The Mountain Grass

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Becas POV
     "Need some help?" Chloe asked quietly in attempt to not scare me. Which fail if you were wondering.
     "Oh uh, it's fine. I said I would fix it up, so there is no need for you to help me." I say still determined to move an old couch.
     "You always have to be stubborn, don't you?" She asked sighing before walking over to the other side of the couch.
     "No, I'm not ring stubborn. I'm just keeping one of my many promises." I mumble and I attempt once again to pull it along.
     "Do you intend to keep all your promises?" Chloe asked. I saw something in her face.... maybe hope?
     "That would be ideal." I mumble. "But the chances of that happening are very low."
     "It might be higher than you think." Chloe said almost fearful.
I look at her for a moment. But just a moment before I went back to moving the couch. Chloe went to grab the other end but I refused to let her.
"Why do you still have to be so stubborn? If you don't let me help you're going to break your back." Chloe said with a pointed look.
"I said I was fixing this place up by myself." I say giving the couch another tug.
"Yeah, but that was before you became a city girl." She said very matter of factly before picking up the other end. "Now swallow your pride and let me help."
     "Fine, I'm still doing most of it by myself though." I say with a pointed look.
     Long story short we moved most of the furniture out of the house before deciding to take a break. Chloe yawned and flopped on an old mattress we moved.
     "I'm doing pretty well considering I'm a city girl now." I joke staying upright.
     "I mainly said that to get under your skin." Chloe said with that adorable smile of hers. "And why are you still standing?"
     "I don't feel super tired." I shrug.
     "Nope you need a nice break." She graves my arm and pulled me down on the mattress next to her. "See it feels nice to lay down doesn't it?"
     "I mean... I guess." I say sleepily as I yawn.
     "I'm always right, you should Now this by now." Chloe smiles proudly. "Now I'm gonna take a quick power nap and we can get back to it."
     "I think I'll join you." I mumble, eyelids already getting heavy.
     Before I knew it i was dead to the world.
     "Becs?" Chloe kisses my forehead to make me up. "We definitely took more than a power nap."
     I look around and see we're still in the field. "Chlo? What are you doing?"
    "I'm waking my fiancé up silly." Chloe giggles before pecking my lips. "Now we need to start working on the house again."
     "F-fiancé?" I stutter still confused. "You still hate me though... I hurt you. I ran, I left. I called everything off, all of our plans... my promises."
     Chloe places a general hand on my cheek. "Don't worry Becs. It's still a dream. But it's not the type you'd think. It's more of a... vision. This can happen one day if you play your cards right."
     "I-I don't understand." I say slightly leaning into her touch.
     "Don't think about it to much love. Now come on, we're almost down furnishing our new home." She turned and started walking to what was supposed to be the old house. But it was practically brand new.
     Then the worst possible thing happened. I woke up. There was a familiar weight on my side. I look down and see Chloe's arm around me. I grab my phone and check the time. We've been asleep for about eight hours. I go to move my body away from Chloe's, but her grip tightens.
    "Stay... even for a little. Please." I hear Chloe say softly bringing me closer. "Even if this isn't as it was... it's still something."
     "I'll stay as long as you want."

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