First Kiss On A Friday Night

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Becas POV
     "The more time I spend with Chloe, the harder it gets to not try and kiss her." I complain to Stacie in the booth. We're getting breakfast.
     "Then kiss her!" Stacie groans. "You know she likes you still so why don't you go for it?"
      "Because I'm scared, duh." I deadpanned. "What if I get rejected?"
"For the love of god just do it!" Stacie said clearly done with the game. "You are kissing her tonight after you guys are done working on the house for the day."
"You can't just make that choice for me." I try to Barden but the look I got told me otherwise. "Fine... I'll do it."
"Great!" Stacie said in a cheerful tone. "Now start on the house."
"I'm going." I mumble before leaving to pick up Chloe.
     "Hey!" Chloe said with a cheery vice as she gets in my car.
     "Uh hi." I say a little awkwardly.
     "Noooo." Chloe whines. "You can go and get awkward in me now!"
     "Sorry." I mumble before driving out to the house.
     "I'm pooped." We worked a few hours before Chloe decided to call it a day.
     "I say we're good for the day. We got a lot of work done." I say wiping some sweet off of my forehead.
     "Great." She smiles. "Can you give me a ride home?"
     "Oh... of course." I say with a hint of nervousness remembering my earlier talk with Stacie.
     "Awes." Chloe said walking to the car.
    I take a deep breath to cal my nerves and follow her. We sit in silence with soft music playing in the backroad before Chloe spoke up.
     "You've seemed off today. Is something up?" Chloe asked slightly tilting her head.
     "Yeah, but it's not important." I mumble as I pull up to her house.
     "You know you can tell me anything, right Becs?" Chloe says with a concerned look. She called me Becs for the first time in five years.
     "Yeah I know. And I promise I'm fine." I say trying my best to sound convincing.
     "Okay, just checking." She smiles and turns to leave the car.
     "Chloe, wait." I grab her wrist making her face me.
     Before I could even think my lips were on hers. I held them there waiting for her to pull away. When she didn't I decided to be bold and move my lips against hers. The action was soon reciprocated by her. My heart feels like it's beating a million miles a minute. I feel like I'm on cloud 9. It's just like in high school. I ship my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance. Her lips slightly parted and I introduced my tongue. After a few seconds Chloe pulls away looking wide eyed.
     "I... um... I..." That's all she said before turning and leaving the car.
     She practically sprinted inside shutting the door. We were finally becoming friends again and I ruined it. Of course I did. What else would I do? There's no way we can be what we were before. I'm trapped as a friend... or even worse, a stranger.
Chloe's POV
     What the hell just happened?! I shut the door behind me and rest my head against it. Beca kissed me. And I kissed back. I soft sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes. I promised myself we would just be friends this time. We were just gonna have occasional hangouts, no feelings involved, but I just had to go and catch them. I should've pulled away... just like I should've pulled away years ago. I could've avoided so much heart ache.
      We're all sat in a circle around a bottle. This is something we often do when we get drunk. I've kissed almost everyone in the circle except for Aubrey and Beca. Speaking of which it's her turn. Beca spins the bottle and it lands on me. My eyes widen as I look between her and the bottle.
     "Uh okay." She says with her words slightly slurred due to alcohol. "I can kiss Chlo."
     She leans forward and connects our lips. We leave them still for awhile. It's quite awkward kissing your best friend. After a few more seconds lips start moving. I can't tell you whose started first, it all happened so fast. My breath was taken away. We soon pulled away looking rather flustered before I spin the bottle for the next round. Throughout the entire game we would steel glances at each other.
     "Alright, new game." Amy says after awhile. "How about seven minutes in Heaven?"
     "I'm with Amy." Stacie says smiling. "Who's spinning first?"
     "Why not Chloe?" Jesse suggests pointing to me.
     "Alright." I lean forward and spin. It lands on Beca.
     "Alright you two, in the closet." Cynthia says with an evil glint in her eye as she pushes us in.
     For a few moments we just look at each other. I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or me, but I cupped her face and connected our lips. This was the first time I've ever properly made out with someone. I'm not gonna lie I was kinda disappointed when our time was up, but I tried not to show it to much.
     You think I would've felt fireworks when I kissed her that night, with how we dated and all. Hell we were gonna get married. But when I kissed her I felt at complete peace. And I felt it again tonight. It was like I was 15 again. Everything seemed so easy. Now I'm leaning against my front door trying to decide if I should go out with the girl who left me at the alter or stay just friends. The logical answer would be stay friends... but deep down I know I don't want that. What have I gotten myself into?
A/N- I saw a comment on my last chapter asking if I was going to discontinue this book since I started "The One Child Policy" and I thought I would address it here. If you've been around awhile you might have noticed the trend of me having about three books going on at once. My mind can easily get bored of one plot and will need a change of pace. I fully intended on finishing this book before any others started. But my brain started getting bored so I couldn't come up with any ideas. I wanted to be able to finish this story so I quickly started cooking up "The One Child Policy". So for any of you concerned I won't finish this book, or my other one there is no need to worry. They will both be completed. I normally write several stories at once. And if you read through all of that, you are now my favorite <3

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