The Way You Make Me Feel

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Becas POV
It hurts to cry at this point but here I am still sobbing. I'm honestly surprised no one has come into the bathroom yet, or if they have they probably left. I would too.
"Beca?" I hear Stacie call out.
"You can already tell someone is in here." I mumble coming out of the stall wiping my eyes. "Who else would be crying in one of the prettiest places here?"
"Okay fair point." She said playing with her hands. "I Uh... talked to Chloe. I think she heard what you said about her."
"She... she did?" I asked slightly scared as I see Stacie nod. "She wasn't supposed to hear that. Any of it."
"Well I think she forgives you at least a little." Stacie said with a small smile.
"I don't deserve to be forgiven Stacie, don't you get it? I'm supposed to suffer for the rest of my life while Chloe moves on." I say seriously. "She's supposed to find someone worthy of her."
"Beca that person is you. You two were supposed to be perfect for each other." Stacie tried to argue.
     "Exactly... supposed to." I say glumly. "Go hang out with the gang. I'm not in the mood."
     I look myself over in the mirror before leaving. I walk back to the car and grab my guitar from the back without saying a word. My feet went in auto pilot and took me out to the fields. I walked over to the pull house and placed my guitar down in the grass. I looked at it for a moment.
      "I'm not gonna break this promise." I mumble to myself before discarding my leather jacket.
Chloe's POV
     "What did Beca say to you?!" I ask storming into Aubrey's office.
     "I don't know what you're talking about." Aubrey said looking through some papers.
      "Yes you do!" I slightly shout. "What... what did she say to you?"
      "She said a lot. But what I gathered she still loves you and was possibly more broken than you." Aubrey states quietly. "Still is actually."
     "She... she does." I mumble quietly. "I... I have to find her."
     "Don't. She still left you. It doesn't matter if she feels guilty now, she still left." Aubrey said seriously. "She still threw you away like you were nothing."
"But... whenever I look at her I still feel it. The butterflies. You'd think after all these years they would die... especially after what she did but I... but I can't just stop loving her Bree." I say quietly trying not to cry. "And if she's hurting then I can't deal with that. It was easy when I though she didn't feel guilty or anything like that... but know that I know, it's killing me."
"I..." Aubrey was speechless.
"So if you'll excuse me... I'm going to find the love of my life." I say confidently before walking out of her office.
I look around wondering where on earth I was going to start. Perhaps Stacie knows where she might be... but she probably wouldn't want to talk to me after what Beca said. I'll probably be better off searching alone.
Becas POV
I've been at this for about an hour. I've been trying to move the old furniture out of the house so I can start renovations. Chloe said she's dreamed of living in this house, and I promised that would happen one day
... even if it's not with me.
     "Need some help?"
A/N- so... I'm a terrible person. I've kinda lost inspiration for this story. I think I'm gonna discontinue it. I might update it again if I get some ideas but I'm not sure.

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