crying. Aubrey comes in my room to give me food... which I don't eat. But this time was different. There was more.
"Hey... I brought you some food if your up for it." She says quietly placing it on my nightstand. "I also found a package from her on your doorstep. Do you want me to throw it out?"
"It's from Beca?!" I ask quickly sitting up. "Give it to me!"
Aubrey handed me that package and I rip it open immediately. There was a note and what appears to be a CD. I open the letter first.

November 9th 202o
     Dear Beale,
So you probably what nothing to do with me. I can't blame you... I don't even want to deal with myself. I mean come on, I suck. I left again. Hell I doubt you even opened the package. But on the low chance you did listen to the CD. It explains everything.
     From, DJ
     I sniffle and wipe under my eyes. God damn this woman. I grab the CD and walk over to my laptop. I put it in and click on the file. A video shows up  so I obviously click play. A black screen appears and the cords to what I'm assuming is a song fills the earbuds I put in moments before. I bite my lip as I listen.
     "You look so wonderful in your dress
I love your hair like that
The way it falls on the side of your neck
Down your shoulders and back
We are surrounded by all of these lies
And people that talk too much
You got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us
Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
I'm so in love
So in love
So in love
So in love
You look so beautiful in this light
Your silhouette over me
The way it brings out the blue in your eyes
Is the Tenerife sea
And all of the voices surrounding us here
They just fade out when you take a breath
Just say the word and I will disappear
Into the wilderness
Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
I'm so in love
So in love
So in love
So in love
Lumiere, darling
Lumiere over me
Lumiere, darling
Lumiere over me
Lumiere, darling
Lumiere over me
Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
So in love
So in love
So in love, love, love, love
So in love
You look so wonderful in your dress
I love your hair like that
And in the moment I knew you..." Beca finished the song then her video appears on the screen.
     "Uh hey... I drove away. I know. I have a reason but it definitely doesn't justify what I did." Beca said sadly. "You deserve better. That's it, that's my reason. When you told me that if I left and I wouldn't get a third chance I realized you don't deserve this. And I don't deserve you. It took me far to long to discover. I mean you're perfect Chlo. I'm a hot mess and dragged you into my selfishness and childishness. But just know I love you... and a part of me always will... that's all. You won't have to deal with me again. So bye..."
    I broke down all over again. This dumb video proves that she deserves me. She was being mature by doing this. She needs to come back. I need her to survive. I can't get by without her. How could she film this and then just up and leave me again?!
     "What the hell?!" I yell ripping out my earbuds. I forget Aubrey was there.
     "What happened? What was on the disk?" Aubrey asks.
     "It's her confessing her fucking love for me!" I yell as hot tears stream down her face. "She's never gonna come back Bree... I lost her forever!"
     "I'm... I'm so sorry." Aubrey says pulling me into a hug.
"I... I need to go to LA. I have to convince her to come back." I say with confidence that was short lived. "Who am I kidding? I can't go to LA."
"I'm really sorry Chlo, but she's gone for good this time. She's not coming back." Aubrey finalizes as I let out a sob at the realization.

The End

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