‼️C H A P T E R T W E E N T Y‼️

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I guess he knows what he did? I don't know but I miss him badly even if just for a week, we've always been together so this is probably the most I've gone being mad at him, "of course you idiot" I say while laughing through tears and jump on him as we just drift in each other's eyes and he leans and I repeat his movements while he takes me into a kiss;
it's been so long and I've missed him so much.

After a while we both pull away slightly panting and decide to sit down a bit and that turns into talking and well, we don't leave each other's side. It's most pleasurable to be with him again and finally be able to just stand there with him being mine and me his, although he probably doesn't know what me and Ozzy did I want to keep it that way and I don't see why that's a bad idea. I guess we weren't even dating so I didn't even do anything wrong and it was just a moment which seems to be happening a lot.

After a while Ozzy and Richille burst through the door intertwining hands, it's amazing to see Ozzy so happy when he's with Richille and vise versa. They work great together and so do me Noah, I look over at him for a split second seeing he's smiling at them.

Considering rehearsals are over, me and Ozzy get back to a fixed schedule as we had an hour left so we did that while Noah stayed and Richille was doing something in the next steep.
We rehearsed a few times and Noah clapped each time loving it while I laughed at his actions.

Richille's Point Of View
I was sitting in the next steep when Emily calls me and I answer;
"Hi Richille" I smile lightly as I talked to her, I've missed just simple talks with my big sister
"Also I've found a role that would be perfect for you and I've asked them for everything and it's after nationals in Canada"
"Thank you thank you thank you" I keep repeating out of love for her while she laughs hard
"Well, when can I audition?"
"Next week, how about that?"I nod and then realize that it was over phone and hum lightly
"Great I-" she gets interrupted by Riley calling her for the fifth time and I tell her it's fine so we end the call and I check the time

An hour?

I go upstairs seeing as Ozzy and Jacque should have finished their rehearsals which did indeed happen and they were just talking and packing so I came over and I completely ignore Ozzy's existence and brush my shoulder against his (jokingly of course) while I hug jac and the boys laugh while we mirror it slightly rolling our eyes playfully.

"How I've missed this, we've know each other for so long that we let something like this get in between us when we should be must stronger, we have to keep this 5 year relationship between us forever, I don't want to lose you guys" they all nod and I pull them into a group hug.
I've truly missed these humans.

Five hours later
I was just working out an extra hour as I had nothing better to do and hardly had any rehearsals while I was doing that Ozzy came inside, he was staying over and so he just sat himself down and told me to stop working out and do any random move and so I obliged and decided to do a back handspring then went back to normally working out, about a few seconds and minutes later I see a notification coming from my phone as I grab it I see that it was Ozzy mentioning me in his story. It was me right now I just laugh and put it on my story without a comment.

I go back to working out and he later joins me and it turns out into a talking session until I tell him that I have to take a shower.
"I'll come back after I'm done, okay?" He nods
"Take your time babe" he kisses my cheek and I feel a slight blush come over me as I make my way upstairs quickly then take a phone call from Emily saying that I should take the audition on Wednesday and it was Sunday, less than a week but it's fine, I ask her for the part of the script which I should memorize or just know lightly, she send it to me.

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