💓C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N💓

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I run to the parking lot hoping he would be in his car but nothing, I check all over the studio, still nothing but his car is parked.
I tell Noah to look with me and he runs off, when I come to step away Jones hold off my shoulder and speaks.
"Richille what's wrong?" I scoff
"You were about to tell Noah that I used to self harm because my sister committed suicide, which I will remind you that I haven't told anyone about and I'm not ready to expose myself for the people I care about the most who might just see me differently after I do tell them everything" I take in a huge breath, I just shouted the thing I told him to keep to his grave. I get a text, I wasn't gonna stay here with Jones so I turn around to leave but he comes in to kiss me. I, without hesitation, push him off and then slap him of the face hard, looking around making sure no one is here but see Ozzy standing there.
"Ozzy it isn't what it looks like" I cry out
"So he didn't just grab youand you slapped him almost instantly?" I smile and go over them hug him and he hugs back for a second before pulling away from me then going over to Jones and punching him, I gasp and go stand next to Ozzy so he doesn't do anything he'll regret
"You stay here in this studio one more second and I'll tell everyone what the hell you did even if she doesn't want to say anything" I raise an eyebrow looking confused, who is 'she' and what were they talking about? I grab Ozzy away and Jones fixes himself then moves out of the way, I talk to Ozzy calmly
"What was that about?"
"Well he grabbed you and" I interrupt him
"I know that but what were you threatening him with?"
"Nothing, I have a bigger question"
"Which is?"
"Your actually leaving?" I didn't want to even tell him about this possibility, we just got together and I don't want this to end but this whole situation is scaring me.
I shake my head and he spins me around,
"You know, i love you" I say and then immediately realize what I said, I actually don't want to take it back, I feel like this is truly what I wanted when I imagined the person I would say I love you to.
He smiles and kisses me "I love you too".

I throw on some silk pajamas.
Ozzy stayed over but was in the shower so I took this as my chance, as much as I wanted that role i can't leave the team like this and definitely not Ozzy now that we're together. I dial them and they ring twice before a British man, he was the director and who asked me to come and take the role
"Hello darling, thought of it yet?" I take a deep breath in and then speak
"Yes, and I'm sorry to inform you that I will be declining this offer, as tempting as it is I can't leave now" he sighs and replies
"It's fine, have a marvelous day and thank you for considering it" I hang up and Ozzy comes out of the bathroom with some sweatpants on and hugs me then kisses my cheek, I guess he saw that I was disappointed.
"What's wrong?"
"I declined, like it's never happening" he looks at me apologetically, was this the right decision? How would I know if I never took the next option. I lay in bed and Oz puts on a movie then lays down with me, I suddenly start tearing up. What is up with me and crying lately? I should not cry, this isn't something I do and I won't start now, I wipe my tears making it not very visible.

Next morning
We had dance so I woke up and got ready then woke Ozzy up, he got ready faster since he showered yesterday and waited Downstairs

I went downstairs and got a text from Noah asking to pick me up but I declineAfter getting in the car me and Ozzy talk about random things till arriving

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I went downstairs and got a text from Noah asking to pick me up but I decline
After getting in the car me and Ozzy talk about random things till arriving.

Noah was supposed to be here early but he wasn't here so me and piper just took everyone through all dances.
Jones left and didn't give anyone an explanation but of course Ozzy smirked knowing the news and I nudged him, he laughs. It was until Noah came an hour late that I was mad, he said he could come pick me up so that means he was ready, so why the hell is he late? I go over to him and he's a literal mess, whatever happened to him I have to help him because this can't be good.
I tell piper to lead and ask Emily and Michelle to leave fast in order to fix Noah up and they agree, I filled Emily in and she was proud of my decision but also said that she was never mad at me (hard to believe).
He had cuts all over his face and his nose was bleeding bad, I start soften and give him a 'talk to me' look as I apply the alcohol to the cuts and he doesn't even flinch but sighs
"Please don't ask"
"I have to know Noah"
"Well, he was literally taking trash about you"
"Seriously?" He nods and I touch his shoulder slightly
"Being a dancer, actor, singer and influencer I know hate, I get a lot of that but I would never hurt one of them" he shakes his head fast
"No, he didn't even know you" I tilt my head
"Like the huge billboard of you thats on the way here" they put up a billboard of me on tour but still didn't take it down till now and that was a few months ago "he kept saying how he never even heard of you and how you had a bad body, you hair color wasn't really blond and it was just a mistake" I look at him shocked, I mean I didn't know that some people hated me that much. I shook it off and clapped my hands together as I finished.
"Sorry but not an excuse, I don't give a damn what he thinks of me and you should know that so thank you but don't ever do something stupid like this" he shakes his head and I groan, what was it this time?
"You know, I stormed out of the studio that day because I wanted you for the duet but Jones didn't?"
"I didn't actually, but thank you" I laugh and look up at him "for always having my back, I can't thank you enough" he leans in and I stand back not knowing what he was doing and ask "Noah what are you" he cut me off by connecting us and I pause for a second but pull away once I hear a flash go off and pull away understanding what happening now.
I see a flash go off but when I turn around someone had already ran away and I just curse under my breath, everyone knew me and Ozzy were together, why didn't I pull away earlier?
I go back and find him filling his locker up but I stop him, "what was that?"
"You didn't pull away" he says defending himself 
"Seriously, I didn't even know what you were gonna do and your dating Jacque Noah you can't just do" I pause to find the right words to describe what that was but fail "whatever the hell that was" I push him off and run away to studio one.
Even though I didn't kiss back I felt so bad

20 minutes later
I've been sitting down thinking, I get up and start dancing to 'welcome to wonderland' it's not really my style but this is lyrical and I'm not the best at it so I try to dance but then drop to the floor crying and holding my head in my knees.
I hear footsteps and see Ozzy, I quickly wipe my tears; my guilt has to pause for a bit.
He comes in and hugs me immediately, I look at him confused but hug him back, his touch is so soothing and I never wanted to let his embrace go.
"What's wrong?" He asks and I shake my head
"Nothing, why would you say that?"
"Your running makeup? You not being in the studio for an hour? May be the fact that you fiddling with your fingers?"
"Promise not to get mad?" he looks at me with a 'be more specific' look
"Just promise me"
"Fine I promise" he says laughing a bit and I take a deep breath before talking.
Thank you for reading!
We all love when I add a half kind of cliffhanger😂
Thank you guys for 1k reads on this book in literally less than 3 weeks, I can't believe this is actually happening. It's amazing to think that I'd did this. Thank you for all your endless support and I hope it can keep going, Thank you so much you guys🥺🥰

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