😈C H A P T E R F I F T E E N😈

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"Something kind of happened, like someone kissed me and I may have kind of I don't know like kissed back a little bit or something" I was avoiding so much telling him the truth, Although he doesn't get angry like any other person would but instead he embraces me in a hug and I cry on his shoulder, how was he so perfect? How can I do that to him? After a minute of crying I wipe my tears, I'm much better now so he talks.

"Richille do you like the person?" I shake my head, I don't like Noah I just don't know why It happened but the answer is anything but liking my childhood best friend.

"Who is it?" I shake my head, I wasn't going to ruin his friendship with Noah, they've been through so much together so I won't want to be the reason they get in the middle of that friendship.

"Richille this isn't optional, you have to tell me"  he tries to stay calm as to not scare me
"I'm sorry but I can't, I don't want to be the reason you lose someone you love in your life" he starts getting angry, or more frustrated
"God damnit, cant you see that if they were really a good friend they wouldn't have kissed my girlfriend?" I look down and wince at his harsh yelling, he's never actually yelled at me

"Richille you have to tell me right now who the hell you kissed" right when he says that Jacque come in crying, not the right time jac but she's my best fiend so I go over to her and then ask her what's wrong.

"Noah said he kissed someone and that he wanted a break to figure everything out" Ozzy comforts jac but thought slowly then connected the dots; I look guilty at them.

"It was Noah? Of all people you could have kissed you kissed Noah? You could have choose any other person in the studio to cheat on me with but you choose Noah." I take a few steps back his words really hurt, I mean I never intended to do that I love Ozzy so much.
"You Richille? Your the one he kissed? What the hell I thought you were my best friend." I run to my car. I can't believe what I just did, this isn't me then what the hell am I doing exactly? I know for a fact that I don't like Noah.
This is why I didn't want us to date inside the group, the stupid rule isn't so stupid now is it Jacque?

I go home and grab my pillow, I start to yell into it. What I did was so stupid, I don't understand how I could even hurt the people I love the most like that. Jacque has been my best friend since I was little like how can I be so stupid.

Before I can beat myself up again I hear a knock on the door and go downstairs getting a surprise onto who was standing in front of me.

Ozzy's Point Of View
I comforted Jacque as she started sobbing into my shoulder, she was comfortable and I didn't want to move her and it wasn't even annoying me in anyway. Of course I'm mad at Richelle but I have to forgive her sooner or later if she tells me the whole truth. It was heartbreaking to see jac like this though and what she did really broke her, I don't like seeing any of them like this, I love them too much but if Richille hurt jac than I'll have to be here for Jacque and Richille can wait. Noah and Jacque dated for years so what Noah did was really hard I can't actually believe Noah of all people would do that, why would he? Does he like Richille?

After a while she lets go and sees the top part of my shirt soaked, she apologizes and I chuckle "it's fine jac, how do you feel now?"
"Horrible, he said he loved me, he literally told me that he though about us getting married, staying under one roof, having kids and so much more concerning our future and then he goes and kisses my best friend. I thought I meant something to him, I want him back so bad" I look at her sympathetically and hug her,  jac has such a beautiful soul and doesn't deserve this at all, she deserves the world.

"Jac I know that this is hard but it shouldn't affect you too much, you should stop thinking about it for a while and then think of what to do later" she nods and I get and get an idea
"How about we both watch a movie together?" She instantly changed her mood and lifts up her head nodding, I smile at her enthusiasm and tell her that She can get some clothes from my house, we get in my car and I start driving to my house, she sat on her phone and hummed to the radio. It was peaceful.
Thank you for reading!!
<>Sorry for the super short chapter and slow updates but school has been getting a lot of my time/ concentration but the holiday is about to come and I'll write more so I can update then.
<>Also can you comment any good books, doesn't have to to be Richozzy or TNS related but just some books to get my inspiration back.
<>Lastly, would you be up for like a one shot book? Like it's open for requests and it's just any kind of inspiration that comes to mind.
Comment your thoughts!

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