Part one - the break up

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"I care about you so of course I'll get mad when you don't answer all 17 of my calls." Richille yelled at Elliot, this was the third time he was out of the house and coming back at midnight. She was worried about his recent behavior; drinking too much, coming home too late, never being there to spend time with her. It was all so foreboding.

"I can't deal with you right now, you're too much." he scoffs and Richille narrows her eyes; was she a joke to him?

"Well then why are you still dating me?" She pushed, her hands flying around to make her point.

Before he can take a second to answer he says frustrated, "Because I love you."

Richille was taken back by the confession, they have been dating for a year and a half but they haven't ever discussed loving each other because Richille knew she didn't love him. She just didn't.

"Richille." He backtracked when he sees her expression, "I didn't mean to say that I-" she ran out of the kitchen, grabbing her car keys and phone.

She sprints into the car and sighs heavily, starting to drive absent mindedly, that was until she realized she's heading for her best friends house.

She was still driving there when she started calling Jacque, asking her if she can come over

"Hey Richille." her best friend enthusiastically greeted through the phone though Richille was not slightly reciprocal of her joyous mood.

"Can I come over?"

"Of course." Richille hung up and let her music fill up the car once again.

Richille's Point of view
At Jacque's place

I park at her house and get out, mentally preparing myself for the questions. Jacque lives almost forty minutes away from me so I only go over to hers if it's urgent... and this, this is very urgent.

I ring the doorbell then the door is unlocked to reveal my best friend, I've missed her so much, I haven't seen her since... I think only a few days ago actually.

She pulls me inside, embracing me in a hug. I've lived with Elliot for 4 months now; he asked if he would move in with me because he thought it was a great step for our relationship and I agreed even though I knew we were breaking up eventually. But coming back to Jacque's house helps ground me again.

"What happened? Is it Elliot again?"

"Yes but not the same reason" she looks at me confused and I take a deep breath.

"He said he loved me Jacque, can you believe it? I can't, I'm freaking out!" I semi yelled, it was just all overwhelming.

Jacque's Point of view

It's crazy how insecure but confident this girl is in the same exact time.

"Richille can you please calm down." she nodded and sat down on the couch, me following suit.

"You guys have been dating for a long time now so he means what he's saying, Elliot won't just use you Richelle, you know it." I paused and held back all my disapproval, I hate Elliot and I've made that vivid to Richille many times but he hasn't done anything to trigger me so far yet I'm full of sheer suspicion from him. "He's a respectful guy and has been treating you in the best way ever so why can't you accept that he loves you, Richille, you are the sweetest human I've ever met, don't do this to yourself." I conclude and she nods at me with a softened expression, this girl is going to be the death of me.

"Maybe you're right, but after he said it he said that he's sorry and that he didn't mean to say that so does that mean that he loves me or not?" Elliot is nothing if not a douche. And stupid. But I get it, he was scared of rejection.

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