🧡C H A P T E R T W E L V E🧡

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I smile widely the second he steps foot in the studio and run up to him while he takes me by surprise and lifts me.
"Oh my god what are you doing here" I ask still happy, I don't think I've ever smiled that much all at once, "well, after losing regionals and the whole losing dance mania thing, I decided that the best thing to do was to be closer to you since we haven't really been so close" I nod and hug him again.
"Okay well that's enough, you might all know Jones from the show Dance mania" everyone gets excited but Ozzy and Kingston groan "seriously the episode was going to come out today, you just spoiled it for us" I laugh and go back to A troupe letting Emily complete her speech.
"Anyways, he will now help me and Michille as it is best to have him on our side with much experience" everyone looks amused with the decision, I look over to Ozzy and see him very unamused, why though? Doesn't he like the show? I guess I'll ask him later.
Emily says to stretch and so I go over to jac, me, her, Ozzy and Kingston always stretch together. Ozzy was in such a bad mood and I was determined that I know why and so I took him to the side and asked him
"What's wrong oz, your distracted and not in a good mood" he doesn't keep eye contact but breaks it almost immediately
"It's nothing Richille" he paused and then asked "but out of curiosity how do you know jones other than the show?" Oh my god I get it now, I intertwine our hands then he looks at me
"Well, he's my long time best friend, like been with me through everything in this world since I was eight" he nods and we just stand like that for a couple of seconds until Jacque fake coughs, very shortly after her and Kingston break out in laughter then Noah comes in. Noah's schedule isn't like ours so he left and came back.

We were doing a plié when I look over at Noah and see him leading us, since we still don't know who the dance captain is, over the room but being in a totally different world, what is up with people not giving there all into dance, do I have to go check up on everyone today?
He says to take five and then I try go over to him, jac of course beats me to it while grabbing ozzy's hand with her. That's really weird, I was about to step in but Noah's face changed fast, what the hell did they tell him, he then laughed again. I am so confused, I decided to stop standing there like an idiot and just go over to them yet of course something has to get in the way. "Listen up everyone" Emily yells loud enough for all of us to hear
"We are going to be assigning all dances today so please be quiet" I go over to jac and Ozzy since Noah stood next to Emily
"The hip hop small group is Jacque, Piper, Davis, Kingston and Henry" we all cheer and I give jac and side hug
"The Lyrical small group consists of summer, Richille, piper, Ozzy, Finn, Jacque" Michelle announces and me and jac hug again, to be featured twice is huge so I'm happy for her, although I am kind of worried that I'm only in one, I can wait there is still the duets and the solo.
"the duet auditions will be tomorrow because today I'll need the solo, anyone who wants it please step forward" she says that me, jac, Henry, summer, Kingston and lily step forward.
"Okay be ready by 1 and come back to studio A, now get back to rehearsals"
I go to Emily and Michelle's office fast and catch up to them "what about the dance captaincy?" I ask hoping they will take auditions so I can prove myself
"We already figured it out" they both smile and look at me, does that mean what I think it means? "You and piper are co-Captains" I smile widely, me and her did a great job last time and we will do a better one this time. I nod eagerly and go over to piper telling her the big news, we hug and I go over to Noah and tell him that I'll lead so he can take jac for a few minutes since I'll take his place and he mentioned telling her something important.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it and let go" I say while they breath heavily, even when marking we all get tired.
"Okay anyone who's going in for the solo please stay, everyone else can leave early" I drink water and stand, we took turns doing a choreographed solo that we think would win nationals and she said that we'll get the results tomorrow. I go over to Ozzy who has been waiting for me the whole time and we start chatting, we were packing our stuff and he was gonna take me home, when we get in the car he starts driving while taking my hand and I just smile and let him but look at the road, blushing hard.

We get home and I insist on him coming in, it was quite late and he was still gonna drive but since the only thing that's near me is the studio I'm gonna make sure he stays over night. I end up sleeping in the middle of the movie while my head was on ozzy's lap, I wake up a bit and feel him stroking my hair, hearing him talk to someone I start guessing it's Noah or Kingston since it sounds like a guy. "Yeah man I think I really like her, I mean it was games at first but I actually like her now" i burry my head in his chest and he noticed "hey Noah I'll talk to you later" "Bye" he hangs up and stands me up straight and I pretend like I just woke up and he chuckles "For an award winning actress you really don't know how to cover up the truth" we laugh and he looks at me,
"What?" I ask confused on why he's looking at me intensely but Very sweetly "you look beautiful" I look downwards
"I was just watching a movie, my hairs a mess, my make up is probably messed up, I have dance clothes on" he cuts me off before I can name another thing and shakes his head
"You look beautiful, no matter the state your in, your naturally gorgeous" I blush a hot shade of pink. We look at each other and I kiss him, we both pull away smiling and keep going with the movie.

The next morning
I wake up in my bed next to Ozzy and yesterday's events come back to me, I smile and look at my phone. "Ozzy get up its 8:30" I yell while getting up fast and starting to go into the dressing room to change "Ozzy you need to get up like right now" he looks around and finally gets what I'm saying and so starts going to my bathroom.

 "Ozzy get up its 8:30" I yell while getting up fast and starting to go into the dressing room to change "Ozzy you need to get up like right now" he looks around and finally gets what I'm saying and so starts going to my bathroom

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I guess fashionably late is a thing.
8:53 AM
We run in the studio when we get pushed back by Emily and Jones "why were you two late?" Emily asks frustrated with us, I look at Ozzy for help and he steps in fast
"I overslept and I was Richille's ride, I'm sorry Emily it won't happen again" I wasn't expecting him to take the blame for it, I expected him to just say there was traffic or anything really.
We get into positions and we start doing the semi finals dance and figuring it out, i let piper take the lead this time since I as a bit distracted by the duets.
"Duets time" Michelle shouts and every two start talking, I go over to Ozzy and he smiles at me, we just go over the lifts one more time and then everyone does it in order for Emily, Michelle and Noah.
Summer and Kenzie first
Me and Ozzy second
Finn and piper third
Lily and Kingston fourth
Davis and Jacque fifth
After finishing it she announces the solo winner.
Thank you for reading!!
This might have a lot of grammar mistakes but I really needed to upload. On another subject, I just made an instagram account, it'll be about The next step mostly and also about any kind of updates and stuff. It's @TheNextStep_1155
Also, Thank you guys so much for 800 reads and 90 votes on this book, it's amazing to know that so many people like to read what I write, Again thank you guys and don't forget to follow me.

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