Castle On A Hill - Epilogue

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Chloe's POV (5 years later)
"We should invite her Chlo." Aubrey said writing down the guest list.
"She broke my heart Bree... do you really want to invite her to the wedding." I say bitting my lip in thought.
"Stacie would want her there. They were best friends." Aubrey said concluding my thoughts.
"Just make sure she stays away from me at all times." I mumble as Aubrey happily puts her name on the list.
     "Got it. I'll mail out the invites next week. Just talk to me if you want her off the list." Aubrey smiles and leaves.
     Am I really ready to see the girl who broke my heart?
Becas POV
     I wake up like any normal Saturday morning and check the mail. I black envelope form Aubrey. The question is should I be scared. This is the first time anyone reached out to me since I drove away. Well except for Jesse and Amy. I walk to my kitchen and open the envelope.

September 7 2025
     You have been invited to attend the wedding of Anastasia Mari Conrad and Aubrey Ann Posen (Yes Chloe said it was okay)

     Good for them. And if Chloe's okay with it I definitely want to come. I quickly mark that I'll be attending and send it back out.
     "Baby what was that?" Ava my fiancé asked when I walk back inside.
     "It was a wedding invitation for some of my old friends." I shrug not thinking it was important.
     "Are you going? I mean hardly any of them talk to you." She says grabbing my hand.
     "They still raised me Ava. I'm going to the wedding. You can come but you don't have to." I say getting slightly annoyed.
     "Fine... I'd like to come though. As you said they raised you. I want to meet them." Ava said not really affected by my slight snap. Sadly we fight a lot.
     "Okay." I smile and kiss the side of her head.
     I pull up to my dads house and get out of the car grabbing our bags.
     "So this is where you grew up?" Ava said slightly in awe.
     "Yup. It's not much but it's something." I say leading her inside only to get tackled. "Amy! Amy get off!"
     "But Shawshank, you're here!" Amy said standing up with me still trapped in a hug.
     "Amy put her down." Stacie said giggling causing her to slowly place me down.
     "Thank you Stacie." I say brushing myself off. "Congratulations by the way."
     "Thanks." She said before turning to Ava. "Who's the blonde?"
     "Hi, I'm Ava Zimmerman it's nice to meet you." She smiles extending her hand.
     "And uh how exactly do you know Beca?" Stacie questions circling her.
     "I'm her fiancé..." She trails off slightly scared.
     "F-fiancé?" Chloe asks quietly coming out form a corner.
     "Hey Chlo..." I say softly not able to take my eyes off her.
     "Hi." She smiles softly. "So um we planned to take you to lunch. The rest of the group are waiting at the diner."
     "Great let's go." I smile before finally turning to Ava. "Do you wanna meet everyone now or later?"
     "Now is Fine." She smiles.
     The diner went smoothly. Everyone except Amy and Jesse were surprised that I was engaged. I can't blame them since I'm still surprised myself. I mean I loved Chloe for years. Me and Ava are now sitting on a couch. She was watching a movie while I was writing down random notes on a piece of paper.
     "So... what's up with you and that Chloe girl?" Ava asks breaking the silence.
     "What do you mean? Nothings up." I ask internally panicking.
     "I see the way you look at her... it's like you guys are the ones engaged." She giggles sadly.
     "She and I... were actually engaged... ten years ago." I say quietly looking at my lap. "She was my high school sweetheart but things didn't work out."
     "Oh..." She says quietly. "They can work out though."
     "What do you mean. I'm surprised she even talked to me. I really hurt her." I say sadly.
     "Yeah but she still loves you. It's all in the looks you two exchanged throughout lunch." Ava said standing up. "I'm gonna grab a bus home. I'm not the one you're meant to marry. It's her. You and me both know that."
     Ava went upstairs and grabbed her things. She opened the door but before she could leave I spoke up, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you too."
     "It's fine, really. It just wasn't meant to be. But I do expect you to invite me to your wedding." She smiles. "But I'm not showing up if it's not for you and that redhead. I'll see ya later Beca."
     Then she left and surprisingly enough I felt great. Free even. But the question is how am I going to get Chloe alone and to go out with me. I slept on the question and woke up and instantly went to the wedding. It was put in the field and it was quite lovely. Now we are at an after party. I have my had the chance to talk to chloe... but I think I'm about to. She's sitting in one of the towers of the old castle. I quickly make my way up to her.
     "Hey." I say softly trying not to scare her but she flinched anyway.
     "Hi. What happened to Amelia or whatever?" Chloe asked with a hit of jealousy in her voice.
     "Calm down little green monster." I giggle moving to stand next to her. "We actually broke up yesterday. And it's Ava not Amelia."
     "Well I don't really care what her name is." Chloe shrugs looking at the sunset. "But even if I didn't like her I'm sorry you two broke up. She seemed like she made you happy."
     "Actually we fought... a lot. I was only happy yesterday cause I got to spend time with you." I say smiling nervously. "That's actually why we broke up. The part of me that will always love you was larger than the part that loved her."
     "I'm sorry back up, you called off your engagement because of me." Chloe said with a growing smile when I nod. "And you still love me?" I nod again. "It took you long enough!"
     "I'm sorry what?" I ask turning to face her.
     "Well if I do recall you once said you didn't deserve me." She smirked turning to face me. "But I'm filming the video proved you did. Plus it was a good song."
     "You... you listened to it." I say with my own smile when she nods.
     "By the way... I love you too." She smiles before kissing my cheek. "That was okay right?"
     "No actually it wasn't." I smirk before pulling her into a proper kiss before pulling away. "But that was."
     "Oh my god I forgot how bad your pickup lines are." Chloe mumbles shaking her head
     "They May be bad but you love them." I smile.
     "No, I love you." She smirks before kissing me again.
     That's how my night ended. I watched the sunset over the castle on a hill. With the woman I love. At my best friends wedding. I felt like everything was right with the world... well almost everything. I turned and looked at Chloe.
"Marry me." I say out of the blue.
"What?" Chloe giggles nervously.
"Marry me. Everything feels right for once except the fact we aren't married or even engaged." I say smiling softly.
"Becs we just got back together." She said but smiling none the less.
"So? We were gonna get married before I chickened out. So why not just pick up there?" I say before Chloe's smile widens.
"Okay." She nods.
"Okay?" I ask hopefully.
"Okay." She confirms causing me to smile more of it was possible. "Let's get married Mitchell."
I lean forward and kiss her causing her to giggle. "Why are you giggling?"
"We're getting married!" Chloe exclaims happily.
Now... now everything is right with the world. Now I'm finally home.

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