🙃C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N🙃

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"Summer, congratulations" Emily announces then I scoff, I mean summer is an okay dancer I'm not mad about that but I deserve that spot, I've been practicing non stop since Noah told me and I don't even get it! I have to get into the duet with Ozzy, it'll be both satisfactory and enjoyable. I get to Ozzy and start talking and asking him about last minute choreography for the finals dance which I will reveal to the team later on, Emily and Michelle come out but Noah storms out of the next step, what happened?
"We have decided on the duets" Emily says and Michelle beats her into saying it

Third person
"So, Noah what did you think?" Michille asked as he was the choreographer and had the most say in this. "Ozzy was amazing and Richille was fantastic, their flips, technique and even lifts" Noah says enthusiastically but Jones jumped in fast "But if you pay attention, Richille didn't really show much emotion into the dance and she didn't capture the moment, she was just dancing not dancing with emotions unlike, let's say Jacque or summer" Both studio heads nod and Noah looks at Jones laughing
"your joking, right?" He pauses "Richille is the best fit for this duet, she's only been added to one featured dance and she deserves more than just one" Jones fires back harder
"I know that but she can't really win if she doesn't let the judges feel what she's feeling, now can she?" Noah sighs deeply and keeps quite while thinking
"It's settled, Jacque and Ozzy" Michelle decides and Noah storms out.

Present time
Richille's Point Of View
"Ozzy" my face lights up for that second before Michelle keeps going "and Jacque" Ozzy smiles and hugs jac, what? They kicked me out of duet? I can't believe it, I'm happy for my two best friends but why.

Ozzy's Point Of View
I see Richille trying to be strong for us and supportive but I can tell how much she wanted this duet and as much as I love jac, I'd rather be with Richille on this one but then again Jacque isn't bad at all, me and her dancing together is actually very interesting.

At the end of the day
I catch up with Richille, I wanted to take her home and talk to her and since rehearsals didn't run so late I have time to go home.
I was walking up to her when I hear her on the phone with someone;
"Thank you so much"
"England?" What did she mean by England?
"I thought that the movie was to be shot right here" was she planning on leaving?
"I'll come back to you in a bit" she hangs up and comes to call someone else but I touch he shoulder and she jumps then looks at me.

Richille's Point Of View
I can't believe he might have heard something, I can't have him think anything is interfering with dance or else Emily will kick me off A troupe.
"Oh, hi Ozzy"
"I wanted to take you home" he says and I nod, it's not like I have a ride

"So how much did you hear?" I ask him while in the car, he lowers the Song
"Honestly?" I nod, music playing in the background making the mood even more tense

"And I hope it hurts like hell
And I hope it hurts like hell
You shoulda never let me go"

"All of it" I sigh and look up at him hoping he would be able to get it, so desperately wanting him to be understanding of my situation "were you really going to leave to England?"
"I'm not sure Oz, I just got the call today and I still have to tell Emily but I don't know how to do that, she booked me this role thinking it would be here and will start in a few months which will give us time for it to be after nationals but she's going to freak out, they want me to be the leading role and I loved the script, or at least what I was aloud to read. It was absolutely beautiful and the movie had meaning. I want to say yes but I also can't leave the team behind" I take a breath and keep going, by now tears coming down and Ozzy was parking in front of my house
"I don't want to abandon the team but on the other hand apparently Emily doesn't think I'm good enough to be a soloist and she even took me off the duet, do you know how I felt when I found out that my own studio head, agent and supposed to be sister doesn't believe in me? I thought I would at least get into the duet because of our chemistry but even that I didn't get and instead got taken of it" I wipe my tears and calm down and let a deep breath go, it was hard and I was really mad at myself for crying but I can't hold it, Ozzy makes me feel safe too.
"How about we go inside?" I ask after Ozzy was still there speechless, I wanted to know any kind of comment but I also knew he was comprehending what I just said, he nods and close his car up.

When we sit down he gets ahold of my hand "Richille you can't get mad at Emily at any of the things she's done, she's trying to do what's the best for the team and even though I don't agree that's this is it she's the studio head and it doesn't mean that she doesn't believe in you, I know for a fact that if anyone cares about you like a sister it's Emily and nothing can change that. As for the role, you have to tell her if your considering taking it and talk to her as Someone who helps you with movies, premieres, tours and everything like that and not your studio head who is gonna think of nationals, you have to tell her to tell you her opinion as your agent." I smile and hug him, after a bit I let go and he kisses me, i was so lucky to have him in my life and he truly makes me happy all the time.
"Richille, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I squealed a bit and hugged him instantly, then nodded and kissed him again.
I tell him to stay over which he does and we sleep but remember to keep the phones on the highest sound for the alarms, not gonna repeat the same mistake.
I can't believe I'm now officially dating Ozzy.

Two weeks later
I get up from next to jac, she stayed over yesterday after her and Noah's date because she wanted to tell me everything in person and show me the promise ring he got her. It was beautiful that Noah did that, Noah doesn't really show a soft side of himself often and it's amazing that he only does it with Jacque.
I get up and get dressed, I still didn't tell Emily about the offer but I have to tell her today since they told me that I had to either decline of accept by the end of the day.
It was a Saturday so I was going to go over to the studio for some extra practice because I get that in every two days we get off, Michelle gets to choose any two days we get off every week and their always random but go on because of her schedule and if she thinks that that's what's best.

I add some shorts because no one will be there and get in my car, my sister left a few days ago because her time here was done so I can finally use my car again

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I add some shorts because no one will be there and get in my car, my sister left a few days ago because her time here was done so I can finally use my car again.
I get there and go to Emily and Michelle's office tomorrow tell them everything but stop in my tracks and hear 2 people talking, one which sounded like Noah and the other wasn't really clear "her sister was all she ever talked about really, she would blame herself non stop and once she even started to" I wasn't gonna let Jones tell Noah everything, he is the only one who know that much information other than Jacque so I step in fast and act as if I'm catching my breath so they think I was running. "Hey guys" I say with a fake smile
"Hey Richie" Noah says and comes over to hug me so I return it tighter then I shake Jones's hand, he looks confused.
I can't even believe what he was going to tell Noah right now. I look at Noah only wanting to talk to him right now and ignore Jones.
"Do you know where Michelle and Emily are?"
"There in studio one discussing something" Noah answers and I nod then go but brush my shoulder over Jones and he looks back at me still having no clue what's wrong.
I go to studio one and see both Emily and Michelle hugging, probably got along on something which hardly happens.
"Emily. Michelle." They look at me
"You can practice if you want Richille" Michelle states and I smile but shake my head, honestly they know me way too well
"I was coming here to talk to you"
"Go ahead" Michelle says
"Well I got a role in a huge movie, they offered me the lead role actually" they both look at me proudly, it makes it harder for what's about to come "unfortunately the filming will be done in a week in England and I think im gonna accept" they looked absolutely shocked, Michelle points behind me and I look at Ozzy who steps outside and I sigh but being respectful i stay and they look at me
"Richille your such a beautiful actor and I wouldn't ever want you to give up something you love doing because of the studio, if you think that it's your time to go then go right for it" Michelle says but Emily stays quiet and tells me to come back tomorrow.
That could have went better, and then I remembered Ozzy.
Thank you for reading!!
I'm sorry it's short, I haven't had much inspiration lately but also wanted to post so I guess that this is as good as it gets with the mindset I'm in right now. Tell me what you think of the chapter!!

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