💙C H A P T E R F O U R💙

529 17 1

2 days later
I wake up and looked over to Ozzy's side and saw him gone, I check the time and it was 8 so I do my morning routine then get dressed.

I curl my hair which took about half an hour so I went downstairs and found them having breakfast and sitting on their phones

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I curl my hair which took about half an hour so I went downstairs and found them having breakfast and sitting on their phones.
"Good morning" Noah tells me and the others look up from their food, I go sit next to Ozzy and he gets up so I get confused.
He comes back with a plate in his hand and handed it to me, I guess they made me food too. "Thanks Oz" I offer him a smile and he returns it "anytime".
After eating we all got the bags outside and honestly it's devastating that we're leaving, I loved this weekend so much and everything that we did. I posted some things.
Social media:

Social media:

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I get Into the car and immediately go to the drivers seat

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I get Into the car and immediately go to the drivers seat. They all started laughing while coming my way and I spoke up giggling a bit
"I'm driving for as long as I want, okay oz?" I ask since it's his car and he nods and jac shouts immediately "Shotgun" the boys chuckle and I sit satisfied with the seating arrangements.

Two Hours Into The Car Ride
The boys were sleeping, Noah had earphones plugged in and Ozzy had his head on the back of jac's headset.
"I see the way you look at him" I sigh knowing she's talking about Elliot,
"How can you possibly know that Jacque I haven't seen him in 3 days" she looks at me confused and then explains
"Ozzy is right here" makes more sense
"Right, well I look at him just the way I look at any human being" I say trying to cover up the embarrassing moment
"No you don't Rich you look at him like your sole mate" I laugh
"That's a stretch there isn't it, I mean you know my rules" I have rules if I want to live right and not end up a disappointment to my parents, was who check on me so often and remind me how to be perfect, I can never end up like my sister.
Rule 13: Never ever Date anyone from the gang.

Jac and Noah may have broke that but that was only my personalized rule and isn't directed to anyone also they look so damn adorable together 
"Don't you think it's time to let these high school rules just go, like seriously you were sixteen when you made these" she pauses and and keeps going
"Your older now and what happened to polly wasn't your fault either and you know it, just because she didn't listen to you doesn't mean that you did that to her" I let a tear fall and look behind me fast to see both Noah and Ozzy looking at me.
Jac really messed up this time, they had no idea about what happened that night.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Richille I didn't know they woke up" I park to the side of the driveway and get out of the car. I needed to think and so that's what I was trying to do but Ozzy and Noah would come and check on me and they won't leave me alone, I just go and sit in the drivers seat while looking and Jacque:

"I'm really sorry Richille" Jac says and I just sigh while nodding at her but telling Noah to sit next to me instead
"I thought your okay?" Jac enquirers
"I am but I need a bit of time" she nods once and sits next to Ozzy, she immediately sleeps on the couch back seat with her legs on oz's lap.
"Richille you should know that we're here for you and even if you won't tell us what happened with your sister I still know that you there's a valid reason as to why you won't tell us and I'm not gonna pressure you but I want you to talk to me if you need someone at anytime" I smile and glance at him and smile, he returns it gladly and I look back at the road.

After an hour
We were at a gas station so it was time for some coffee, they were sleeping so I just got one for whichever boy will drive.
I go back with my coffee,
"Boys wake up" I kind of whisper and after a few slaps on their chests and punching them Noah gets up so he takes the driver seat and i sit next to him.
We talk for the last two hours, the whole way to Jacque's house since it's the first one, I wake her up and she just kisses Noah's cheek and tells him bye then comes to me while Noah was getting her bag.
"I'm sorry for hurting you Richille" I smile
"I know jac, I love you" I say and Noah comes and gives here her bag.
"I love you too Richie" she kisses my cheek and just waves.
We both get in the car and see that Ozzy already woke up.
"Good morning sunshine" Noah jokes and we all laugh hard while Noah drives.
"Hope you slept well" he groans and I giggle
"Jac literally took the couch" me and Noah laugh.
We drop Noah off and then Ozzy comes and drives me home and I wave goodbye to him.
It was 2 AM and I was tired so I just threw my bag and went to my room only to find Elliot kissing this girl, I honestly don't care.
"Oh my god Richille I'm so sorry I didn't know you'd come this late" I laugh a bit
"It's fine just please do this another day because I'm tired" he nods and shows the girl out, she gives me a dirty look but I glare at her.

I go to sleep instantly.

Thank you for reading!! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm sorry that it's short but I'll update tomorrow.

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