All These Years...

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Becas POV
Okay Beca calm down. Everything is going to go smoothly between you and Chloe is going to be fine. I mean she kissed you and told you to meet her here. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Chloe walked in and sat across from me.
"Hi." Chloe smiled easily.
"Uh hey." I say mentally cursing myself for being so awkward.
"I made things awkward didn't I?" Chloe asked in an adorable way.
"No. I'm just being awkward like I was on our first date... which happed to be at this same diner... and booth." I say slowly trailing off.
"You... you remember what booth we sat at?" Chloe asked smiling softly.
"Well of course. I actually carved our initials in the table so I wouldn't forget." I say lifting up the napkins revealing the letters. "I just knew you would be something really special to me."
Chloe reared up slightly before smiling. "Well I should probably explain everything that happened yesterday."
"That would be nice, Yeah." I say with a small smile.
"Well at first I was terrified when you kissed me because it felt exactly like it did in high school. But then I realized that was a good thing... it felt just like high school when things were nice and simple. And where you didn't have to worry about public vandalism." Chloe said with a teary chuckle.
"Wow... I can't believe we're really on a date." Chloe smiled slipping into a booth.
"Yeah... it's uh... it's pretty crazy." I say awkwardly sitting across from her.
"No need to be so awkward Becs." She easily smiles. "We were best friends before."
"Yeah... I can calm down a bit." I say taking a deep breath.
Then everything went on as normal. We would have conversations about the kind of hats people wore outside, or how long it would take for the waiters to make a milkshake. It was as if nothing changed yet at the same time everything had. I would often catch myself staring at the way the corner of her eyes would crinkle up whenever she laughed at some weird outfits, or the way she slightly but her lip when she read through her menu. I had no idea how I never noticed these things. They just made her ten times more beautiful. At one point I was staring long enough for it to be noticeable.
"What?" Chloe asked feeling slightly insecure. "Do I have something on my face?"
"No... I just was looking at something really beautiful." I say causing Chloe to blush.
"I'll be right back." Chloe said leaving me alone at the booth.
I fiddle my thumbs as I wait for her to get back. I soon get bored and start messing with the napkins. Then I grab one of the knifes they have and made a heart. I place the knife down and look around trying to find where she went. I got bored once again and drew our initials in the heart. I say a waiter come by our table and quickly converted it with the napkins. A few seconds later Chloe came back.
"Sorry it took so long." Chloe smiles apologetically.
"No worries... you're always worth the wait." I smile making her blush once more. "So have you decided what you wanted to eat?"
"Yeah, I want the chocolate chip pancakes." Chloe smiles.
"Pancakes? Really?" I ask with a small giggle. "Chlo, it's eight pm and you wanna order pancakes?"
"What? They serve twenty-four hour breakfast. It's socially acceptable."
"Oh my god... I'm on a date with a dork."
"Before I have the constant worry I'm gonna wake up the next day and you're gonna be home again. As much as I might hate it I need you. And at first I thought it could just be as friends... it would hurt less if you left again, but I realized I can't do just friends. I've never been able to be just friends. It had to be best friends, or sisters from another mister... hell even wives if we're both still single at 40." Chloe continued seeming to study the table. "But the point is it's never been just friends. I promised myself that one day I'm gonna live in the old house with you. And I plan to keep that promise. I will only live there with you. So I guess what I'm saying is I was scared... but I'm not anymore. So if you want I'm willing to give us another try. And you can have time to think if you ne-"
"Yes." I quickly say cutting her off. "I don't need anytime to think. I knew when I was sixteen that I was gonna be stuck with you. So yes I wanna give us another try."
"You do?" Chloe asks with a small smile slowly becoming larger.
"Definitely." I say causing a giant smile to appear on her face.
"Awes." She says smiling more of at all possible.
"Now I would like to order lunch for my beautiful date, have you decided what you want?" I ask mirroring her smile.
"I'll take the chocolate chip pancakes please." Chloe said slightly holding out the word please.
"I swear that's the only thing you eat from here." I roll my eyes playfully.
"They still have twenty-four hour breakfast. It is still socially acceptable." Chloe defends once again.
"Got it... one stack of chocolate chip pancakes coming up." I smile and flag down the waiter.
We had an amazing meal. Definitely one of the first times in awhile I could sit and eat without forcing it. My smile never left my face. And I managed to notice some of her freckles got lighter and she also got a few more, but she was still beautiful. Before leaving I snapped a picture of the initials on the table and hopped over to Instagram.
After all these years... she's still something special. The first like was Chloe. It gave my stomach butterflies when she finally followed me. And she commented on the post.
     First like! Jk you're pretty special yourself Mitchell 😉. That comment definitely got a rise from the fans. I've been single as long as I've been famous so the speculation of my having a girlfriend is quite exciting for them... hell its even exciting form me. Chloe Beale is one very special girl.

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