Already on His Second Wife

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Becas POV
     "So what exactly happened to your face?" My dad asked as he handed me a bag of frozen peas.
     "I ran into Chloe when I was the store." I said lightly pressing it on my cheek. "And before you say anything I know I deserved it."
     "At least you know that much." He said standing and heading over to the stove. "I'm made Mac n Cheese, would you like some?"
     "Yes please." I say grabbing some spoons.
     "Did you run into Amy while you were at the store?" My dad asked as he placed the food in front of us.
     "Yup." I say popping the p. "I gave her that Japanese candy she's always wanted to try... and she got a good laugh."
     "So I'm guessing you've made up with two of your friends?" My dad asked casually.
     "Yeah. I think I'm going to try Jesse next." I say shrugging. "Hopefully he won't be as mad as someone like Aubrey."
     "I think he's pretty over it." My bad agreed. "Oh tell me when you're doing Aubrey. I want to be there to take you to the hospital."
     "Is she really that mad?" I asked pushing around the noodles.
     "Yeah. Her parents had to lock her in her room for a week to stop her from going to LA to kill you." My dad said with a straight face.
     "You're joking... right?" I asked awkwardly laughing.
     "No." He said seriously. "She was very mad. The second she saw a tear roll down Chloe's face she hated you."
     "I'm such on idiot." I say helplessly as I rest my head on the table. "Why did I have to be such a chicken?"
     "Because you love her." He said with a sad smile. "You didn't want anything to happen to her like it did your mom."
     I took a deep breath before sitting up. "I think I'm going to head to bed. Night love you."
     I kissed him on the cheek before running upstairs. I had pretty good taste in middle school. I had a bunch of instruments around and some cool posters. I also had a vision board above my bed and in the center was a picture of me and Chloe. This entire town just keeps on telling me how awful I am. I changed into some shorts and an oversized shirt and slipped into bed. I tried to sleep but I kept on seeing the look on Chloe's face when she saw me. It was a mix of confusion, anger, sadness, and worst of all hurt. I did that to her. I was lost in my thoughts until my alarm went off. Great... another sleepless night.
     "Beca!" I heard my dad call from downstairs.
     I slowly got up before migrating downstairs. My dad was by the door and just outside was Jesse, or as he called himself my lesbro.
     "I see the rumors are true." Jesse smirked.
     "If you're going to punch me just get it over with." I say dramatically.
    "If I punched you, you would be dead." He said stepping inside. "Your small body can't handle that much force."
     "Yeah, last I chevalier I won out last wrestling match." I say crossing my arms with a cocky smirk.
     "Well I'm stronger now so." He casually shrugged. "Now are you going to hug your lesbro or not?"
     I laughed before he pulled me into a hug lifting me off the ground while laughing. He then decided to throw me over his shoulder.
     "Jesse put me down!" I said trying to get out of his grip.
     "Never!" He laughed before running out of the house. "See ya Will!"
     "Just don't kill my daughter Swanson!" My dad called back.
     "Jesse put me down!" I screamed again. "I'm still in pajamas!"
     "Perfect." He said throwing me into the passenger seat of his truck. He handed me a pair of sandals. "Wear these. We're going to the bed and breakfast. We have a lot of catching up to do."
     "I hate you." I grumbled putting the shoes on none the less. "How's Aubrey?"
     "She's good... I think." He said scratching his neck.
     "What do you mean think?" I asked laughing. "Last I checked you two were married."
     "We got a divorce." Jesse shrugged casually. "We're still close though."
     "So you're in wide number three now?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
     "Nope." He said popping the p. "I am just as single as you."
     "Well that's just wonderful." I da sarcastically. "Last time we were both single we almost burnt the town down."
     "It's not my fault we tied during different materials to make some cigarettes." Jesse said with a pointed look. "It was your idea."
     "I was drunk!" I countered. "Never listen to someone when they're drunk."
     "Okay that's fair." Jesse said pulling up to the dinner. "Why did Chloe let us hang out alone?"
     "Easy, because we weren't dating yet." I shrugged as we walked in only to get glares from everyone there. "Uh... hi everybody. Long time no see."
     Several of them just grumbled before going back to there business. We took our seats in our normal booth and the waiter came by soon after.
     "Hello Jesse, what can I get for you today?" She asked with a smile.
     "Just the usual." He casually shrugged. "Becs, what do you want?"
     "Oh no. Sorry we dint serve heart crushers here." The waitress said before  walking away.
     "That's fair." I say quietly. "I'll just take some of your food."
     "Funny." Jesse said with a death glare. "You touch my food and I kill you."
     "You're also the one who dragged me here." I countered. "You're sharing."
     "Fine." He huffed our as the waiter brought out his food. "Thank you."
     She just nodded before leaving. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the plate of pancakes before Jesse started eating. I hopped over to Instagram and quickly added the caption: Best dinner in town. If you ever visit I would highly recommend it. I posted before grabbing my own fork and started eating. I pulled out my phone and saw that Jesse was the first to like the photo fallowed by Emily, Amy, and surprisingly Chloe. Then I saw her comment. I only liked it because the caption was true. Don't get cocky Mitchell. I smirked at the old nickname before Jesse spoke up.
     "We better get going. I have a dat this afternoon and I need to get ready for it." He said slipping out of the booth.
     "Yup. And I still have several people I need to apologize to." I say following Jesse to his car. "Can you drop me off at the park?"
     "Sure thing." He said with a salute before taking off.

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