💜C H A T E R N I N E💜

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I open the door and jac storms in, goes upstairs and slaps Noah's leg so he bolts up, what the hell is going on here.
"What's wrong jac?" I ask
"Seriously no comment Noah what the hell were you even thinking, oh wait you weren't thinking" was she jealous?
"Calm down Jacque it was a joke and it keeps fans on the edge" I try to calm her down but I fail miserably and she pushes me "And your supposed to be my best friend not laugh when he's giving the whole world hints that your together" I don't get why she's so mad me and Noah are just friends.
"He wasn't hinting on anything Jacque, it was a harmless joke" she scoffs
"Oh I can count how many times you guys had harmless jokes today" I was so confused I thought she was okay with this.
"Do you know how many times I actually said that he has a girlfriend" I yelled back, she was totally overreacting and I'm not here for it
"Why do we have to stay a secret anyways Noah, do you like Richille or something?"
"What? No of course not, I wanted you to be comfortable with us and I didn't want to rush you at all" she lets a tear fall and gets out.
I look at him confused, "what the hell just happened?" He shrugs and goes downstairs to catch up to her. They need alone time so I just close the door and let them be.

Jacque's Point Of View
I get into my car and just let it out, Noah comes after me and gets into the passenger seat then hugs me from the side and I hug him back letting tears fall.
"What's wrong jac? What was that all about inside?" I tries to wipe my tears but they keep coming down, he wipes it with his thumb and keeps eye contact so i can crack.
"What do you think of me?!" I could see he was takes back a bit but I was determined
"Beautiful, smart, determined, honest, loyal and such an amazing girlfriend but why would you even ask that?"
"And Richille?" He sighs and I let go of contact.
"Babe Are you jealous?" He says realizing it
"Noah Answer me" I say a bit loudly and he looks shocked but decided to go with my question
"Well Richille is my all time best friend and has been since J troupe, but that doesn't mean I like her or would even think of dating her" I smile a bit but decide to argue seeing if he standing his ground.
"she's been your best friend since forever and everyone ships you I mean your chemistry is phenomenal. She an amazing dancer, actor, singer and model so I would be kind of concerned if you don't have a little bit of feelings for her"
"But I don't, Richille has always been my best friend so yes we are definitely comfortable around each other but I would never think of her in any other way and if I did like her why would I keep dating you for 3 years jac, it's because I love you so much and you should already know that but if you don't I'll keep reminding you till forever" i smile through my tears and hug Noah.

Richille's point of view
I woke up next to Noah, he spent the night over yesterday.
I get into the shower and decided to look over at my outfits and what I'll be advertising.
They looked gorgeous and I loved them so much, it was an honor for Glamour to want me on their cover since to be honest This has always been my dream.
After a few looks on instagram I wake up Noah to tell him I'm going out but he hardly even takes in what I'm saying so I just go over there.
Where I live it's really far away from any kind of mall, company, beach or just any place in general but that how I like it. The long drives calm me down.
After I arrive I stare at the place, it was so big but I had to look professional so I keep it on the down low.
"Hey Richie" Emily said and hugged her
"Good morning Em" I said then she gave me my coffee and I thanked her.
"So what am I supposed to do?" I ask
"Well your shoot is over there and I'll just be doing some paperwork over there, okay?" I nod and she send me off, after getting all set up then finishing up make up and stuff I get into the shoot.
The photos:

The photos:

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